This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1088 Order! MSI Fastest Game

Chapter 1088 Order! MSI Fastest Game
Soon, after waiting, all members of KT went on stage again to prepare for the game.

In this round, KT was on the red side, and PSG also gave Lin Cheng enough respect on the blue side. The top three BANs directly pressed Daomei, blind monk and Qinggangying.

And KT did not take it lightly, according to the information of the training match, even BAN Thresh, Verus and Crocodile.

As the first game of his match, PSG robbed Udyr very steadily.

In the current version, everyone knows that Morgana and Rambo are the fastest to clear the jungle, but the problem is that these two heroes are very hungry for teammates. At present, very few teams can play these two heroes with good results, so PSG is facing The powerful KT honestly chose the most stable Udyr.

KT took advantage of the trend and took down the mid-field combination of Morgana + Lucian first.

The BP game between the two sides was fierce. While PSG mainly aimed at Lin Cheng's hero selection, it also tried to limit Lucian to the middle.

In the second round, with almost no natural enemies on the field, PSG played the top laner Gnar.

There is no problem with PSG taking this hand, and Gnar, as the top laner, is also a hero that Hanabi is very good at.

In fact, Aoun is the most resistant to pressure in the Hanabi hero pool, but countless games have proved that facing Lin Chengchun is more prone to accidents.

Daomei was banned early, coupled with the second round of BP paving the way, theoretically the counter position on the fifth floor of KT does not have a hero who is particularly good at playing Gnar.

Simply KT finally made up a clockwork for Chaowei.

Clockwork + Morgana is really not a very suitable mid-jungle combination, but in order to make Lin Cheng more comfortable playing, KT still chose to shake Lucian to the top lane.

In this way, KT got the upper middle field of Lucian + Morgana + clockwork.

These three heroes are all popular versions in their respective positions when singled out, but they give people a very strange feeling when they are matched together, and there is not much coordination.

And PSG's upper middle field is Gnar + Udyr + Syndra. The coordination ability of these three heroes is better than that of KT's upper middle field.

Both teams are confirmed.

PSG: Gnar, Udyr, Syndra, Cannon, Female Tank.

KT: Lucian, Morgana, Clockwork, Kai'Sa, Titan.

In terms of the lineup alone, PSG is obviously more three-dimensional, with a solid front row and rich means of starting a team, while KT's team play here depends more on the performance of the players.

Remember: "KT's lineup seems to be a little bit floating. There is only Titans in the front row and only this one can start a stable team. Although it looks like a three-core lineup, it is impossible for a Morgana to keep three people at the same time. "

Cat: "And we all know that the hero Titan is actually very fragile in the late game. I don't think any KT lineup can stand in the late game. If Effort is not good, it will become a direct game."

Wanwan: "Well~~~KT needs to try their best to gain the advantage in the early stage. If they can play the advantage online, it's okay. The main thing is to see how Chengzi plays in this round... It depends on whether Chengzi can order food. Oh! It’s good to say that Lucian has an advantage, but if he plays like Lucian who played Xiaohu last time, it will be very difficult for KT.”

What Wan Wan said made the two Onmyojis unable to hold back.

"Your name is not spicy!"

"Laughing to death! Wan Wan really dares to say it."

"Open Xiaohu while ordering food! Outrageous!"

"But I don't think there's anything wrong with saying it, 23333."

"One thing to say, the little tiger Lucian is just like a clown when facing Brother Cheng, and he is very aggressive in playing wild cards."

"The fans of RNG are not strong, why did Weibo not respond so late?"

"I seriously doubt that Wanwan didn't visit Weibo at all during the show."

"Cherish this moment, you won't see Wanwan next time."

Both sides did not design a routine at the first level, and Lin Cheng also communicated with Peanut about the early strategy while the game started peacefully.

"Let me press harder, Han Wanghao, you just need to swipe up."

"Look at the support on the opposite side, as long as the support doesn't come early, they can't catch me."

Morgana's early GANK ability is not strong, but the opponent Udyr's ability to cooperate with Gnar's online work is also very poor, and Lin Cheng is very aggressive in the early stage.

The little Gnar was very afraid of Lucian, and the first-level Lin Cheng directly grabbed the edge and drove Gnar out of experience. Hanabi was in a situation where he couldn't even smell the experience.

Finally, Gnar had a chance to hear the experience when the pawn line slowly pushed to the front of the tower.

But replenishment is still an extravagant hope. Apart from throwing a dart from a distance, Gnar will be consumed by Lucian if he dares to stand forward.

Udyr is the red opener in the lower half of the area. When the red side has a huge wave of soldiers entering the tower, Udyr just leans over to help Gnar take the line.

However, even though he saw Udyr gazing at the river, Lucian in front of the tower still turned his head and pinched the Q piercing soldier passively, as if not to let Gnar come up to make up the knife.

Lucian was so fierce, Udyr hesitated at the side, but he didn't dare to chase people away physically.

The blue team doesn't have Morgana's location information, so it would be a big deal if Morgana squatted there.

In fact, Morgana had already waited in advance for this wave, so Lin Cheng suppressed Gnar in front of the opponent's jungler.

This is the benefit of clearing the jungle quickly. Lin Cheng will definitely come over if he presses down on the opponent's jungler like this. Little Peanut took advantage of the speed of clearing the jungle by a few seconds ahead of time to come over and prepare to counter-squat.

If the other side dares to make a move, something will happen.

It doesn't matter if you don't do it, Gnar continues to feel uncomfortable.

As a professional player, when River saw Lucian being so arrogant, he would definitely consider that there might be someone behind him.

In the end, Udyr still didn't dare to do it directly, and turned his head in despair to fight the crab that was about to be refreshed.

Little Peanut took the opportunity to get out of sight and got into the grass in the upper river.

"There are no eyes here! Wait for a wave of opportunities."

Little Peanut knew that as long as it wasn't the kind of jungler who didn't follow the routine, he would definitely consider playing the game under normal circumstances.

The river crab is the most coquettish creature in the entire canyon. This newborn river crab was chased by Udyr all the way to the edge of the grass in the upper river.

Lucian disappeared on the road ahead of time, Udyr sensed the danger, and stood at the corner of the Dragon Pit, not daring to get close to the grass in the river.

However, when Lin Cheng went to the river, Little Peanut had already changed positions. At this time, Morgana was crouching outside the red square triangle grass, just across the corner of the river from Udyr.

Lin Cheng stood in the river grass to provide Udyr with a vision, but Udyr didn't know Morgana's location, and he was still on guard against possible dangers in the river grass.

Udyr was waiting for the river crab to turn around, and Peanut's Q on the partition wall had already made a move.

Accurate hit.

Lin Cheng gave the river crab a detailed A in advance when Morgana played Q, and let the river crab enter the punishment line of Xiao Peanut, then Lu Xian stepped forward, the barrel of the gun was stuffed in Udir's mouth, and a set of combo moves came out smoothly .

Because Lin Cheng helped A, and Little Peanut A+ punished the river crab steadily, and Morgana followed Lu Xian to press the position and output.

Although Lucian can't kill Udyr with a set of explosions at this time, Udyr's position is stuck and he can only run down, and Chaowei's clockwork is also approaching the river ahead of time.

In the end, Udyr, who was chased and intercepted, died in the river.

Lin Cheng took a blood.

However, this time Lin Cheng's way of getting first blood is different from the past, from Little Peanut's wild lead to Lin Cheng's online suppression to Chaowei's early support.

The three players in the upper half of KT used their respective matchup rhythms to take the lead and jointly created this first blood.

Remember: "Take the first blood! There is something about this kill. In the past, we saw Brother Cheng take the first blood through detailed operations or cooperate with his teammates, but this first blood feels more like it was created by the tacit understanding of the team. "

Cat: "To put it simply, from God's point of view, we may not be able to design such a first-blood method in advance. I originally thought that it would be a dodge at most, but being caught by a KT player may be the only chance to kill. "

Wan Wan: "PSG is so difficult! Brother Cheng, Lucian's pressure is too strong, and Peanut's matchup rhythm is also ahead of the upper half, and he can't play anymore."

When Lin Cheng got the first blood, Gnar was doomed to go to jail on the road, while Little Peanut rushed to the river without stopping to control Shuanghe Crab.

KT's early rhythm is perfect.

Immediately afterwards, Udyr was resurrected and went straight to the lower half to hit the stone man, and was caught by Effort's vision again.

Lin Cheng made a decisive attack on the road.

Destroyed the opponent's bone plating ahead of time, and saw that Gnar, who was half blooded after the pawn line came out, dared to come over and throw darts, Lin Cheng rode his face and hit it with a set of output.

Although Gnar waited for E at the first time, he did not move too far without avoiding the transparent holy light. Lin Cheng did not hesitate to dodge.

Lucian has a red buff on him.

W mark acceleration + red BUFF to slow down the opponent, Gnar in the canyon theory of relativity is almost unable to walk.

Even though Hanabi flashed and wanted to run at the end, he was successfully caught up by Lucian and completed a solo kill.

There is no way, Lucian exploded too high in the early stage, and Gnar's body is notoriously brittle.

Was single-killed on the road, and Udyr found that the pawn line had a chance to try to catch a wave after finishing the Golem.

River drove to scan and entered the river from his own triangle grass, but did not find KT's vision.

But because the scan was late, he didn't know that KT had noticed his movement from the stone man to the triangle grass in the first place.

Udyr squatted in the river grass for a long time, and Little Peanut also leaned over from the line.

"You can sell it! Xianghao will sell it."

"I have TP to support."

"You don't need support, you should be able to fight."

At this time, the pawn line is in the middle, and Mr. Dai's Kai'Sa has never given the female tank a chance to go first. Effort's titan can't help but go up and use his salary to fill up the knife.

Can only drive to the Titans, PSG chose to act forcefully.

However, the blue side is doomed to explode if it takes action against the Titan.

Effort used the aftershock to eat the first wave of damage, and the anti-hook cannon cooperated with Kai'Sa to output.

The Morgana Q skill in the back is connected to the control to let the small cannon stand, and the black shield is given in time to let the Titan pull away.

The first wave of damage to the PSG staff of the Titans was very embarrassing. Xiaopao handed in a death flash and was ignited and scalded to death, while Udyr, who did not flash, was retained by the Titans who entered the field for the second time.

Although the female tank forcibly swapped out the titan, she was destined to be unable to leave.

This wave of Peanut's anti-squat successfully achieved a one-for-three result.

In this way, Udyr made two shots, causing the two halves of PSG to burst.

Lin Cheng's single-player suppression on the road was actually okay. For the time being, Lucian could only stay online to play with Gnar, while the little Reaper was released early.

After giving priority to pushing the line to make up, Effort wandered to the middle, and forced Syndra's flash again with a hook.

Mr. Dai just let a few soldiers go out during Effort's roaming wave, and he can suppress another wave when Titan comes back to the bottom lane, and then continue to let Effort roam to pick up the rhythm.

This made PSG very uncomfortable, the whole line was pressed, and there was no rhythm at all.

The hero on the road was basically unplayable after being single-killed by the counter, and Lin Cheng didn't show mercy, and started to play all kinds of inappropriate people's crazy faces.

In 6 minutes, Effort suddenly came to the top lane, and cooperated with Morgana to help Lin Chengyue drop Ta Xianar.

Hanabi originally thought that Da Gnar could take a wave of tower offline with peace of mind, but he never expected that the three of KT would come and directly overtake Da Gnar.

The top road has exploded, and PSG handed over the vanguard in 8 minutes.

And the rhythm of this vanguard made PSG even worse.

Lin Cheng was another wave of shakers. Nakano Fu took advantage of the lane change and came to help Lucian push away the remaining blood to go to the first tower, and then the four of KT huddled together and made a round.

Maple's Syndra was tired of defending. He just went to the road to support and ran for nothing. When he came back, he was directly flashed into the tower and hooked by the Titan.

Morgana's ultra-long Q picked it up, and Lucian's holy gun washed his face.

Syndra died suddenly.

Peanut released the pioneer, and the PSG middle tower fell.

Taking advantage of the middle tower pawn line, KT quickly switched lanes and destroyed PSG's bottom outer tower.

So far, the three outer towers of PSG were all broken in 13 minutes.

KT ate all the plating, but PSG didn't even get a layer of taper.

In less than 14 minutes, the economic gap on the court was already [-].

crush!Complete crushing!

With this advantage, KT did not give the opponent the slightest chance.

Press, spin, edge, snowball further.

In 16 minutes, after suddenly capturing the opponent's duo, KT teamed up and destroyed the second tower in the middle of the blue square, and then Peanut released the second pioneer to hit the high ground.

The opponent didn't dare to defend, so Lin Cheng commanded his teammates to escort the vanguard and hit the front tooth tower before preparing to retreat.

But PSG chose to give it a go. At this time, Gnar finally got angry, and TP wanted to go around and keep people.

However, the little assistant who was not confused in this round was too fierce.

Gnar E flashed over and wanted to take a big shot, but was directly predicted by the small assistant to the position where he flashed into the field.

There is a huge gap in equipment, and Danar, who was blown away by the impact of the deep sea, melted directly.

On the other hand, the PSG players originally wanted to start a team with Gnar, but Peanut flashed his big move back and kept three of them.

In the end, KT chased to the front of the front tooth tower and wiped out the opponent at 17 minutes, and then took advantage of the trend to end the game.

The time is fixed at 17 minutes and 32 seconds. This is the fastest game to end this MSI so far.

 The update is late today, but this chapter is almost 4000 words
(End of this chapter)

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