This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1109 Chapter 1110 Harmonious family relationship?

Chapter 1109 Chapter 1110 Harmonious family relationship?
Remember: "In this way, we would like to congratulate KT for winning the first game. Generally speaking, this round was relatively easy to win. Although MAD also made a wave of more exciting decisions, it was a pity that they did not have any impact on the situation. Too much impact."

Zeyuan: "Brother Chengzi, Qinggangying still can't play it! In the lane, it always gives people a feeling of being everywhere. A wave of TP support in the early stage of the bot lane made MAD explode, and Rambo in the wild He and the card in the middle lane have also been threatened by Qinggangying, Brother Chengzi just made the opponent feel like playing a horror game."

Cat: "It's still because KT's ability to squeeze the vision is too strong after the advantage. Our God's perspective is fine, but if we change to the MAD player's perspective and look at the map, it will be dark early, and everyone will panic."

After winning the first game, Lin Cheng smiled and waved to the camera before leaving the stage.

"Uncle! Come on, come on!"

"Hey! Hey!"

Seeing Lin Cheng on the screen, the little Enxi girl who was huddled in Han Shuyan's arms immediately regained her spirits and stood up with her buttocks pouted, waving her small fists and bouncing around to support Lin Cheng.

Xiao Tong took out her mobile phone to record Enxi's frisky appearance, and the little girl suddenly became more energetic, shouting and drinking non-stop.

"Be quiet and don't jump around."

Zheng Shiyan warned, the little girl subconsciously turned to look at her mother, but she didn't stand firmly on her feet, and squatted on the floor.

The little girl was unresponsive, sitting on the floor with her big eyes open in a daze.

Han Shuyan quickly reached out and pulled Enxi into her arms, and rubbed her buttocks, "Does Enxi hurt?"

"No pain! Enxi is not afraid of pain."

The little girl poked her neck with determination on her face.

Han Shuyan pinched Enxi's chubby face with a smile, "Our Enxi is the bravest, even braver than Xiaoying."

Immediately, the little girl became embarrassed, buried her head in Han Shuyan's arms and said coyly: "That... Xiaoying should be a little braver."

This small appearance amused all three of them.

"Enxi, come here and give Sister Tong a hug, okay?"


Hearing this, the little girl got up clumsily and threw herself into Xiaotong's arms.

Seeing Enxi shrunk into Xiaotong's arms dangling her short legs in a comfortable look, Han Shuyan pretended to be jealous on purpose, "Ah~~~ Enxi doesn't like Sister Yan? Sister Yan is sad."

Enxi became anxious all of a sudden, and tried to twist her small body to get up again.

"No! Enxi likes Sister Yan."

Xiao Tong hugged Enxi to prevent her from running away, "Then you don't like elder sister Tong? Elder sister Tong will also be sad."

"Ah~~~~ Enxi also likes sister Tong, Enxi... Enxi..."

The little girl had a stupid mouth, she didn't know how to explain it for a while, she clasped her little hands and stamped her feet anxiously.

Then, Enxi looked at her mother for help, and called out aggrievedly: "Mom!"

Enxi's wrinkled face was so cute that the three couldn't help laughing.

Seeing them laughing, the little girl also laughed naively.

Seeing Enxi's smiling face, Han Shuyan inexplicably remembered what Lin Cheng said as a joke.

Build a harmonious family relationship?

After a short intermission, the second game began soon.

MAD came to the blue side, and as expected, Zeyuan did not release Qinggangying again. The top three BANs directly blocked Daomei, Qinggangying and Crocodile.

KT also changed their BP thinking, and the first three hands pressed Thresh, Lucian and blind monk.

The top three picks for both sides are as follows:

Blue side: Varus, Udyr, Clockwork.

Red side: Kai'Sa, Morgana, Zoe.

The blue side continued to disable Gnar and Barrel for the top lane in the second round.

And KT was not polite, and backhanded Armut's best use of Jace and Monkey in the LEC.

In the second round of selection, KT first showed Lin Cheng the captain on the fourth floor of the red square.

The blue team finally locked Luo + poodle with both hands.

Remember: "Isn't it? This is the top poodle! When did Armut learn from Bwipo the top poodle? In the European top laner, Bwipo likes to use the poodle very much. This hero is now playing the unique skill brother."

Cat: "But it must be said that there are not many heroes who are easy to fight against the top lane poodle, and the captain is one! I remember that Brother Cheng used the top lane poodle to fight the captain last year, and the effect was very good."

Remember: "But the problem is that although the hero is restrained, Armut seems to have only played this hero in RANK before. It's hard to say whether it can't play the effect."

Zeyuan: "How do you say that? Do you believe that he can train this hero in two days? At least this top lane poodle is definitely beyond KT's expectations."

Remember: "That's right! Now it is obvious that MAD can't beat KT with the regular lineup. At this time, it must be a surprise victory. Either punch KT toppled, or I will become a clown myself."

Cat: "It's not rough! But I think MAD may have a higher chance of becoming a clown."

The three of them laughed strangely, and saw that the last hero on the red side showed Ivern, and he didn't lock it for a long time.

In the director's shot, Effort, who showed Ivern, smiled happily.

Zeyuan: "It should just be a bright spot. This will definitely not be chosen. There is already Morgana in the jungle."

Cat: "Do you think it's possible for Morgana to be a support? KT started to work hard, and chose Ivern to improve their mentality."

I remember laughing: "That's outrageous! Do you think poodle can't jump high enough? I heard that poodle is not very strong now. If I choose Ivern to help you plant grass on the screen, poodle will become a T0 hero. "

Zeyuan: "Hey~~~~ I think it's okay! Just bet that the poodle jumped too much and died of exhaustion! Or did he sprain his feet by jumping?"

"Outrageous! The three of them started to get weird after a while."

"This sprained foot is really not stretched."

"I really want to see Brother Cheng play top laner Ivern vs. Poodle. The picture must be beautiful."

"Dig your own grave belongs to yes."

"Teammate: Are you trying to force a hero? Ivern: Why is it useless? Didn't the poodle 10-0 rely on me?"

"Is there a duo? I am a poodle, you Ivern, just give me grass. (dog head)"


Of course, Ivern was the little support who came out to play with the opponent's mentality. At the last second, he honestly replaced Ivern with a Titan lock.

The lineups of both sides are as follows:

MAD: Poodle, Udyr, Clockwork, Varus, Lowe.

KT: Captain, Morgana, Zoe, Kai'Sa, Titan.

Zeyuan: "Don't tell me! MAD's lineup is a bit fancy, but it's really good for laning. In theory, all three lines should have a little advantage in the early stage, at least the hero attributes are like this,"

Remember: "And this lineup is not bad for team battles. Verus and Luo can start a team, and the poodle can enter the field with a clockwork ball. This lineup is MAD. It has a design, and KT should be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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