Chapter 1079 Tiger's Icelandic Diary ([-])

Cat: "The top line is about to enter the tower. Xiaohu's health is dangerous to be honest, but RNG is very disciplined. Wei doesn't need to show up when he is covering. Olaf should not dare to mess around by himself without Brother Cheng... ···”

Before the words finished, I remember exclaiming: "Hey! E flash! He really messed up! Brother Chengzi is murderous! Cancellation~~~~ Oops! You were killed by a single! And the blind monk is not dead yet?"

Wanwan: "Triumph! It's Triumph saving the old man's life again! In fact, Brother Cheng made money by exchanging Chengzi, but he survived."

"Dansha! General Tiger has fallen!!!"

"Just now I was posting stickers on the river, so I turned my head and made a ruthless attack, right?"

"This is called courtesy before soldiers!"

"Earthquake! Brother Orange unilaterally tore up the "Non-Aggression Pact" and detonated World War I."

"Send! I didn't expect Xiaohu to be solo killed at the first level."

"It's outrageous if you don't change it! Shame! Level [-] was solo killed by jumping over the tower."

"As expected of the owner of the Arc de Triomphe (dog head)"

After winning the first blood, Lin Cheng went back to the city and took out the pickaxe, then saved TP and ran up the road.

As for Xiaohu, it was very miserable. After being resurrected, he didn't have enough money to buy equipment, so Lucian had to TP the first time and come back to eat the tower and go offline.

Wei helped push the line and asked Xiaohu to return to the city as soon as possible to make up an extraction.

There is no way, the line has been cracked, and Lucian can only find a way to develop mining in the early stage.

Xiaohu, who has returned to the lane, is much more stable, and he doesn't want to suppress the blind monk anymore, so he uses his advantage of long hands to concentrate on development.

At this time, Lin Cheng, who had a pickaxe, naturally wanted to find a chance to exchange blood, but Xiaohu didn't give the blind monk a chance to get close to him because he was holding the E position very carefully.

Except for the occasional one-touch exchange of blood, the two sides have not erupted too violent conflicts for the time being.

Just at 5 minutes, Little Peanut passed by the middle lane and prepared to put a little pressure on Galio.

Galio was suppressed by Victor in the early stage because of short hands, and the pawn line advanced to the red side. Just when Cryin lost a wave of skills to clear the line, he accidentally moved and was fainted by the gravity field outside the tower.

Olaf of Little Peanut rushed out from the grass beside the river, and threw his ax over.

Without any hesitation, Cryin handed over the ax that flashed into the tower to avoid Olaf the moment he broke away from the gravity field.

You know, Galio's position is already outside the defense tower, even if the ax is given, it will be difficult to kill.

After all, Victor's skills had just been lost, and Galio was still half-healthed.

He is so steady!
Both Chaowei and Peanut gave a thumbs up.

Remember: "Hey! This dodge? Cryin is a bit too cautious! The damage of these two people is definitely not enough to kill Galio, there is no need to dodge at all."

Cat: "It can only be said that it is a real player. Brother Guo is really as stable as a defensive tower this season. You can press me a little bit, but I'm sorry! I won't give you a chance to catch me."

Wan Wan: "Actually, the main reason is that this wave of KT duo returned to the city first. RNG couldn't judge the opponent's position. Cryin may think that the female tank is also nearby."

The bottom lane KT has the advantage of the line right in the early stage. This wave of blue duo returns to the city to replenish in advance. It is understandable that the middle lane is more stable when RNG knows this information.

After all, once the female tank is really nearby, Galio may die if he flashes again after eating Olaf's axe.

Soon, the blue duo who returned to the city early to replenish a wave reappeared in the bottom lane.

But the RNG duo who returned to the city later parted ways.

Gala goes down, Xiao Ming goes up.

Remember: "Here we come! General Hu started shaking people! Xiao Ming ran up."

Cat: "Olaf walked down the middle lane in front of Galio. He probably didn't realize that the Titans were moving up. Let's see if Brother Orange will give him a chance."

As soon as the words fell, the blind monk on the road took the initiative to find a wave of opportunities to exchange blood.

When he is in an advantage, Lin Cheng will never give up looking for opportunities. The little tiger Lu Xi'an wants to consume his soldiers Q once, and Lin Cheng touches the minion's E skill to capture Lu Xi'an.

The blind monk didn't come out of Q and Xiaohu didn't dare to hand in E to pull back directly. At this time, it is not a good choice to go around the pawn line and fight back. When the blind monk is slowed down by the second stage E, Xiaohu can only bite the bullet and run back.

The blind monk crossed the line of soldiers to catch up with two punches, and then released his Q skill close to his face.

The blind monk's face-to-face Q was hard to hide, and Xiaohu only came out after being hit by Tian Yinbo.

There is nothing to say, Lin Cheng's second-stage Q activation chased and knocked out Lu Xian's blood.

If it wasn't for the distance from the defense tower, Lin Cheng would still have a chance to solo kill after waiting for the skill CD.

At this time, the line of troops was advancing towards the red defense tower again, and Lin Cheng began to shake people.

"Han Wanghao, come here and look for an opportunity to overtake Lu Xian."

However, the people from Xiaohuyao arrived before Peanut.

Just when the blind monk was about to push the line of soldiers into the defense tower, a figure carrying a giant anchor came out from behind the tower.

At the same time, Udyr outcropped in the river behind.

Remember: "Give me a chance! Three guarantees and one guarantee, brother Chengzi should be hard to escape now."

Cat: "They are both shaking people, but Peanut is a step slower. Both Titan and Udyr have flashes, and there is no room for manipulation."

The RNG duo went online at the same speed, and Lin Cheng didn't expect Titans to appear on the road.

After Udyr circled around, Lin Cheng knew that it was difficult for him to escape.

Because Lin Cheng was not willing to use the only accessory eye on his body to defend against ganks, Udyr just caught the opportunity to go around the back.

If only Udyr came to cooperate with Lucian's gank, relying on the accessories on his body, Lin Cheng had a lot of room to maneuver, but it would be different if the Titans also came.

Can't run!
Lin Cheng made a decision in an instant, he wanted to replace Lu Xian by force.

Of course, he made up his mind to change, but he manipulated the blind monk to turn around and run away.

"I can T! Do you want me to T over? But I have no mana."

"Don't T! You push the lane in the middle!"

Chaowei's mana can't finish a set of skills, Lin Cheng decisively dismissed the idea of ​​teammate TP's support.

Taking two steps back, Lin Cheng burrowed into the grass and inserted the jewelry eye behind him.

This ornament caught between the upper grass and the middle grass. Seeing this eye, RNG people subconsciously thought that Lin Cheng wanted to touch his eye and run away.

But Lin Cheng suddenly touched the soldier in front of the tower with W, and at the same time made a move with Q skill.

No one expected that Lin Cheng had a reverse thinking, the blind monk reached out from the grass and made a Q. Although Xiaohu subconsciously turned back to E, Lu Xi'an still got the Tianyinbo when he started sliding.

Lin Cheng instantly activated the second-stage Q.

Xiao Ming next to him didn't react at the first time and flashed blind monk A, so Tai Tan had no choice but to take a hook and try to use the Q skill to interrupt the blind monk's second-stage Q.

But there were too many minions, and the hook was blocked by the blue minions.

Originally, Lucian's blood volume was very low. After taking the damage from Echo Shot, he was directly shot to death by the blind monk with an E skill.

At this time, Titan chose to flash to imprison the blind monk under the tower and ignite it.

Lin Cheng still wanted to run, but he didn't hesitate when he saw Olaf showing his head in the back. Udyr followed up in bear form and slapped the blind monk unconscious in the defense tower.

The blind monk died under the tower.

In the end, it was a one-for-one exchange on the road, and Lin Cheng's goal was achieved.

Of course, Xiaohu was very uncomfortable, and he was the one who was injured again.

Tiger's Icelandic Diary ([-])

Today I faced the world's No. [-] top laner, and he pinned me down at level [-]. I huddled under the tower and called the jungler.

He placed an order to kill me on the tower in front of the jungler.

Then I called in support and jungler.

He single-killed me on the tower in front of the support and jungler.

(End of this chapter)

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