This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1104 The Story of the Cooking Class

Chapter 1104 The Story of the Cooking Class
A wave of solo kills on the road was too thrilling, and the European commentator directly shouted "a generous gift crab" on the spot.

Lin Cheng has not been solo-killed in this MSI, and he was almost about to be broken by the European top laner just now.

For the current top laner, killing Lin Cheng solo is as glorious as killing Faker solo back then, and even killing Lin Cheng solo is much more difficult than killing Faker solo.

To put it in a heart-warming way, it's fine to kill Lin Cheng alone, but it's already great not to be killed by Lin Cheng alone.

In this MSI, Lin Cheng singled out all the top laners he encountered.

Originally, Armut was very stubborn in the confrontation stage. Although he was suppressed by Lin Cheng in the two rounds against KT, he was not solo-killed.

As a result, it was unexpected that in the semi-finals, Armut was still solo-killed by Lin Cheng.

The European commentator, who was still regretful just now, is even more regretful when he thinks of this crop.

These are all champion top laners in their respective divisions, why should Lin Cheng be killed like a pig?

Europe has become the last piece of the puzzle for Lin Cheng's record.

Of course, the other divisions also didn't have any glory as background boards.

The director quickly gave a playback, and the key details that were not discovered just now were captured again.

Zeyuan: "Oh! Brother Cheng just dodged the deadly basic attack with flash! This is too extreme! The blind monk passively increases the attack speed by 40%, and the basic attack is very short-lived, which is stuck by Brother Cheng gone?"

Remember: "This is really amazing! Most of the players we saw trying to dodge to avoid A's eventually turned into flashes of death. Brother Orange has already dodged basic attacks more than once, right?"

Ze Yuan: "It seems to be twice? I remember last year he also had an operation of dodging basic attacks. This reaction is too outrageous!"

Cat: "The reaction is really fast. The main reason is that Brother Cheng has a clear mind. After dodging the basic attack, he immediately came out to pursue the attack. He didn't even think about waiting for the biscuit to reply. Otherwise, the blind monk's E skill and Q skill CD would be easy to operate."

"Damn! This is so much fun."

"Brother Cheng is really calm. I was definitely killed in the flash of death."

"You're not as good as me. I panicked the moment Lan Dun came out, and I'm sure I won't be killed solo."

"Didn't it mean that flash can't dodge A? This guy is out of the game! (Funny)"

"I really doubt that the script is not as good as Brother Chengzi's reaction, it's outrageous."

"Don't doubt it! It's not once or twice that Chengzi brother RANK has been reported by an unknown anchor for cheating."

"Brother Chengzi, who is so handsome, Qinggang Ying, was almost killed, so I don't need to say more about who to buy?"

Lin Cheng played vigorously on the top lane, and the other half of the district also had waves.

At five and a half minutes, the KT duo pushed back in front of the red square tower.

The line of troops entered the tower, and Effort stood on the edge of the defense tower with a mocking expression on his face.

Kaser is also a irascible old man. Riel, who was dismounted, flashed a shot and picked the bull's head behind him, and at the same time, his E skill gave him control.

Defense towers and small cannons began to output bull heads.

Little Reaper had already activated his Q skill when he was picked over, and after waking up from the brief dizziness, the bull head made a W and pushed Ruier to the side of Kai'Sa.

What's a bit of an oolong is that Mr. Dai just happened to make a shot in the air, and Ruier was pushed away by the bull's head.

However, Kai'Sa's Q all hit Riel's body, and the damage from three cluster blades exploded the plasma, making Riel, whose blood volume was not very healthy, into residual blood.

Effort took a bit of damage from the defense tower before pulling away, and found that the small cannon W took off and the bull's head flashed back directly.

The small cannon flashed, and a general attack just ignited the explosion sparks on the bull's head.

The small assistant's flashing position was not cautious enough, and exploded to Kai'Sa next to him with a layer of explosion sparks.

Mr. Dai shot Riel to death, and Xiaopao disposed of the bull's head almost at the same time.

Kai'Sa's blood volume was not good and the ignition was still hanging on her body, so Xiaopao directly sat on W.

Knowing that Kai'Sa has a flash, Carzzy just wants to force a flash.

But Mr. Dai didn't want to dodge at all, and started to fight back on the spot.

Small Cannon's early burst mainly depends on E skill, just having W to sit on it is actually not very powerful, even though Kai'Sa only has a little more than one-third of HP, Small Cannon can't deal with Kai'Sa with three or two basic attacks , on the contrary, there are too many long-range minions on the blue side next to him, and Xiaopao finds that he seems to be a little bit overwhelmed.

The Q skill of Kai'Sa on the opposite side is definitely faster than any skill of Xiaocan.

Carzzy turned to withdraw.

Mr. Dai has already turned on E to speed up the pursuit. After hitting four layers of plasma with one general attack, Kai'Sa followed two steps, decisively flashing to catch up with the basic attack outside the tower, and the layer of plasma is full of layers, and at the same time, it sprinkles Icacia torrential rain.

Mr. Dai scored a double play.

Cat: "Hey! Bot lane Riel flashes back and picks it back. Is this position enough damage?"

Remember: "But it should be difficult to live with the bull's head carrying the tower, and Riel who has no flash is also very dangerous... Hmm? The flash of Effort is a bit embarrassing. Do you still want to be fierce when the two sides exchange small cannons for support? You can't beat it! Xiaobing Too many! Kai'Sa double kill!"

Zeyuan: "No! What is this fight? There are too many mistakes on both sides in this wave, right? One side is AD, and the other side is support."

"Effort first put on a bright expression and was picked up in the tower, but the flash later caused Kai'Sa to be directly blown to half of his blood. This bullhead operation is outrageous."

"Carzzy, this little cannon is even more extreme. How dare you jump into Kai'Sa's face with so many minions without skills? How can the attack power of a Dolan sword on your body be equal to A and kill people now?"

Remember: "In the semi-finals, both sides were a little nervous in the bottom lane. It seems that not every player is as stable as Brother Chengzi."

Zeyuan smiled: "Just now, both sides' top laner operations were very exciting. I thought it was a high-quality match, but I didn't expect that when the camera turned, the two sides began to feed each other."

"However, Mr. Dai is still old-fashioned. There is no panic in this situation. Don't say that ordinary people with this kind of blood may be frightened when they see Xiaopao W sitting on it."

Cat: "Do you think there is such a possibility? It's not that he doesn't want to flash...but he didn't react?"

The three onmyoji laughed on the stage.

"These forced explanations are outrageous, and they bullied my alpaca again."

"Mr. Dai may not have reacted, after all, he is old."

"Mr. Dai's reaction now is really a mystery. Sometimes the thief is quick, and sometimes his face doesn't flash when he walks across the street."

"This is a common problem of the elderly, and Brother Li sometimes does too."

"Isn't Brother Shuizi the same? He will never pay double summons and die suddenly."

"It's different. Others can't react, but Ah Shui wants to save time."

"Cold knowledge: Brother Shuizi Youshan was really beaten to death by Xiaopao, and finally he handed in a flash of death."

"I just want to say, seeing this wave of operations, my rice cooker moved!"

"It's really outrageous to feed each other. Those who don't know think this wave is TT playing UP."

"Cooking class story."

(End of this chapter)

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