Chapter 1192
The situation was already not good for KT. No one expected that under such circumstances, Lin Cheng would kill all the middle and field opponents in one fight.

The KT fans at the scene burst into enthusiastic cheers.

"Whoa! This is our Gwen!"

"Cheng! Lead us to be invincible!"

"We KT are invincible!"

Enjing was startled when she suddenly heard the roar of the audience at close range.

It's been a long time since I felt this kind of atmosphere, and they have felt this kind of enthusiasm from fans before.

Glancing at Zhiyan next to him, Brother Jing couldn't help showing a little helplessness.

Jiyeon shouted cheers like an ordinary fan, happily waving the support board in her hand towards the back a few meters away, the smile in her eyes was extraordinarily bright.

This wave of KT's team voice is very lively.

"Lin Cheng hang on, we'll be here to help."

"You can fight! The opponent's skill is over, Lin Cheng will try his best to keep people, and it doesn't matter if he dies... Oh Mo? Oh Mo! He seems to be winning! Ah Xi~~~ Why is this guy so fierce?"

"Nice! Chengbao did a great job!"

"Oh ho! Take off!"

Originally, the teammates just asked Lin Cheng to hold on for a little longer, so that the blind monk and the clockwork could take over the mess after the opponent's skills were handed in, but they didn't expect Lin Cheng to settle the situation by himself.

Teammates started calling one after another, and Lin Cheng couldn't help showing a smile, and raised his eyebrows, "How is it? Brothers? Is this wave going?"

Although the tone was not ecstatic, but the last rhetorical question was extraordinarily serious, which still exposed his inner desperation.

This kind of screen director must really give the first perspective.

Seeing Lin Cheng's slightly raised eyebrows, the audience burst into laughter.

In fact, Bo Lincheng is more dangerous. The prince and Galio were not short of damage in the early stage. At this point in time, Gwen's body can easily be directly pressed to death.

However, Lin Cheng moved to avoid the prince's EQ, not to mention, the W in the back is more essence, and the three-stage R is all hit, making Gwen look like a one-on-three without any pressure.

In fact, the hero Gwen is like this. If W and R are not well placed, even if the equipment crushes the opponent, it is easy to be second, but as long as the skills are well placed, even if the equipment is not ahead, you can play like a god of war.

Killing the opponent's upper middle field, Lin Cheng took advantage of the opportunity to go up the road alone and pushed down the blue Fang Shang tower, which had little HP, and ate two layers of tap skins and earned one blood tower economy.

The DRX duo returned to the middle lane in time to defend, and didn't let the middle tower be clockworked to consume too much HP, but in this way, the bottom lane was emptied.

Little Peanut single-handedly took down Xiaolong, and the bottom tower, which had been drained by Lin Cheng just now, was also successfully dismantled by Calista and Titan's blast before the opponent returned to defense.

The two side lanes and one tower fell, and the pressure on the DRX middle tower was too great.

Lin Cheng pushed the line to the opponent's autistic grass on the top lane and then went to the wild area. Gwen's E skill can pass through the wall, and the existence of W allows Gwen to wander unscrupulously in the wild area.

The KT players in the bottom lane are also putting pressure on the jungle area, and Galio can only shrink under the tower to clear the line in the middle lane.

But if you stay for a long time, you will lose. Finally, KT seized the opportunity and the duo changed lanes ahead of time and came to the middle lane. Effort flashed a hook and forcibly opened Galio under the tower.

This time Evert hooked very accurately, Clockwork and Calista immediately stepped forward to output.

With so much pressure on the middle lane, Junior P has already consciously squatted around in advance.

Just when the enemy attacked Galio, the prince blocked the Titan from the F6 wall EQ big move and cooperated with Galio to counterattack under the tower.

But the clockwork made two backhands.

At this time, Gwen got out from the intersection of the wild area behind the blue square tower.

Seeing the swaying blue skirt, the DRX Nakano brothers felt desperate.

Originally, they still had a chance to play two against three under the tower, but the nature changed when Gwen came.

The addition of Tianfei Gwen made this Siyue [-] extremely easy. Lin Cheng rushed out with a random cut and successfully won the double kill.

Titan carried the damage from the defensive tower and the remaining blood was recovered by Calista's big move. In the end, this wave of tower jumping KT was unscathed.

Taking advantage of the trend, KT unplugged the first tower in the middle of the blue square.

So far, 14 minutes ago, three towers and one tower on the blue side were all broken, and KT was full of plating economy.

Zeyuan: "DRX has already collapsed! In just 3 minutes, the situation has been completely reversed! Gwen took two more heads, and he is already invincible!"

Xiaomi: "There is too much pressure on the pawn line on the side lane. Pyosik has already thought that the opponent may attack the middle lane. The others in DRX are sending signals to rush to the middle lane after clearing the lane, but it is too late. Titan's flash Q is too decisive."

Zeyuan: "And the vanguard in the early stage of DRX was taken for nothing. If I remember correctly, Pyosik's vanguard has not been released. The two side lanes and one tower dropped the middle line and they couldn't push it out. As a result, the prince has no place to put the vanguard. The time should have passed pass."

"Tell me a horror story. At 8 minutes, DRX was ahead by almost 13 in economy, but now it is nearly [-] behind in [-] minutes! Let's not talk about Brother Cheng's one-on-three operation, just KT's operation during this period The decisions are so powerful.”

"If you hadn't watched the game, you might not have understood how KT pulled out three towers in such a short period of time when they were 0:4 behind by heads."

"It can only be said that this team deserves to be the only one in the world this year. Even though the players may not be in such a good state, they still know how to win the game when they are greatly behind in the start."

Destroying the first tower in the middle with his teammates, Lin Cheng's Gwen directly pulled out Nasher's tooth when he returned home this wave.

As a hero whose all output methods need to be interspersed with level A as the core, the most suitable hero for Nash's equipment is undoubtedly Gwen.

Not only does the spell power fit well with the special attack effects, but even the attack speed is an attribute that Gwen the Conqueror needs very much. After all, Lin Cheng’s runes don’t have any attack speed benefit, and Gwen’s full-level Q will take more than two seconds when Gwen’s CD is slightly reduced. One, if you don't have any attack speed, you may find it difficult for Gwen to fully stack up the number of layers of the Q skill.

In fact, Gwen is usually good only after he has Nash and fights a few times. Lin Cheng's previous wave was purely based on manipulation and leading myths.

The release of Lin Cheng's second big piece means that DRX has stood on the edge of a cliff.

The lineup duo on the blue team needs to deal Poke damage. In the team battle, only Big Gnar can cooperate with the middle field to deal with Gwen, but the problem is that Kingen's Gnar has already collapsed.

If the output of the personnel entering the field on the opposite side is not enough, the front row will become Gwen's blood bank.

vampire?Just a joke!

Fat Gwen is the real blood pump.

The opponent's outer towers were completely destroyed, and KT patiently organized its own operations.

Teammates invaded the field to squeeze vision, while Lin Cheng slapped wildly on the sidewalk.

Gnar was so angry that he was trembling under the second tower, for fear that if the opposite side sprinted away, he would come and kill him by force. .

To be honest, all five people on the other side may not be able to catch Lin Cheng to death. The game has completely become a game of Gwen.

(End of this chapter)

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