This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1185 Just work when you come up?

Chapter 1185 Just work when you come up?
Seeing Lin Cheng being so exaggeratedly loved by fans, the four KT guys behind him had mixed feelings.

Mr. Dai has entered the palace for the second time, but he has never felt such enthusiasm from KT fans. He suddenly feels that his career in the past nine years seems to be much more ordinary than Lin Cheng's career in less than two years.

Little Peanut is full of emotions. They also had a group of enthusiastic fans when they were in the Tigers, but it is a pity that they were not as unstoppable as KT is now, and the fans relatively lacked a lot of vigor and passion.

Of course... KT fans are also missing.

And the two younger brothers, Chaowei and Evert, are more envious, and of course their fighting spirit has been aroused.

Especially Chaowei, who made his debut as a genius mid laner, and he also hopes that one day he will be respected by fans like Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng raised his hands and applauded the fans for half a minute, and finally pressed his hands down to signal the audience to calm down.

After the KT fans quieted down, Lin Cheng led his teammates to salute again before sitting on the competition bench.

And the DRX players behind were all numb.

Seeing this scene in the entrance channel, the momentum was actually a blow to the DRX players.

What's more, KT fans snatched up all the tickets today, and there was not a single DRX fan at the scene, and the DRX players didn't get any cheers when they came out.

It has become as quiet as a library, and KT fans have completely turned LOL PARK into their home stadium.

Chinese-language commentary seats.

Zeyuan and Xiaomi are sitting in the Huya live broadcast room today.

When they saw the scene just now, the two commentators were very surprised.

Zeyuan: "What is this? This is a scene I have never seen in my commentary career in the past few years. No one would have thought that just a few dozen KT fans would bring us such a big 'surprise'."

Xiaomi: "Well~~~Scenes like this usually happen on the football field, right?"

Zeyuan: "Yes, if there are audiences who like to watch football, they should know that fans of some teams will use such huge splicing posters to cheer for players, including players such as Raul and Totti. ... But this should be the only case in the history of e-sports, at least in my impression."

Xiaomi: "After all, in our concept, e-sports audiences may be a little less passionate than traditional sports, but the dozens of KT fans at the scene are quite passionate. I guess many of them are hoarse?"

Zeyuan: "But this is also a good thing! Who said that professional e-sports players are mercenaries? Who said that only Faker can be completely loved and even worshiped by fans? Facts have proved that as long as you bring enough to the team, fans will Responding to you wholeheartedly, obviously, Lin Cheng did it."

"From last year to this year, he has won seven championships in a row, and won the title of Most Valuable Player in each event. Brother Chengzi really deserves such respect. In a sense, Brother Chengzi is already a legend in the history of League of Legends. One of the greatest players . . .

The Huya barrage had already exploded.

"Laughing to death! The 'one' added by the colonel at the end reflects a strong desire to survive."

"Don't be afraid that he will be killed by Keza, but Brother Cheng has won seven championships + FMVP in a row. I think he is no worse than Faker."

"The peak has definitely been surpassed, but the state has not been maintained long enough."

"It's so hot! Is this horse riding an e-sports competition?"

"These dozens of people have created the posture of the three hundred warriors of Sparta, awesome!"

"The king's treatment! It's too shocking!"

"My evaluation is that it is not as good as King Gigi."

"Que! Do these dozens of people deserve to be compared to King Jiji's tens of thousands of wheelchair troops?"

"But there is one thing to say, how will Brother Cheng Zi leave after this continues?"

"Don't! Brother Chengzi, let's go back to LPL soon! Wouldn't it be nice to come to LPL to be the emperor?"

"Don't panic, kings usually run away. For details, refer to the operation of a certain Miami king repeatedly jumping horizontally."

"Although I hate Bangzi, these KT fans are really nice to Brother Cheng."

"There isn't a single DRX fan at the scene, right? That's outrageous!"

"Thanks to the fact that the DRX fans didn't get the tickets, otherwise it would be embarrassing to the point of death."

Sitting on the competition bench and starting to adjust the equipment, the teammates were still teasing Lin Cheng, shouting like kings.

Even though Lin Cheng was so thick-skinned, he was still a little embarrassed.

And the explanations of each language stream are still talking about the scene just now.

Not to mention the English language, the two dog legs were so excited that they wanted to rush to the scene to crown Lin Cheng, and the Japanese commentator even shouted "King of the Empire よ!"Triumph を赛で続けよう'.

Seeing Lin Cheng on the competition bench seriously adjusting the equipment while talking to his teammates, Zhiyan couldn't help poking Enjing's waist from a long distance away.


"Was Lin Cheng handsome just now?"


"Sure enough, you think so too, right?"

Ji Yan narrowed her eyes, and Eun Jing could feel her smile even through the mask, "We both have the same opinion, this younger brother looks more and more handsome."

wrong!Where did I say that?
Don't think for me.

En Jing gave the younger sister a blank look, and didn't bother to pay attention to her.

Of course, she also had to admit that Lin Cheng's calm and confident look just now was really handsome.

Soon, the two sides entered the BP link.

The BAN players in the first round are very regular, and the content of the game is not much different from the previous two days.

DRX gave Daomei, Lucian and Qinggangying the top three BANs on the blue side.

Apparently, Lin Cheng, who just enjoyed the treatment of a fan king off the court, also enjoyed the king-level attack on his opponent.

The top three BAN positions of the red square KT are Udyr, Nocturne and Crocodile.

DRX chose to grab Karma.

Recently, the supports of each team have been practicing Karma crazily in the Korean server, and the enhancement of the moonstone regenerator has made this hero's priority skyrocket in an instant.

Of course, the mechanism of Karma combined with the moonstone regenerator looks very good, whether it can withstand the test of the field will require more samples.

KT backhand locked the blind monk + Kalista.

Zeyuan: "Blind monk is fine, Kalista's move... how to say it? If you still ask me the biggest difference between LPL and LCK at present, it is the priority of the hero Kalista in the bottom lane There is a big difference in cognition between the two sides.”

"LPL thinks that Kalista is a hero who can't play well in the early stage, but from the LCK team's point of view, Kalista can play from the early stage to the middle stage and even the late stage. They think that skateboarding shoes are suitable for some team-starting support heroes. The buff is huge, and Kalista is more of a strategic hero."

Xiaomi: "After all, the existence of Kalista can make the support more unscrupulous in finding opportunities. The fault tolerance rate is really important for LCK teams."

The blue party DRX didn't think too much about it, and the second and third floors chained Verus + Gnar.

On the third floor of the red square, Samira appeared.

Zeyuan: "No! Samila? Will Calista step up? Brother Chengzi used to be the top laner on skateboard shoes, but isn't it too much to work hard in the first round of the summer split?"

"Calista is indeed very good against Gnar in the early stage, but the opponent's middle field has no one out. It is not fun to choose some heroes who are particularly easy to grab the edge."

Xiaomi: "I haven't decided yet, I should still be thinking about it."

"I'm really looking forward to it, okay? It would be really messed up if Brother Cheng took out his top AD and was beaten up violently."

Zeyuan couldn't help laughing while talking, "Wait for the hot comments after the game: Just now the KT fans called Brother Cheng as inflated, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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