This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1116 You Can’t Seriously Play Games With Women

Chapter 1116 You Can’t Seriously Play Games With Women
Although he thinks he doesn't want any face, Lin Cheng feels that he has suffered a big loss by participating in this kind of solo challenge with 150 pings.
Who made Zhiyan herself so naive?
Originally, the older sisters were not interested in the game between the two, but when they heard their inexplicable quarrel, the three hurriedly gathered beside Zhiyan to watch the excitement.

Lin Cheng generously admitted that he was shameless, while Zhiyan clamored to hack Lin Cheng to death.

The two chattered and chatted with each other for a while, and finally started this challenge in the eyes of the sisters watching the show.

"Hey! I haven't shouted to start yet, Park Ji-yeon, are you rushing to attack?"

"Haha! You can't blame me for not paying attention to yourself."

"Come here and give me a knife first, let's play fair."

"I don't! Haha! You can't Q."

"Is this Mundo who is the top laner of the champion? But that's all!"

Jiyeon's giggles are really contagious, and the sisters are inexplicably happy seeing her smile.

Compared with the almost depressed appearance before, Jiyan is much better now.

It's a pity that Lin Cheng lost the first match even though he brought Dolan Shield.

The 150 ping delay still had too much impact, and Lin Cheng was still not quite used to the rhythm of this ping value, and was finally hacked to death by a flying kitchen knife with a slight disadvantage in blood volume.

"Haha! I won! Is Lin Cheng convinced? I won the world championship!"

Jiyeon's voice was so happy that it took off.

"I 150Ping you also feel good?"

Lin Cheng kept his mouth shut, "And my keyboard got wet!"

Zhiyan: "Have you heard a saying?"


"After losing, everything you say is like an excuse."

Lin Cheng: "...Again! Two out of three rounds, I still have a chance."

"Come, come, come!"

So, the two entered the game again and drew their way in Dalongkeng.

"3, 2, 1, start!"

Zhiyan's first Q was a precise hit, while Lin Cheng's first Q was missed.

The impact of 150Ping is really obvious. Lin Cheng felt that his Mundo had pressed the skill for a while before throwing the kitchen knife.

But it doesn't matter, after one game, Lin Cheng has already figured out the reaction time of the 150Ping delay. Lin Cheng turned his head and moved ahead of time before Zhiyan's second Q skill CD, and just avoided Zhiyan's second Q.

Backhand Lin Cheng's Q skill hits accurately.

It was nothing more than the amount given in advance. Once Lin Cheng got used to the rhythm, the operation became smoother.

In the third Q of both sides, Lin Cheng had the upper hand again.

Zhiyan realized something was wrong.

"Hey! How did you take Allie!"

"Why can't you bring Aerie?"

"I don't want to play anymore! You bully people! Tell me about the comet, but you bring Aerie yourself."

"Did I say that? I don't know?"

Lin Cheng started to play tricks, and by the way, another kitchen knife flew over.

Aerie does not have a CD, so Comet will be at a disadvantage if the skill hits frequently, but in fact, unless every Q is hit, the income of Comet is much higher than that of Aery.

Strictly speaking, Lin Cheng didn't take advantage, but Zhiyan didn't care that much.

"Wow~~~ You bully honest people!"

The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, Zhiyan raised her volume: "I don't want to play spicy!"

"Obviously you said you were going to bring a comet, Lin Cheng, you are too much!"

"That's from the last game."

"Then why didn't you tell me about this round? I'm the honest one!"

"Woo~~~ I don't play spicy food!"

She said that she would stop playing, but Zhiyan's movements were very honest, and she tried her best to control her Mundo to move and lose Q.

Even with 150 pings, Lin Cheng became more and more comfortable after adapting to this delayed rhythm. Although he also ate a lot of kitchen knives, Lin Cheng's Mondo still had a clear advantage in blood volume.
"Hahaha! I told you you can't beat me! Two more Qs and you're going to die."

"Jiyan, you are going to die!"

Lin Cheng began to show his face.

But he underestimated a woman's patience.

"Woo~~~ I don't want to play hot!"

Finally, when she couldn't bear it any longer, Zhiyan flashed up and rushed forward with a knife.

"What? You cheated! You can't tie A's."

"I will control you to death! I will hack you to death!"

Lin Cheng didn't want to haggle with her, he just manipulated his Mundo to move around and tried to fight back with his Q skill, but was hacked to death by Zhiyan's Mundo three times in the Dragon Pit.

"Park Ji-yeon! Can you abide by the rules of the game?"

"Haha! No matter! I won again!"

Zhiyan clapped her palms and smiled unscrupulously like an aunt. The three sisters looked at her with disgust for a while.

Ju Li whispered: "What's the matter? Although they are arguing, it feels a little sweet."

Xiao Min laughed and said, "Hey! The third boat that guy is talking about is Jiyan, right?"

En Jing was most familiar with Lin Cheng, she couldn't help curling her lips: "I don't think so."

Lin Cheng's unconvinced voice came, "Hey! In view of your cheating behavior, I think it is necessary to change the competition system. Let's win three out of five games, okay?"

"Don't! If I win again, you should win four out of seven rounds. Lin Cheng, you are too bad!"

"Damn! I want to run if I win?"

Zhiyan laughed loudly: "Why don't you play a game with Eun Jing O'Neil? If you win, I will give you a chance to challenge the world's number one top laner."

"No. [-] top order in the world?"

"It's me! I just won against you, so am I the world's number one top laner?"

"You are really shameless!"

"Each each other!"

So, Enjing was kidnapped by Jiyan and forced to solo with Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng was very serious in this game, and he had a huge advantage when he came up.

En Jing really doesn't know how to play, and she has only played a small amount of matches under Zhiyan's support. The Mundo in the operation has no position, and the accuracy of the prediction skills is extremely poor.

But, if you play games with women seriously, you will lose.

"What? Lin Cheng, why are you so cruel? Don't hit me again."

"Lin Chengxi~~~What about the basic etiquette of a junior?"

"My sister is angry!"

Enjing's soft and waxy voice seemed to be speaking harshly, but in fact it was more like acting like a baby.

If Zhiyan is always giggling and acting naive, Enjing is too coquettish when she acts coquettishly.

Who told Lin Cheng to be soft-hearted?

He is a person who takes the soft but not the hard, especially when the beautiful woman speaks softly, his position is completely crooked.

The release of water became more and more obvious, and Lin Cheng even started to stand still and reverse Q, while frantically flashing a cute Poro expression.

In the end, Lin Cheng was defeated again.

Listening to the laughter over there, Lin Cheng felt that this wave was not bad.

Did you watch Lee Sang Hyuk?Enjing acted like a baby to me, even though it's not your Enjing.

Instead, seeing Enjing happily high-five Jiyan after winning Lin Cheng, the two next to her fell into deep thought.

Hyo Min: "Hey! Tell me, that guy's third boat isn't Eun Jung, right?"

Ju Li, who was taking a selfie, gave her a speechless look.

"You are getting more and more outrageous, how about this beauty effect?"

 I originally wanted to ask for leave today, but I finally caught up. . .

  I don't know how to write these days
(End of this chapter)

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