This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 115 Joining forces to play the audience

Chapter 115 Joining forces to play the audience

When Kang Dongxun in the preparation room saw the performance of his players in these two rounds, the first thought in his mind was:
Feeling better!

Compared with the stagnant pool during the five-game losing streak at the beginning, the current KT seems to have injected a burst of vitality after Lin Cheng joined.

The overall age of the KT players is relatively old. In the first few rounds, it felt like a bunch of oily guys were playing games based on experience. Except for the bottom lane, it felt like everyone else didn't have a strong desire to think about C.

In fact, in the previous games that KT lost, there were many times when the situation was balanced or advantageous, but no one stood up to take the risk, which led to being beaten passively by the opponent while actively looking for opportunities. At that time, a bunch of KT fans in the Korean Open cried out There are three bastards in the middle and wild, and KT is already hopeless.

But Lin Cheng was different the moment he came. This is a person who wants to play C in everything.

In the second game, when everyone thought Shen should keep Aphelios, he saw the opportunity and even dared to go around the back and start a team with TP alone.

In fact, even Kang Dongxun, who is from the perspective of God, never thought that the evasion of the eye position would be an opportunity, but Lin Cheng just did it.

And today's behavior of five players rushing to the middle lane to jump towers in the 8 minutes of the first game is absolutely not seen in the previous KT.

Neither SoHwan nor Ray would be so reckless to rush to the tower to force open, and although Tusin has courage, his courage often becomes a highlight of dinner.

Lin Cheng is reckless enough, and has enough delicate operations to support him.

This person is extremely confident and dares to reach out when he sees an opportunity.

Kang Dongxun didn't know when Lin Cheng's self-confident and seemingly reckless start would turn into a double-edged sword, but under his leadership, his teammates really became bloody.

As long as you dare to start a group, we dare to follow along. (cross out this paragraph)

As long as you dare to start a group, we dare to follow.

Such a team~~~ is actually not bad.

Kang Dongxun looked at the way the players left the stage chatting and laughing one by one on the broadcast screen, and he felt inexplicably happy, "Well~~~ I have already escaped from the relegation zone, shouldn't the next goal be mentioned?"

Acorn, the tactical coach sitting next to him, glanced at him, "Our original goal was to make it to the playoffs, and if we go up, we will be ranked in the top three."

Kang Dongxun nodded: "If you maintain this state, there is no chance at all."

Acorn: "What if we win T1 again in the second round? Is there a chance to enter the top two?"

Kang Dongxun thought for a while: "It makes sense."

Acorn cheerfully said: "Be bold, just take one step, and the goal is directly set to become the champion."


Kang Dongxun glanced at him.

MMP, after hanging around with Lin Cheng for a few days, no matter what you say, you're getting pissed off?
We have only just escaped the relegation zone, if it spreads, it must not make others laugh?

Lin Cheng followed his teammates back to the waiting room, and waited for a while to accept the post-match interview.

Today, the MVP of the first game was won by Lin Cheng's Klein, and the second game was won by Aiming's Aphelios. The two will be interviewed together.

Due to the fact that Miss Minna's body temperature was unexpectedly high last time, there is no face-to-face interview between the host and the contestants in the post-match interview session. The two stood in front of the stage under the instructions of the staff, facing the camera. The screen and the two hosts of the analysis desk conducted interviews and connections.

In the studio, Jin Minna's slender and beautiful legs that were close together under her knee-length skirt in ink and wash style were particularly eye-catching, and Lin Cheng couldn't help but sneak a second look.

But after thinking about it, this is an online interview. What's wrong with me staring at the screen?

So Lin Cheng took another look.

Eh?its not right.

Xiao Tong's legs are also very beautiful, why didn't they take a second look when they kicked on my legs last time?
Lost lost.

Why don't you find a chance to come back next time?

Lin Cheng deserted for no reason at this time.

That's the way he is, sometimes he can't concentrate, his thoughts go too far.

Kim Minna put on a professional smile, "It was a wonderful game. KT defeated HLE and successfully escaped the relegation zone. Welcome to today's MVP players Cheng and Aiming. Hello."

Lin Cheng and Aimning bowed slightly at the scene and saluted, "Hello."

Jin Minna: "I just thought about it when I was preparing for the interview. The player who said 'I want to win all the games' in this position last time has come again. Lin Cheng, please talk about your impressions."

Lin Cheng raised the microphone: "This MVP is an affirmation of my performance on the field. Of course, I am in a good mood. In fact, my teammates also performed very well. I did not expect this MVP to be given to me in the end."

Jin Minna: "Why do you think that the MVP is not you? Does Lin Cheng know how many votes you got in the first round of the MVP selection?"

"6 votes?"

Lin Cheng was not sure, "I thought the MVP would be given to Kuro, because I think he played a more decisive role in team battles a few times, um~~~ Maybe it was because he was too swollen, and finally sent him to the fountain. KDA is not as good as me because of the heads, so it should be six votes for each of us, and then I won the MVP because KDA is good."


Jin Minna prolonged her voice on purpose, "Contestant Lin Cheng's analysis is very logical, and the script arrangement is also good, but you guessed wrong, the votes for Lin Cheng's MVP are 12 votes, and everyone agrees that it is Lin Cheng The player's Kled completely determines the trend of the game, how about it? Isn't it a pity to guess wrong?"

Lin Cheng nodded, trying to suppress the corner of Feiyang's mouth: "It's really a pity."

"I'm laughing to death! Brother Cheng's words are insincere."

"Please close the corners of your slightly raised mouth, and show a proper expression of regret."

"Brother Chengzi: I'm so sorry, it's actually my MVP."

"Kuro: MMP, it's a pity that labor is okay? Don't be hypocritical."

"Brother Chengzi almost screamed out of laughter, 2333."

"Miss Minna is also easy to do, these two people will play the audience together?"

Kim Minna: "Then let's ask Aiming's Jin Shengdi again. The team has won three consecutive victories, but KT played really hard at the beginning of the season. Now that Cheng is on the court, does it feel a lot easier? ?”

Aiming thought for a while, "My teammates should be much more relaxed, but I worked harder."

Jin Minna was surprised: "Oh? KT didn't encounter much setbacks in the competition where Lin Cheng appeared. Why did it work harder?"

"Because Lin Cheng rushed too fast every time, I had to flash to keep up with the output several times. In the past, my teammates looked at my position to fight the team. Now I have to watch Lin Cheng's face and position. "

Aiming glanced at Lin Cheng, "I actually wanted to say it a long time ago, the opponent didn't catch my flash, every time it was Lin Cheng who forced my flash out."

Lin Cheng: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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