This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1172 It's not that I want to see black silk long legs

Chapter 1172 It's not that I want to see black silk long legs
June 6st, International Children's Day.

Although Children's Day in South Korea is actually May 5th, Lin Cheng didn't have the opportunity to accompany Xiao Enxi in Iceland at that time, so he simply took this opportunity to make up for it and planned to go camping with the whole family today.

Lin Cheng got up early in the morning, and ran to ring the doorbell after a brief wash.

Zheng Shiyan opened the door, and Lin Cheng subconsciously looked inside.

"Where's our baby? Where's Enxi?"

"Still sleeping, call her after breakfast is ready."

Zheng Shiyan replied casually, turned around and entered the door, and continued to prepare breakfast.

This time, Zheng Shiyan was wearing a plain silk nightgown. The smooth fabric of the nightgown could not conceal the curves of her proud figure. Lin Cheng couldn't help but take a second look at the slender and fair legs under the nightgown.

Probably always seeing Sister Shiyan wearing cartoon pajamas, Lin Cheng wanted to study her pajama style more.

Not in a hurry to wake up Enxi's baby, Lin Cheng wobbled to the kitchen.

"Aren't you going to call Enxi?"

"Let her sleep for a while, and I'll watch you make breakfast."

Zheng Shiyan ignored him, carefully peeled the apple in her hand, put the peeled apple and banana yam into the juicer, and then added a little natural aronia powder and milk to make nutritious and healthy milk juice All right.

While looking at Sister Shiyan's seductive figure, Lin Cheng casually expressed his opinion: "I heard that fruit juice will lose some nutrition, why not just let Enxi eat fruit?"

"Because eating fruit is much more troublesome than drinking juice, and besides, Enxi doesn't know how to eat yam."

Seeing that the aronia mixed with milk turned the color of the juice into coffee, Lin Cheng couldn't help but said, "I think adding some red fruit will look better... so can you add some goji berries for me? I heard that it is good for the body. very good."

Zheng Shiyan gave Lin Cheng a blank look, and ignored him.

After getting a supercilious look, Lin Cheng felt that Sister Shiyan's eyes were extraordinarily alluring.

The last time I had a fierce battle with Sister Shuyan in the kitchen, if I had to fight with Sister Shiyan... I can't even think about it!
But a kiss isn't too much, is it?
Lin Cheng couldn't help but moved forward, and slowly leaned from the side to kiss Zheng Shiyan's lips.

Being kissed on the corner of her lips, Zheng Shiyan lowered her eyes and continued to make breakfast with her head down as if Lin Cheng didn't exist.

Lin Cheng was very angry.

He didn't know why Sister Shiyan was so calm every time, as if the one being kissed wasn't her.

He stuck out his tongue to knock Zheng Shiyan's teeth open.

Zheng Shiyan slightly turned her head away and glanced at Lin Cheng.

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

"Really? Then why is it still so sweet?"

Lin Cheng smacked his lips as if thinking, "No way! I'll try again."

After finishing speaking, he pouted and leaned forward again.

Zheng Shiyan quickly turned her head away, looking slightly disgusted.

Without kissing Sister Shiyan's lips, Lin Cheng simply kissed her on the cheek and said with a smile:

"OK! I'm going to wake our little baby up."

Zheng Shiyan lowered her head and ignored him.

As a result, Lin Cheng had already turned around to leave, but suddenly he turned around and quickly touched Zheng Shiyan's buttocks, before running away.

Zheng Shiyan turned her head, and Lin Cheng had already hopped and ran out of the kitchen, his frightened posture was as happy as picking up 5 million on the road.

Zheng Shiyan narrowed her eyes slightly, and the corners of her tightly pursed mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"whispering sound."

Lin Cheng happily walked towards the bedroom. Sister Shiyan's beautiful buttocks wrapped in a silk nightgown felt really explosive, and this wave was not a loss anyway.

But thinking that he has sworn sovereignty with Sister Shiyan for so long, but he has not made any progress other than kissing and hugging, Lin Cheng feels a little disappointed.

36D big sister!

Let alone 36, I haven't even seen D yet!
Mainly there is no chance.

As long as there are people around, Sister Shiyan won't give him a chance to get close at all, and the existence of the little girl makes it impossible for him to launch a further general attack.

Why!Children Enxi are not so cute occasionally.

After a while, Zheng Shiyan had already prepared breakfast, but Lin Cheng and Enxi still didn't come out.

Zheng Shiyan went to the bedroom to see her daughter in cartoon pajamas lying in Lin Cheng's arms and sleeping soundly. Lin Cheng hugged the little girl and patted the little body in his arms from time to time, almost singing a lullaby to Enxi.

"Ah! I asked you to wake her up, not you to accompany her to bed."

"But Enxi wants to sleep, I can't bear to call her."

Lin Cheng was also very wronged, just now the little girl rubbed her eyes and said "Uncle, let Enxi sleep for another 2 minutes" and almost gave him a nosebleed, why did he refuse?
Zheng Shiyan didn't listen to Lin Cheng's excuse, and stretched out her hand to push Enxi's small body.

The little girl woke up and rubbed her eyes in a daze, "Uncle~~~ Is it 2 minutes? But Enxi is still sleepy!"

"Get up quickly, don't sleep anymore."

Seeing her mother's expressionless face, the little girl was shocked, and quickly struggled to get up from Lin Cheng's arms.

"Enxi won't sleep! Enxi will get up soon."

This cleverness is completely different from being cute in front of Lin Cheng just now, Lin Cheng couldn't help secretly giving Zheng Shiyan a compliment.

Mrs. Shiyan is amazing!
Seeing Enxi get up clumsily, Lin Cheng folded his hands behind his head, lying happily in the bed that belonged to Zheng Shiyan, and deliberately winked at Sister Shiyan.

Zheng Shiyan looked at him expressionlessly, "Don't smile! Get up quickly."

Lin Cheng: "..."

I gave you a face, right?It's crazy, isn't it?It doesn't matter who is the boss in the family, right?
Lin Cheng's neck twitched, "I don't! I also want to rest for 2 minutes."

"Stop talking nonsense! Don't eat breakfast any longer."

"Tch~~~~ Let's get up, what's so fierce?"

Lin Cheng muttered and turned over and got out of bed.

Absolutely not afraid of her!It's just taking care of a mother's face in front of her children.

Brother Cheng's position as the head of the family is unshakable, everyone knows.

Let the little girl get dressed and get up by herself, Lin Cheng, who just lost face with Sister Shiyan, took the initiative to go over and inform his wife to eat.

The two girls were packing their luggage in the living room, while Lin Cheng stretched his neck and stared at them.

"Well, a friendly reminder, there may be mosquitoes in the place we go."

"so what?"

Xiao Tong asked back, "Do you want to bring mosquito-repellent incense?"

"No, what I mean is that you can wear slightly thicker stockings to prevent mosquito bites."

The two women turned to look at Lin Cheng.

"I'm not talking nonsense! Sister Shuyan told me last time."

Han Shuyan gouged him out angrily, "Got it! Thank you for your concern."

Lin Cheng smiled honestly, with an air of selflessness.

Han Shuyan couldn't help laughing when she saw her boyfriend, while Xiao Tong opened her mouth quietly, making a perverted mouth shape.

Lin Cheng pretended not to see it.

A lesson from heaven and earth!I'm really thinking about it for my wives.

It's not that I want to see black silk long legs.

(End of this chapter)

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