This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1058 Double Cultivation Verus

Chapter 1058 Double Cultivation Verus

After Lin Cheng hid in the stone man's grass, he stuck a thread eye on the wall. The next wave of red square soldiers hadn't arrived yet, so he just didn't find this eye.

Because of Qian Jue's backward rhythm, the KT duo made a deep ward after pushing back in the bottom lane. Lin Cheng probably knew that Qian Jue was below.

In 6 minutes, Fudge's Gnar appeared bouncingly in Lin Cheng's field of vision.

Fudge is also very careful, knowing that the pawn line may be in danger under the tower, so he is ready to look at the stone man grass as soon as he leans against the wall.

But he didn't know that Lin Cheng had put his eye on it in advance.

When Gnar intervened, Verus in the grass had already stepped forward and raised the longbow in his hand.

Finding something wrong, Fudge immediately jumped back.

But after all, there was mental calculation and no intention. After Gnar took off, Verus Congren's second general attack had already followed.

Seeing the opponent's movements, Lin Cheng made a big move.

The chain of corruption precisely suppressed the position where Gnar jumped back, and imprisoned Gnar who landed.

The two layers of withering effect on Gnar's body were triggered by the chain of corruption, and Gnar lost a significant amount of HP in an instant.

Lin Cheng activates the active effect of W, and charges up the Q skill while pressing forward.

After imprisoning the opponent, the chain of corruption will continue to superimpose the withering effect on the target. Just when Gnar was about to break free from the imprisoning effect, Verus' piercing arrow arrived.

The three-layer wither effect was detonated by the enhanced Piercing Arrow.

Although Gnar bought two small armors on his body, the improvement of the armor can only resist a little Verus's general attack and Q skill damage.

Varus's big move and wither effect are all magic damage, and the three-layer wither triggered by the fully charged enhanced Q carries a lot of percentage damage.

Gnar was left with blood directly.

The rain of evil spirit arrows fell, and Gnar died suddenly.

Baby: "Gnar is here. He seems to be a little aware of the danger. He looks at the grass first... It's over! He was caught! The damage of level [-] and level [-] is really high, so take one set away."

Huainan: "This is the disadvantage of not having a bone coating! Gnar really needs 7 minutes, level 4, 12 knives! Brother Orange is too cruel!"

The director gave this wave of unremarkable solo kills, and then gave the camera to Fudge's players.

The big North American brother was already autistic, holding his head and rubbing his cheek vigorously, the flesh on his cheek was squeezed into a ball, and the light in his dejected eyes was dimmed.

The barrage filled with distress.

"Brother Chengzi stop! If this continues, no one will play with you (cover your face)"

"It's really catching the dish and beating it to death! Brother Cheng Zi is too ruthless!"

"Tell me a ghost story. Brother Cheng hasn't gone back to replenish the equipment. It will be even more uncomfortable for Gnar later."

"It's so miserable! This brother is going to be beaten and retired!"

"Let's not take this anger anymore, next season Ah P will go and transfer."

"This big brother really played in the middle lane in Oceania before."

Lin Cheng didn't have time to feel sorry for his opponent, so he went home to replenish a wave of equipment.

At this time, Lin Cheng had Goddess Tears + Caulfield's Hammer + Long Sword, and there were more than 800 gold coins left.

Synthetic Demon Sect was short of money, so Lin Cheng simply bought two daggers for his body.

Obviously, Lin Cheng is not going to take the armor-piercing route. Generally, Poke-flow Verus will first put out an armor-piercing armor while stacking tears.

Lin Cheng is preparing to transfer from Demon Sect to AP Verus.

Gnar on the opposite side has already bought two cloth armors, and the subsequent outfits may be mainly physical resistance, and the opponent has a hero like Karma in the lineup, the consumption of armor-piercing Verus may not be very effective in the mid-term .

Lin Cheng actually chose the double cultivation school.

Because Lin Cheng is the master of Q, the ability of Verus to clear the line of Demon Sect first is not bad, and the second Lin Cheng is ready to use Nash. The small-scale collision combat ability in the early stage is also strong enough, and then switch to pure AP to rely on passive hit hurt.

In fact, Verus’s AP builds have always been played, but in the past it was more about the attack speed and special effects of the sheep knife. Now the late stage of AP builds basically does not rely on A people. In the middle and late stages, Verus is prone to sudden death. In team battles, you don't need to level A to stack wither, and you can directly rely on big moves to stack passively.

Of course, the two-piece set of this style of play was not considered weak before, and it hurts if the skill hurts A, but in the later stage, it depends entirely on the hit rate of the big move.

If the big move is not accurate, AP Verus is too easy to die suddenly in the late team battle.

But in this round, the four teammates were all in control, so Lin Cheng didn't have to worry too much about inaccurate shots.

And Gnar has been defeated, Lin Cheng has his reasons for holding back his hat right now.

Lin Cheng's equipment was at a loss in the commentator's eyes.

Wawa: "Brother Chengzi's outfit...why didn't you use the sawtooth dagger first? And what do these two daggers mean? This version doesn't have the attack speed special effect flow Velus either?"

Huainan: "Will you come up with Nash? It can't be rundown + demon sect, right?"

No matter how the outside world looks at it, Gnar is still uncomfortable now anyway.

It has been 7 minutes since the resurrection went online again, and Gnar is still at level 12, with only [-] last hits.

Anyway, Lin Cheng also became a human being, and he didn't call Morgana to come up to bully Little Gnar, and he only used his Q skill to consume it from a long distance while eating Tapi.

Little Peanut took the opportunity to control the first dragon.

It's not that C9 doesn't want to take action against Verus, who is on the road, but Qian Jue himself is stunted. If the fifth-level Qian Jue cooperates with a fifth-level Gnar who has been consumed to half of his health under the tower, he may not go up to send a double kill.

Moreover, Lin Cheng's laning advantage in the top lane turned into an advantage in vision, and he didn't go around the back eye to wind up TP.

In 8 minutes, Little Peanut started the pioneer on time.

The red Fang Ueno has exploded, and C9 has no intention of coming to see this pioneer, and chooses to continue to develop online.

The little Reaper came to the upper half of the area ahead of time, seeing that the opponent had no intention of fighting, the wine barrel swept around the field of vision.

"On the road to Gnar."

At this time, Gnar's anger was about to grow, and the little god of death hesitated.

"Qian Jue's position is not clear, the clockwork still has T, would it be too risky."

"It's okay! Just help me watch over it, I can kill it by myself."

The flash was already healed, Lin Cheng was mainly afraid that Qian Jue would squat backwards when he did it himself.

After all, under normal circumstances, knowing that there are people in the upper half of the opponent, Gnar dares to take the tower offline, and Qian Jue is likely to be nearby.

After Lin Cheng's words fell, the little assistant didn't hesitate anymore, and went around to the red square stone man grass.

No sign of Qian Jue was found.

The line of soldiers just entered the tower.

"Qian Jue is not here, you can do it."

The barrel walked straight out.

The moment he saw the barrel, Gnar's crazy A-pawn was ready to grow bigger.

The wine barrel directly flashes E, triggering aftershocks and starting to lift the tower.

Lin Cheng backhanded the ult chain of corruption, activated W and began to charge the Q skill.

Gnar became bigger, but was imprisoned under the tower and could only touch a wine barrel with W turned on.

Just when Gnar's ultimate move was shot, Verus' arrow shot over.

Even though he had become bigger, the increased blood volume did not become the last straw, and Gnar died suddenly under the tower.

In just over 8 minutes, Fudge was already pressured by Lin Cheng for 50 knives.

 Upstairs is already a fixed-point event, I am!
(End of this chapter)

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