This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1072 Tear!Tear them all up for me!

Chapter 1072 Tear!Tear them all up for me!

Lin Cheng believes that his duty is to make fans feel confident. If he can't bring happiness to fans, then the meaning of his games will be less.

Of course, some KT fans are inflated, but most of them also expressed affirmation to RNG.

Believe in players but don't underestimate opponents too much.

Compared with the inflated atmosphere of the LPL audience in S5, the LCK side is already much more rational.

In the LPL, the Golden Zodiac is the top laner, and Ma Run is the most ranked mid-range.

In the semi-final against Lu Bu, the top three in the LPL must encircle and suppress SKT.

EDG and LGD Berlin Century War, the final is scheduled for the LPL civil war.

Taiwan's AD is Lese, and General Sturgeon is just very good in LPL, and he can easily catch AD with his hands.

Faker's level is average, and he can't even rank in the top five mid laners.

These were all remarks made by the LPL before the S5 World Championship started.

What's ridiculous is that there weren't as many cross-talks as there are today, so most people took these remarks seriously.

In comparison, the swelling of some KT fans is actually understandable.

In South Korea, there are also many LPL fans, and there are also those who support RNG online.

"RNG will win with a 90% probability."

"Go RNG!"

"I've been an RNG fan since 15! Come on! Xiaohu wins the championship!"

"Anyway, the top laners on both sides are Chinese. I would rather Xiaohu win the championship."

"This is not a game representing the national team, what's wrong with cheering for RNG?"

"KT is not an all-Korean class, even if they win, they won't get my approval."

It has to be said that the tunes of Chinese and Korean forums actually have a lot in common. When these remarks spread to the country, all the brothers in Tieba directly called them classics.

We have Han Za and Chinese Za on the opposite side.

I am not alone.

In fact, on Africa Channel, it is commonplace for Korean audiences watching LPL matches to exchange views with LCK audiences.

The Koreans complained that they are middle class, and they complained that the LCK game is boring, and it does not seem to be as intense as the LPL, and neither side can convince the other after a blah blah blah.

And domestically, there are quite a few people who support KT.

Lin Cheng himself has many fans in China. They were expelled from the World Championship last year to support Lin Cheng under the pressure of the entire LPL, and Lin Cheng also responded to the fans' support with the championship.

This time before the MSI game, the domestic oranges made a statement, saying that they will cheer for Lin Cheng at MSI, and don't kidnap them with national righteousness.

Before the expulsion of the nationality warning, the domestic oranges took the lead in drawing a clear line with the LPL.

This operation can be said to be quite coquettish.

This episode was frantically played by the onmyojis during the two-way commentary a few days ago, and I even remembered asking Wanwan on Weibo if I should draw a line with their LPL commentary first.

Response late: It depends on when you plan to issue my nationality, anyway, I still support Brother Chengzi.

As soon as this remark came out, Wan Wan was rushed by RNG fans.

Ze Yuan said in a strange way: too classic and spicy!

That's how he was overwhelmed by RNG fans.

However, Wanwan's situation is much better than that of the big colonel. Many fans of Wanwan and Cheng Zao rushed to the rescue, and Wanwan was not exposed to the firepower of RNG fans alone.

In addition to domestic orange miscellaneous, there are actually many LPL viewers who hate RNG also followed suit.

It can be said that RNG has offended too many people in LPL, and MSI has no other team to sign any unanimous truce agreement with them. At this time, they all jumped out and stood on the opposite side of RNG.

It's not a game between countries, it's just a game between clubs. What's wrong with me supporting KT?
This statement was ridiculed as a Korean classic, but in fact it is not the key to the problem at all, the key is that I think you are not pleasing to the eye, so I want to scold you.

tear!Tear them all up for me!

High-intensity online matches continued to be staged on Weibo forums and post bars.

There was a heated quarrel on the Internet, Lin Cheng checked his mailbox only to find out that Innisfree released a new product yesterday.

According to the contract, Lin Cheng should help promote new products on social media.

Therefore, Lin Cheng copied a small piece of copy prepared by the brand in the email, and sent it to his social account without changing it.

The fans were happy to see it.

We are arguing here, are you still in the mood to bring goods online in the middle of the night?
You know, at this time Iceland time is more than [-]:[-] pm, BJ time is already two o'clock in the morning, and Korean time is already three o'clock.

Some fans who saw Lin Cheng's promotional news were also very entertaining, copied Lin Cheng's delivery news and began to repost it everywhere.

Soon, I saw that the two sides were clearly facing each other on the Internet, and the style of facing each other changed.

"Even if Cheng can overwhelm Xiaohu in a single lane, I think Wei can take advantage of Cheng's opportunity to gank! As long as he catches a wave of Xiaohu, he can counter-press."

"Fart! Let me make a digression first: Innisfree Green Tea Youth Revitalizing and Enjoying Skin Care Set, specially tailored for you who are exquisite and deserve it!"

"Damn? The account was stolen?"

"Let's continue the topic just now..."

This kind of outrageous thing happened in various forums, and the fans used their entertainment spirit to crazily repost Lin Cheng's news about bringing goods, and unintentionally became Innisfree's sailors.

There were not many people in the middle of the night, and the next day things got worse, and all the forums were filled with water-filled advertisements for Innisfree.

One spread ten, ten spread a hundred, everyone found that this kind of unscrupulous reply seemed quite interesting, and even outside the circle, this format of posts appeared inexplicably, which directly caused Yue Shifengyin's new product copy to rush to Weibo hot search.

After the operations manager of Innisfree China figured out what happened, there was only one thought in his mind:
Well worth the money!Lin Cheng is so interesting.

In the past, they spent more money to invite domestic artists to endorse, but they didn't even make a splash. This time, a simple copy of a new product can be searched, which is a surprise from heaven.

Not only is this person a good gamer, but he is also a marketing genius?

In fact, Lin Cheng just read the email and sent it to his social account to complete the task. After sending it, he curled up on the bed and watched TV.

Recently, my wife recommended a Korean drama "The Top Floor" to him, which is said to have a high ratings in Korea.

Lin Cheng glanced at it, the plot was very bloody, but it was indeed worth watching, so he would watch it to pass the time when he had time.

In this way, there are more common topics with the little wife, and it is easier to trick the little wife into bed. (cross out this paragraph)

In this way, there are more common topics with the little wife, which is conducive to promoting emotional communication between the two.

I have to say that many of the plots of Korean dramas are bloody, but it is also a skill to make the plots of bloody things attractive. Lin Cheng saw that four hours had passed.

Just when Lin Cheng was about to rest, he received a voice message from Park Zhiyan.

"What are you doing?"

The urn sounded loudly, as if he hadn't woken up yet.

Lin Cheng didn't bother to type any more, and replied by voice: "Woke up so early?"

He hasn't slept here yet, and it's past seven o'clock in the morning in Seoul time.

"Who told you I was up? Didn't sleep at all."

"Why did you go? You want to be a fairy if you don't sleep?"

"I'm thinking of you~~~~"

Lin Cheng: "..."

Taking the wrong medicine?

(End of this chapter)

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