This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1181 Understanding of the teams in the new season

Chapter 1181 Understanding of the teams in the new season
Seeing the statue of KT Daomei in the promotional video, netizens were all blown away.

"Fuck! This is too handsome!"

"I'm still wondering if the people from KT came back late and didn't make a promotional video. Seeing the statue, there is no doubt that this is Brother Cheng's palace."

"Brother Chengzi hasn't played yet, but his statue of Daomei has already suppressed the audience."

"Where's Qinggang Ying? Why doesn't Brother Cheng's Qinggang Ying have a statue?"

"The long legs of Daomei Heisi are too good! Brother Chengzi's biggest contribution to the old color critic is this skin, right?"

"Brother Chengzi, your wife is awesome!"

The promotional video continued. The people who came to the temple through hardships did not care about the magnificence of the temple, and stepped on the steps in front of the temple door.

As soon as the screen turned, the situation inside the temple appeared.

There are no extravagant and exquisite decorations in the spacious temple, and there is no bustle and bustle.

Four figures in gorgeous armor lined up quietly on the left and right.

They turned their heads to look at the intruder. There was no close-up of the face in the picture, only the slightly exposed chin revealed the identities of the four.

They were Lin Cheng's four teammates.

Without any dialogue, everyone who entered the temple slowly stood still at the bottom of the hall, lined up, and everyone looked at the seat at the end of the temple.

Looking from a distance, there is a figure in plain Chinese clothes on the seat of God.

He propped up his side face with one hand and looked at the people below, looking very lazy and elegant.

I couldn't see the face clearly, but this figure actually gave the audience a sense of dignity.

Finally, he slowly stood up from the throne.

Judging from the jaw line accidentally revealed when the camera zoomed in, everyone was sure that it was Lin Cheng.

But as he got up, the light seemed to be distorted.

The camera has been zoomed in very close, but his true chin, which is only shown, seems to be hidden in the mist, which is a little blurry.

The bullet screen is very messy.

"Impossible! This noble figure can't be that bastard brother Chengzi."

"This picture is so cool!"

"I couldn't see my face clearly for a long time, which made me very anxious."

"Don't look directly! This is the real god!"

"Understood! The previous gods were all forged, because there is no setting that cannot be looked at directly."

"Is the new LCK director a fan of President Ke?"

"It's full of force, so Brother Chengzi's face and figure can support such a forceful setting?"

"Is the LCK organizer crazy? Are you afraid of being scolded by Keza for filming like this?"

At this moment, the figure had already stood still in front of the divine seat.

With a tall and slender figure, he slowly raised his head.

The light alternated between light and dark, gradually reflecting his face, and the blur gradually faded away, finally showing his appearance clearly for the first time.

With sword eyebrows and star eyes, his face is calm and calm.

As expected, it was Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng's deep voice sounded.

"are you ready?"

This is the only line in the entire promotional film, and the promotional film ends abruptly, leaving countless room for imagination for the audience.

To be honest, Lin Cheng didn't feel it when he was shooting, but he didn't expect the final effect to be so good.

This short two-minute screen is simply a top-level production comparable to a blockbuster.

The barrage has exploded.

"Fuck! What's next? Want to see it!"

"It feels like making a blockbuster movie, there is something there."

"The quality of the promotional video for the LCK is too high, and the funds are burning."

"LPL come and get beaten!"

"Is there any use for making a promotional video so good? Can it make money? LPL can beat LCK with just one Nike."

"Chuckie! LCK can't see the logo in the entire promotion, and the LPL promotional video can't wait to show the Nike logo in every shot, the taste is too strong!"

"It's a waste of money to make promotional videos into commercials every year. Only LPL can do it?"

"Don't ask, asking is commercialization."

"Penguins are rich and unkind!"

Lin Cheng could feel the resentment of the LPL audience from the barrage netizens' complaints. He couldn't help but laugh just watching the barrage.

Since the LPL started two days earlier, Lin Cheng had already watched the LPL promotional video.

The idea is very good, but the camera expression is very hip.

The performance ability of the professional players themselves is very weak. It is a bit unreasonable for the LPL to keep making faces and let the players speak their lines.

The LCK promotional video doesn't have a single line in the whole process except for Lin Cheng, and even there are only one or two shots of the players' faces from the front.

To be honest, it would still be awkward to let the LCK players show the storyline through lines and controlled expressions in another way of expression, but the filming team cleverly avoided these pitfalls.

"I hope my juniors can remember that when you get the offer for the design of the lpl season promotional video, your goal is only to be bad"

Seeing the barrage of netizens imitating Xiaohu's MSI Bible, Lin Cheng almost laughed out loud.

After watching the promotional video, Lin Cheng saw Wanwan on the commentary stage after a long absence.

The LPL audience is very interesting. Wanwan has already won the love of many Huya audiences with her outstanding image and professional attitude. The barrage of the entire Chinese live streaming room has attracted the attention of his wife.

Lin Cheng also secretly posted a barrage.

Of course, he wasn't so stupid as to call his wife along with the barrage, he just sent a barrage to cheer Wanwan.

The two sides in the opening game are T1 and Nongshim. There is still a gap in strength between the two sides. T1 won the season with a relatively easy 2:0.

The game barrage with T1 is the most interesting.

Faker showed off, and Bai Zi spoke.

Your brother Li is still your brother Li!

Faker sent a wave, and Heizi spoke.

Uncle Fei caught it!
This time I didn't get scolded, but Lin Cheng found it very interesting to watch netizens interacting in the bullet screen, and he wanted to end the game to add fire to both sides.

Of course, Lin Cheng still doesn't quite understand why T1 fans are looking forward to Faker's next championship trophy after winning the first game of the summer split.

To be honest, I didn't take Brother Cheng seriously.

Write it down in a small notebook first, and vent your anger with Lee Sang Hyuk when the time comes.

After the match between T1 and Nongshim, there will be a match between BRO and LSB.

He didn't look down on the level of the two players. Lin Cheng still watched the evening game with his teammates after dinner, and shared his insights in real time while watching everyone.

From today's two games, we can also see some signs of a new version. There are differences between the BP of the two sides and the team's BP during MSI, but there are also similarities.

The two single-lane heroes Lee Sin and Nightmare who shined brilliantly in MSI have received great attention, and they must be selected in the two BO3s if they are not BAN.

The junglers of Rambo and Morgana seem to have been completely abandoned by today's four teams, and no one cares about them.

On the contrary, Kalma, the auxiliary position in today's game, has a very high appearance rate.

"Brothers! Good news! It seems that the effect of assisting Kalma is really good, and everyone who got it today won."

Seeing Lin Cheng so happy, Mr. Dai curled his lips, "Don't be too happy, Xianghao is not very good at the hero Kalma."

"I didn't mean that."

Lin Cheng shook his head, "At least it's not too outrageous for Xianghao to give Kalma away! It's not as easy as Alistar and Nautilus."

Effort: "???"

what are you saying?
Is my Taurus and Titan called giveaway?

When did someone not kill me with their own ability?

 Oh shit!Opening the Writer Assistant every day means that the chapters are blocked.

  I'm so annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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