This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1083 The referee pauses once!Let's clean up the ghost first

Chapter 1083 The referee pauses!Let's clean up the ghost first

Playing a 0-for-4 team battle, all KT members gathered in the Dalong Pit and started to fight Dalong.

Just now before RNG grouped up to press the middle tower, they scanned the upper half of the field of vision. At this time, the KT personnel did not have many eyes, so Effort went to the top of the dragon pit to find Udyr's position.

Remember: "If the dragon loses the game, the game is gone! Wei also understands this truth and wants to try it."

Cat: "But how can you grab the dragon pit without vision? And Udyr is two levels behind Olaf, so it's basically impossible to grab the dragon in front of five people."

Just when the dragon was about to lose blood, the female tank found Udyr who was approaching from the red BUFF.

"Kill Udyr first!"

Little Peanut commanded to send someone to kill Udyr.

Lin Cheng W touched the female tank to the wall.

Small cannon W rocket jump launch.

But Mr. Dai was very unlucky, Xiaopao was whipped out of the air by Dalong just as he took off.

The three brothers in the dragon pit couldn't come up, so the blind monk and the female tank could only hold Udyr first.

"We fight dragons! We fight dragons! Hold Udyr down."

"I'm not big, I can't hold back!"

"It's okay! He's blind, and I'm not afraid of punishment if I'm two levels ahead!"

The two on the shore are not big, and it is unrealistic to rely on the damage of the blind monk alone to Udyr in a pure meat outfit. The toughness provided by the mercury shoes allows Udyr to break free from the control of the female tank very quickly.

Lin Cheng's thinking was very clear, knowing that it would be difficult to stop the dodgy Udyr from going down the Dragon Pit, he pinched the Q skill in his hand to death, and when he saw Udyr approaching the Dragon Pit, the blind monk backhanded his Q dragon.

Bearing the beating from the blind monk, Udyr approached the dragon pit with firm steps.

"Second the dragon first! Second the dragon first."

"Save your skills and prepare for the second dragon! Listen to my password."

Little Peanut was engrossed, "1, 2, 3!"

When Peanut counted to two, the blind monk had already activated the second-stage Q and kicked up.

The red Fanglong pit has no vision, and Lin Cheng Q Dalong was just doing insurance.

But I didn't expect Wei to be so decisive.

Seeing the second-stage Q of the blind monk flying towards the dragon pit, Udyr flashed down without hesitation.

Just when the blind monk kicked the big dragon, Little Peanut made a move.

A prompt sounded instantly.

The red side grabbed the baron.

"Han Wanghao! Li Zaigan God and Demon?"

Olaf's E combined with the blind monk's second-stage Q to kill and punish the damage has definitely approached 1600, and the dragon with only [-] HP left should be in KT's pocket.

99% sure to win the dragon, but there was a 1% accident.

Lin Cheng could see clearly.

Little Peanut actually handed over the punishment to Udyr!

Udyr punished the dragon with a backhand that only had less than 400 HP, and then was killed in the dragon pit by the fire.

Remember: "Dragon's blood volume is very low, but there is no vision below... He got it!!! Wei~~~~ He got it! RNG of Immortality! There is still a chance!"

Cat: "Can he get this? How did the blind monk Q + Olaf E get it for Wei? There is no reason to be robbed in this killing line! Didn't Little Peanut pay the punishment? But he has already entered the CD, leading How could two levels of punishment be robbed?"

Wanwan: "Did Olaf punish wrongly? I seem to have seen him punish Udyr?"

Just when the barrage was boiling, the director gave a replay.

Everyone couldn't hold back.

Remember: "Hey! Olaf really handed over the punishment to Udyr? Haha! Little Peanut is too messed up!"

Cat: "Dragon Pit RNG is pitch black. Wei's flash was a gamble with his life, but he won the bet. He happened to catch the big dragon's HP within a fighting range, and Little Peanut gave him face."

Wan Wan: "Luck is on RNG's side! Just now, Xiao Pao didn't get blown away by the big dragon or Xiao Peanut didn't shake his hands. This wave of KT big dragons was very sure, but the accident happened so suddenly."

"Heavenly! I have seen Dalong being robbed for upgrading, but I have never seen it being robbed in this way."

"As expected of you! Peanut Butter!"

"There are eyes! Brother Chengzi has been fooled!"

"This forces international competitions to always like to play at critical moments, which is too outrageous!"

"Brother Cheng: The referee pauses! Let's get rid of the ghost first."

"Tearful eyes! Wei Jue desperately grabs the dragon, RNG is about to collapse!"

"The economy is still [-] behind, turn over a feather."

"The famous commentator Guan Zeyuan said: If you can't get over a big dragon, then grab another one."

"The team battle of RNG is very powerful in the later stage, as long as you hold on, you really have a chance."

The audience felt that the way the dragon was robbed was miraculous, and it would be even more miraculous if they heard KT's in-team voice.

Little Peanut shouted '1, 2, 3! 'Everyone played skills together, but he misplaced the most critical skills.

"Ah~~~ I made a mistake."

Hearing Little Peanut's frustrated words, Lin Cheng, who just subconsciously asked back, didn't say anything.

"Okay! Just throw it away! We still can't lose to the ten big dragons on the opposite side."

Lin Cheng comforted his teammates, and everyone packed up and went back to the city to renew their equipment.

It's already like this, what else can I do?

Do you want to beat Peanut for a while?

Stealing the big dragon just bought a little more time for RNG to develop, and the disadvantage of the red side on the field is still real.

Because Udyr was killed in the dragon grab, KT went out after returning to the city to make up, and went out to easily win the dragon of his own draw.

KT is still operating in a steady and steady situation, controlling the field of vision and compressing the development space of RNG.

At 28 minutes, KT's Dragon Soul Xiaolong is about to be born.

RNG must come out and give it a go.

KT knew the opponent's plan, but he was not in a hurry to occupy the view of the river first. Instead, the blind monk was still leading the lane 20 seconds before the dragon was born.

The rest of the group first pushed a wave of soldiers in the middle and then explored the river.

Lin Cheng sent the pawn line to the high ground and finally handed over the TP.

The wards in the red square wild area were exhausted by RNG, and Lin Cheng T's was the blue square triangle grass.

The dragon refreshes, and RNG pulls the dragon out of the river first.

The four of KT pulled frontally, trying to get Victor to consume first.

Remember: "Fire Dragon Soul can't be let go! RNG must grit its teeth and resist! Olaf has a chance if he doesn't have a big chance. If he survives this wave, there will be more fights."

Cat: "Look at the ownership of Xiaolong. RNG still has to delay to have a chance. The economic difference of delaying to three or four 10 minutes is not so terrible."

Just as everyone in RNG moved to hide from the laser, Lin Cheng's Q skill appeared on Udyr's body.

"Up! I'm up!"

After waiting for a while, Lin Cheng activated the second Q.

Xiao Ming was very focused, and Tai Tan tried to use the hook to hook the blind monk out of the air.

There was a delay in the titan's hooking action, and when the giant anchor flew over, the blind monk was already flying towards Kai'Sa.

The corner reaction is really fast.

He knew that Lin Cheng's first target could not be Udyr, so Kai'Sa activated the E limit overload at the moment when the blind monk was about to make a move.

The E skill has evolved, and Kai'Sa has entered an invisible state.

If the target is lost, the blind monk R cannot go out.

Galio launched a righteous punch, and RNG wanted to focus on the blind monk first.

Lin Cheng didn't care about Kai'Sa anymore, he dodged Zheng Zheng's fist and kicked Lucian.

TOP tiger!You are dead!

(End of this chapter)

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