Chapter 1045 Killing Mr. K
After waiting for a while, the hotel staff put Lin Cheng's order outside the door, reminded Lin Cheng, and left.

Putting on a mask and opening the door, Lin Cheng saw his lunch on the shelf outside the door.

The taste of the noodles is okay, if you don't consider the price.

And the portions are smaller than expected.

While eating, Lin Cheng went online to find out about the prices in Iceland, and found that he was indeed a staff member who wronged Riot.

Because of strict import controls, Iceland is the place with the highest prices in Europe.

The price level here is far beyond the well-known high-price areas such as Switzerland, Norway and Denmark, and it is even more than 50% higher than the average price in Europe.

According to statistics from the European Union, the average minimum consumption per person for a dinner in Iceland is 43 euros, and Lin Cheng’s meal did not even meet the minimum consumption.

So Lin Cheng decided to order one more dish for dinner and catch up with the lowest level of the locals first.

In fact, those fairies in China who clamor to challenge the living expenses of 10,000 yuan a month should come to Iceland to challenge. According to the difficulty here, they may not be able to survive.

In the afternoon, Lin Cheng nestled in the hotel and watched a movie. If he felt uncomfortable after sitting for a long time, he would do push-ups and other exercises to pass the time.

In the evening, before Lin Cheng could order dinner, the hotel staff delivered the cute poro-shaped cake and Italian sausage pizza that Riot officially prepared for each contestant.

Although Lin Cheng didn't strictly follow the fitness standards to formulate a diet, the calories of these two items were still too high, and Lin Cheng had nearly half of them left.

Just living in such a small space and feeding high-calorie food, these contestants don't know how much they will gain weight after five days.

After dinner, Lin Cheng browsed the live broadcast platform boredly, and found that Jankos was live broadcasting on Mouse Channel, so he clicked in to watch it.

As a result, Xiaoyang didn't do his job properly. He only played one game for half a day and then kept flirting with Korean female anchors.

The effect of Xiao Yang's live broadcast is still very powerful, and Lin Cheng watched it with great interest anyway.

What's even more outrageous is that eating melons eats me.

Xiao Yang asked the female anchor who is the most handsome professional player, and the female anchor sent a photo of Lin Cheng.

It happened to be Lin Cheng's makeup photo taken for Innisfree, and Lin Cheng looked really handsome in a suit and leather shoes.

Lamb slapped the table on the spot: "Brothers, wait a minute, I have to go to the toilet first, it's time to take off my pants... emmm, I need a mobile phone, first save this photo to my mobile phone, I will go back."

After leaving the camera for a while, Xiao Yang moaned angrily outside the camera: "ah~~~nice!"

Immediately, the screen was full of question marks that almost didn't stop the live broadcast room.

The content of the live broadcast made Lin Cheng feel uncomfortable, and he immediately quit the live broadcast room.

Sitting by the window and watching the scenery for a while, Lin Cheng found that the sky was not completely dark until nine o'clock in the evening, it just turned dark blue, and he could still see the streets and pedestrians outside relatively clearly.

He took a picture with his mobile phone. He originally wanted to share this magical scene with his wives, but suddenly remembered that it was six in the morning in Korea, so he didn't bother them anymore.

This is really a novel experience for Lin Cheng. Have you ever seen the sun at nine o'clock in the evening?

Kobe was never seen in Los Angeles.

Moreover, although most of Iceland's territory is outside the Arctic Circle, it is said that Reykjavik will enter a state close to polar day after more than a month, and it is almost impossible to see the darkness in the usual sense.

Although the lack of night is torture for people who have difficulty sleeping, e-sports players have long been accustomed to the reversal of day and night.

And often when sleepiness comes, the players can sleep until noon under the sun of the next day. The fact that the sunshine in Iceland is too long in May does not particularly bother the players.

On the contrary, Lin Cheng was very interested in the so-called polar day.

The final of this MSI is in late May, which is close to the "polar day" in June in Iceland. Lin Cheng really wanted to see what the sun in Iceland looks like in the early morning.

So, you have to reach the finals first, so you don't get eliminated early.

Although Lin Cheng was very swollen when he was making flirtatious remarks, in fact he had never really swelled on the court.

His style of play is rigorous and unwavering, which is what makes his opponents desperate.

On the second day after arriving in Iceland, that is, on April 4, the KT team got the European server super account provided by Riot, and the nucleic acid test results at the airport have also come out.

Unlike last year in Shanghai, after the nucleic acid test at the airport was detected, the Icelandic authorities allowed the players to use the hotel training room. The KT team immediately held a tactical meeting in the training room.

The coaching staff will share the collected version information with the players to discuss the heroes and routines worth noting in the new version.

"Lin Cheng, don't worry about Irelia for RANK these days, you won't be able to get selected in the competition anyway."

"But the coach..."

"You can practice more on the hero Li Qing. Since the last version, Li Qing's stats in ranks have been very good."

"But the coach..."

"There is also Lucian. In the jungle position, there may be an AP role in this MSI. Lucian, as a hero who can swing in the middle and upper, should try his best to practice."

In this way, after discussing the content of the new version, Kang Dongxun also assigned some RANK tasks to the players, and then asked everyone to train in a single row.

Lin Cheng returned to the room with some disappointment. He logged into the European server client and immediately wanted to change the ID to his own Korean server ID, only to find that it had been pre-registered just like the top of the canyon last year.

Simply, Lin Cheng randomly created an ID: ShasiMR.K
Kill Mr. K!

Combining Chinese and English, Lin Cheng will not say who this Mr. K is.

He felt that the coach must not have guessed it.

After changing his ID, Lin Cheng started the European server qualifying competition.

In the first game, Lin Cheng got the blind monk assigned by the coach. This hero was a very popular top laner in the Korean server in the last version. Although Lin Cheng was very salty some time ago, everyone was playing blind monk on 11 and 8. Lin Cheng didn't play many games at all, but he was very familiar with this hero.

In the past, Lin Cheng used the blind monk most often when filling his position in the jungle.

To put it bluntly, he is much more aggressive than Qijiang's foot-picking blind monk Lin Cheng.

In fact, the two skills of the blind monk, QW, have been continuously strengthened before. In version 11.8, the CD of the E skill was reduced by two seconds, which made the blind monk popular in the single lane.

In the early stage, the main E's blind monk pushed the line and exchanged blood very well. It is not worthwhile against the traditional fighters on the road, and this hero is flexible enough.

In the past, many people thought that the blind monk was useless in the later stage, but the main reason was that the blind monk used to be a jungler and couldn't keep up with his economy.

And the current fighter equipment can carry more than the tank equipment, and the single-lane blind monk can really carry, fight and suck, which is completely different from the previous concept.

And no one can deny that this hero has the charm of performing miracles.

At the beginning, King Ning said, "If you think we will lose if we drag it on, I will go up and try it." In fact, it is also a portrayal of the hero Blind Monk.

Even if it is a situation where the economy of [-] is crushed, the blind monk will always retain the ability to turn the tables.

(End of this chapter)

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