This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1077 Give Xiaohu Strength

Chapter 1077 Give Xiaohu Strength
In terms of runes, Lin Cheng's Blind Monk chose the main line of Precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Resilience, Perseverance, and the secondary line of Resolute: Skeleton Plating, Recovery.

Even if the opponent is a long-handed hero, the position of the blind monk in the top lane is still a warrior who needs the continuous combat ability provided by the conqueror in team battles.

Although the bone plating of the sub-type is relatively easy to be broken during the laning phase, it is still very suitable for fighting against heroes like Lucian who rely on skills to connect to level A outbreaks, and another rune recovery of the resolute system is also particularly suitable for the blind monk's W skill.

"What did Lin Cheng say, in the early stage, Lu Xi'an wants to press the line, should I go wild and catch it?"

Regarding the open-field route, Little Peanut sought Lin Cheng's opinion.

Anyway, it's good for Lin Cheng to play comfortably. In the training match, Peanut even went up to the first-level open jungle, and he insisted on not brushing the jungle to catch his opponent's top laner and collapse before leaving.

"No need! He can't press my lane, so you should play blue in this game, and let the bottom line press the lane in the early stage."

Entering the game, Lin Cheng went out and bought Dolan Shield + Red Medicine, which is considered to be enough respect for Xiaohu.

If RANK Lin Cheng has already started with Shield Slam + Dolan Sword.

After going out, Lin Cheng went straight to the grass on the upper river, while Little Peanut leaned on the upper river to stop his sight.

In this way, Lin Cheng can be prevented from being pinched left and right like he was facing DFM last time.

It was probably Lin Cheng's mocking face. After the opponents in the group stage saw that DFM had taken advantage of Lin Cheng in the first-level discussion, the coaching staff of the three teams in the second round studied Lin Cheng's first-level position overnight before the match, trying to get a better result from Lin Cheng. Lin Cheng looked for a breakthrough.

However, KT also reacted. In the LCK, Lin Cheng was disgusted by the opponent's various first-level routines, and his coping ability is still very strong.

Lin Cheng now has one goal: to stay at the first level and not send it away!
They were very vigilant, but this time RNG didn't intend to play tricks on Lin Cheng. The rest of the players greeted the KT players across the river in the middle and lower half.

Xiaohu's Lucian ran into the river from the triangle grass and flashed a KT team logo with Lin Cheng.

Reciprocating courtesy, Lin Cheng ran out of the grass in the river, and also lit up an RNG team logo.

Lucian started dancing.

You can't let Xiaohu specialize in the front.

Lin Cheng's blind monk danced along.

Xiaohu showed Li Qing's expression of clasping his fists again.

The expression of the gentleman penguin saluting flashed from the top of the blind monk's head.

The two looked very friendly, and they danced wildly while dancing.

Even when Lin Cheng tried to stand forward while dancing, Xiaohu also leaned over.

Go both ways.

The two face to face and began to dance.

Remember: "Both top laners put up a sign to show friendship, hey! How did you start duorenzhuan? Start posting, right?"

Wanwan was happy: "You can't let Xiaohu dance alone, brother Chengzi is the king of dancing in the canyon! He can make a collection of all kinds of LCK dancing and being caught!"

Cat: "At this time, if anyone comes out first, it will probably be another story."

"Don't stick it! The men's keto team has a real hammer."

"I'm inexplicably looking forward to what's going on when they fight? (funny)"

"Brother Cheng Hedao danced and died in countless scenes, can't you remember the lesson? (Dog head)"

"These two are really coquettish, and they both wore the opponent's logo in advance."

"Do you know why Brother Cheng will wear the RNG logo? Next year, Chengzi will transfer to RNG to play the top laner, and Xiaohu will return to the middle lane."

"This wave! This wave is in Cao Ying's heart."

The two were on the road to show their friendship, but no one turned the table, and each turned around to prepare for a peaceful start.

Lin Cheng went to grab the middle grass ahead of time.

It is very important to stand on the grass in the first wave of short-handed and long-handed. As long as the blind monk stands on the grass first, Lucian will suffer if he is pulled over.

Xiaohu didn't intend to grab the position of the blind monk before the pawn line arrived, and went online behind the pawns.

At the moment when the melee soldiers on both sides spread out, Lin Cheng went straight out and took two A's on the soldiers before turning around and leaning back.

Xiaohu stepped forward to force the position.

The blind monk card twisted left and right outside Lucian's attack range, trying to seduce Lucian to come up first.

Lin Cheng's position is very particular. If Lu Xi'an wants to go up to tie A, he will definitely rely on the melee creeps. It will be a loss to attract all the creeps to hate and exchange blood for Xiaohu.

Therefore, Xiaohu learns Q and wants to wear soldiers and consume them.

But Lin Cheng's snakeskin swayed left and right just to avoid the piercing holy light coming through the soldiers.

Lin Cheng looked at the line of soldiers.

It's a pity that it's not easy for Lu Xian to stand behind the red Fang Xiaobing, otherwise he would just learn the Q skill and go up to carry the line of soldiers to exchange blood.

Lin Cheng was very good at seizing the opportunity. When he couldn't judge the Q, he found that Lu Xi'an had passively shot the minion with two A's. The blind monk immediately stood a little forward, as if he really wanted to mend the minion who happened to be bleeding.

However, he was stuck one step outside Lucian's attack range, looking a little hesitant.

Xiaohu shot subconsciously and fired.

The moment Lu Xian raised his hand, Lin Cheng imitated W and put a film on himself.

W's shield blocked the damage of Lucian's shot.

Although Lucian's position did not cross the blue side's melee minion, but after A shot this shot, he immediately attracted the hatred of all the blue side's minions, and Xiaohu chose to pull away first.

And Lin Cheng saw Lu Xi'an retreating, and continued to press forward to fill up the little soldiers with residual blood, ready to turn around.

At this time, Lin Cheng didn't lose a drop of blood.

W's shield blocks Lucian's basic attack damage, and Bone Plating won't trigger until the shield is broken.

Xiaohu took two steps back and saw that the blind monk was getting more and more angry when he thought about replenishing soldiers. Regardless of the hatred of the soldiers that had not been pulled away, he turned around and forced another general attack to knock out the bone coating of the blind monk.

But during Lucian's delay, the three long-range minions on the blue side made a second general attack, and the melee minions also launched a melee attack.

The blind monk didn't withdraw after being shot, and activated the second stage W to turn around and continue to lower the blood volume of the enemy's soldiers.

And it is impossible for Lucian to continue to go to the blind monk whose bone plating has not disappeared under the attack of the soldiers.

When Xiaohu pulled away the hatred of the soldier, he had already lost a relatively obvious amount of blood.

Remember: "Hey! What's the matter with the camera turning around and going on the road to change blood? How did the long-armed Lucian lose so much?"

Cat: "Xiaohu was dragged! He was hit by the little soldier A so many times! This wave is too rough. Xiaohu shouldn't be in a hurry to get out with the first hit. It was this one that caused Lucian himself to be pulled."

Wanwan: "It should be said that Brother Chengzi did a great job! The use of the details of the pawn line is really beautiful. Although Xiaohu has also played against many first-class top laners in the LPL, but in terms of lane strength, Cheng Zi Brother should be the tallest Xiaohu has encountered since he transferred to the top."

"Xiaohu's Lucian has been manipulated!"

"It's embarrassing, isn't it? Just change the blood commentary and start licking."

"There's nothing wrong with it! Xiaohu can't even beat Niu Bao in lane. Last year, Niu Bao was beaten by Brother Cheng in a fancy way."

"One thing to say, brother Chengzi is really fine."

"Lucian shouldn't have hit that A."

"Okay! Little Tiger A, the game is over."

"Brother Cheng: I heard that the TOP tiger is very fierce? Let me give you strength."

(End of this chapter)

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