This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 111 Follow in my footsteps, charge!

Chapter 111 Follow in my footsteps, charge!
After Lin Cheng took out Tiamat, he kept pushing the lane, and then went to the red side's upper half of the wild area while the opposite mid lane demon girl appeared.

Although it may not be possible to find the location of the blind monk, as long as you see the spawning situation of the wild monsters, you can make a general judgment, so that Bono's prince will not be ambushed when he ganks in the lower half of the area.

In 8 minutes, the first canyon pioneer was refreshed.

Since Lin Cheng pushed the pawn line under the red square one tower ahead of time, Bono's prince came directly to start the vanguard.

Hanwha has a strong mid-jungle combination of Demon Girl and Blind Monk, and obviously doesn't want to let go of the Canyon Herald easily. Haru immediately sent out a signal after killing the divination flower and found the opponent's movement, and began to call his teammates.

Kuro's Ice Maiden had already settled down ahead of time. Seeing the blind monk looking and looking under the river, Lin Cheng manipulated Kled and walked up swaggeringly.

Even though the enchantress will be here soon, Haru dare not show up when he sees the ice girl behind Kled.

KT is the upper middle, one has two blood vessels, and the other has a big move. It is not suitable for the blind monk to use anyone.

Seeing that Kled came to the grass in the middle of the river, it seemed that Haru felt that it was inappropriate not to do anything, so he sent out a sky sound wave to make a move.

However, the blind monk's Q skill is ridiculously crooked, flying 90 degrees to the top of the screen.

Remember: "Kled's position is very arrogant, the demon girl arrives behind, the blind monk has a chance to kick Kled back, and the Q skill is shot... What is this? This is half of Weishen's reverse Q! Crooked Kind of outrageous."

Cat: "Well~~~ It's intentional. Anyway, if you hit the Q, the blind monk can't beat Kled, but if you don't hit the Q, it's embarrassing to fight. Let's give a Q to warn the opponent not to be too arrogant."

"??? Half God Wei? Good guy!"

"Half of 180 degrees is 90 degrees, no problem."

"Cat Emperor is your mother outrageous, can this be washed?"

Lin Cheng ignored Tian Yinbo's warning from his opponent, and stepped forward in a big way, looking awkward.

Lin Cheng: "Look at me, look at me, if the opponent dares to make a move, I will play with them, and I will fight after I use my first life to gain skills."

The bot lane duo of both sides are leaning towards the upper river respectively, as if a 5V5 battle is about to break out at any time.

Because the prince was stuck with the time to open the vanguard, Bono had already destroyed the vanguard before the personnel from both sides arrived.

The red side weighed it up, and did not choose to block the blue team who had picked up the Pioneer's Eye and was about to retreat.

It seemed that such an aggressive rally was about to end in such an anticlimactic manner.

However, after KT caught the sword demon's upward movement, his teammates signaled that he could keep him, and Lin Cheng opened his big move in the river without saying a word.

Lin Cheng: "Brothers! Follow my footsteps! Charge!"

Kled's charge exclusive BGM sounded in the earphones of all ten people on the field.

The dwarf Klein jumped violently, Skaar curled up under his crotch, and he jumped up and led Klein to charge.

Leaving an acceleration track along the way, Kled rushed from the grass in the middle of the river towards the red Fangyi Tower.

Seeing Lin Cheng's charge trajectory, his teammates were shocked.

Bono: "I told you to keep people, you keep the people in the wild area, why are you rushing to the tower?"

Kuro: "Lin Cheng, be more steady, don't waste your time."

Aiming: "What should I do? I rushed the tower in only 8 minutes? If it blows up, I will be scolded."

"Stop arguing! Just follow me and it's over!"

Lin Cheng was so upset by his teammates' dissuasion that he turned off the volume of his earphones.

At this time, Female Gun and Tarek, who had run for nothing, were about to go back to the bottom lane. After seeing Kled's charge in the grass of the river, they immediately ran towards the direction of the first tower.

Lin Cheng could see clearly that the sword demon was on top, the blind monk and the enchantress were in the wild area, and Tarik was not yet level six at this time.

It just so happened that KT's duo also rushed to the middle lane for the vanguard group that died without a problem.

Then why don't you charge me to the death of the two people who are alone on the opposite side?
As for the defense tower, hasn't the opposite side entered the tower yet?
Skaar took Kled headlong towards the direction of the red square one tower, pointing directly at Tariq who just hadn't entered the tower yet.

Taric released the glare in advance to deal with Kled's charge, but when Kled charged, he would not be interrupted by skills such as the glare. Kled hit him first and then got the stun of the glare.

The female gun shot Kled wildly with AQ in the tower, but unfortunately the duo almost reached level six, the female gun couldn't quickly lower Kled's blood line at all.

After waking up from the dizziness, the shield brought by the big move was broken. Lin Cheng took a step sideways, took a small step to bypass Tarik in front, and EQ rushed to the female gun under the tower.

Da da da·····
Just when Klie was about to pass through the female gun, the female gun handed over the flash and pulled it back, but Lin Cheng's reaction was too fast, and he followed the flash directly when he was prepared.

The female gun behind the defense tower was marked with a contest mark and was also caught by the zipline.

The defensive towers began to attack Lin Cheng.

Kelie waved the long knife in his hand frantically, showing his rage.

One strike, two strikes, the second section of the zipline exploded and decelerated, and at the same time Klein followed up with the third strike and launched a strong attack.

Although he doesn't have the ability to create range AOE, Kled is very scary when he hits the crispy skin. Don't look at Lin Cheng's equipment. Under such circumstances, it is simply not enough to support a set of military punches.

The fourth knife triggers additional damage from the rage, and with the vulnerable effect, the female gun directly becomes residual blood.

At this moment, the enchantress finally entered the arena from the two phantom trails in the F6 pit, and made a move with a golden dog chain.

The third attack from the defensive tower hadn't hit Kret's head yet, Lin Cheng activated and slashed out again before the female gun was pulled away, pressing down on Tiamat.

Tarek, who was carrying the guardian, put on the shield in time, and the Q skill gave the female gun a strong milk, and was not dropped by Kled in seconds.

But at this moment, a golden arc-shaped barrage precisely scraped across, hitting the three people in the red square in the middle, and the female gun suddenly died under the tower.

Aiming's EZ made up for the last bit of damage and sent the opposite female gun to heaven.

Before the female gun died suddenly, the attack of the defense tower just knocked Skaar away.

Kuro's ice girl has been running wildly following the acceleration path left by Kled, and has already entered the arena with her crampons. Just before Lin Cheng was knocked off the horse, Kuro directly flashed W and stopped Tarek and the Enchantress.

When Kled dismounted, he couldn't be selected. Kuro's entry just helped Lin Cheng attract the hatred of the defense tower.

Lin Cheng was overwhelmed with excitement: "You're beautiful, Li Shiheng, whoever calls you a bastard in the future, I'll be the first to say no."

Kuro: "..."

MMP, if I remember correctly, you said it in the interview last time.

Kuro didn't give himself a big move immediately after taking the shot with the Q skill of the tower. He took two steps away and threw the backhand big move Frozen Tomb to the enchantress.

Yao Ji's passivity was directly played out.

Just when Kuro was about to pull off the aggro of the defense tower, Prince Bono flashed into the field, and EQ took the control to blow up the enchantress, and at the same time attracted the aggro of the defense tower.

The prince slammed down with a dragon spear, and Lin Cheng's little Ke Lie had already killed the enchantress with a small pistol, and then drew his knife backhand and slashed at Tariq who was about to run away.

Tarik didn't dodge, and chose to shrink down to the first tower.

Lin Cheng: "Continue to climb the tower! Don't be cowardly! There is another person standing under the opposite tower, which is an insult to us! Let no grass grow under the opposite tower!"

After speaking, Lin Cheng found that the team's voice was quiet.

Only then did he react, and he turned off the volume of his earphones before rushing to the tower.

Turn up the volume quickly, and I heard Tusin yelling: "I will lead the charge!"

What a fucking noise!
Lin Cheng turned off the earphone volume again.

(End of this chapter)

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