This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1202 Is Xiaotong jealous?

Chapter 1202 Is Xiaotong jealous?
When Lin Cheng went downstairs to arrest people, the hailstones had generally become about the size of corn kernels. Occasionally, two even almost caught up with marbles, and they still hurt a little when they hit him.

Xiaoying girl raised the instant noodle pot above her head, yelled and led Hanzi to run wildly on the grass, the hailstones hit the bottom of the pot and made a cheerful sound of tinkling, Lin Cheng almost vomited blood.

no!I will have to sue Su Bin later!

If I don't give these two guys a beating, I'm afraid I won't remember the lesson.

"Jiang Xiaoying! Stop for me!"

Lin Cheng caught up and picked Xiaoying up, "Ah! Didn't you say you should stay at home obediently? How dangerous it is to run out."

Xiaoying was too busy listening to the ding-dong sound of the hailstones hitting the pot and didn't pay attention to Lin Cheng, and only realized something was wrong when she was caught.

She stared at Lin Cheng's frightening expression with wide eyes, and quickly snapped the small instant noodle pot off her head, just blocking her eyes.

Although the behavior is outrageous, but this little appearance is quite cute.

"Don't pretend to be garlic for me, and show your eyes quickly."

Xiaoying secretly raised the corner of the pot, revealing one eye, "Hanzai said he wanted to come out to play! It's none of Xiaoying's business."

The husky boy didn't know that he was being blamed, and curiously rubbed against Lin Cheng's feet, and when the hailstone hit his body, he showed a satisfied expression, as if he had been massaged.

Lin Cheng made the two guys laugh angrily, and flicked Han Zai on the forehead.

Xiaoying saw it, and quickly put the pot down to cover her forehead, for fear that Lin Cheng would also do it to herself.

"Okay, come back with me."

Lin Cheng hugged Xiaoying in his arms, and led the husky towards the apartment building quickly.

This girl Xiaoying is really heartless, hiding in Lin Cheng's arms and found it safe, she stretched out the instant noodle pot restlessly to catch the hail, yelling happily.

Going upstairs, Enxi immediately came up to care about the situation of the little friend, but Xiaoying smiled and showed off a little bit of spoils in her small pot.

"Enxi Enxi! This is the hail caught by Xiaoying, do you want to taste it?"

While speaking, the girl grabbed a soybean-sized ice cube and was about to put it in her mouth, but Lin Cheng hurriedly stopped her.

"I invite you to eat ice cream, and you are not allowed to put anything in your mouth."

Lin Cheng forcibly destroyed Xiaoying's trophies, and by the way used ice cream to comfort the two little girls, and the family was finally settled down.

After spending a lot of time cleaning up Han Zai's footprints on the floor, Lin Cheng stretched his waist and looked towards the balcony.

The two girls are leading the husky to watch the hailstorm on the balcony. The scene of the two little figures leaning on the railing with their buttocks up is very funny.

Seeing this loving scene, Lin Cheng couldn't help but smile.

Hail usually came and went quickly, and stopped within ten minutes. Xiaoying was very sorry.

"Uncle! When will it rain next time?"

"I do not know."

"Then if there is hail, can I not go to school?"

"I do not know."

"Why don't you know anything?"

"Sorry! Uncle is useless."

Lin Cheng suddenly wanted to cry.

It is not so easy to bring up a baby, especially when you are always asked questions that are beyond your ability.

Fortunately, soon Jiang Subin came to take Xiaoying and Hanzai back, so Lin Cheng finally didn't have to be tossed about by that girl Xiaoying.

Lin Cheng also didn't forget to file a complaint secretly, telling Jiang Subin to strengthen Xiaoying's safety awareness education when he goes back, at least he should be in awe next time he encounters hail.

As a result, Jiang Subin nodded, "To tell you the truth, although Xiaoying is my own, I always want to cut her when I raise her."

Lin Cheng couldn't bear it anymore: "I don't mean to let you beat her up, kid, just reason with him more."

"I understand what you mean, the fist is the most direct truth."

Lin Cheng: "..."

Seeing Lin Cheng's bewildered look, Jiang Subin laughed, "You're kidding! I'm a psychologist! It's easy for Xiaoying to understand the truth."

Lin Cheng stopped talking, she felt that this psychologist was not reliable.

At half past five, Xiao Tong returned home.

Lin Cheng couldn't help but see his little wife's outfit today.

Xiao Tong is wearing a light blue chiffon shirt with a small floral skirt, the skirt reaches the middle of the calf, revealing a slender calf wrapped in white stockings, and paired with a pair of white sneakers, the girl is full of freshness.

Such fresh outfits are becoming less and less common on the street now. The main reason is that this kind of skirt that just shows half of the calf is actually not friendly to girls. A little flesh on the calf makes it easy to look thick.

Xiao Tong's calves are very thin, so this outfit is very suitable for her. After thinking about it, Lin Cheng didn't seem to find any girl who is more suitable for pure white than his little wife.

"Look at me for what?"

Xiao Tong took off his shoes and entered the door, only to see Lin Cheng staring straight at him.

"It's beautiful! I haven't seen you for a few days and I want to see you more."


Xiao Tong made a disgusted voice, but couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth slightly.

But she remembered something again, so she quickly put on a straight face and did not give Lin Cheng any good looks.

On the contrary, the little girl vigorously nodded her head to agree with Lin Cheng, and praised Lin Cheng in a storm: "Sister Tong is very beautiful! Uncle is not lying."

Xiao Tong touched Enxi's little head, ignored Lin Cheng, and went straight into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Generally, Xiao Tong finishes class a little earlier than Han Shuyan, so she will ask Han Shuyan about the dinner menu in advance, and help with some preparations first, and wait for Shuyan to complete the main steps when she comes back.

Lin Cheng was not stupid, he found that there seemed to be something wrong with the little wife.

"Enxi, just stay here and watch Baolulu, uncle, go and help sister Tong."


Abandoning the little girl, Lin Cheng wandered into the kitchen.

"What are you running here for?"

"Help you."


"What's wrong with you today? It's like taking gunpowder."


Lin Cheng leaned forward, "Really? Then give me a kiss."

Xiao Tong glared at him fiercely, "Get lost!"

"You still say it's okay?"

Smiling, Lin Cheng quickly leaned forward and kissed Xiao Tong's cheek, Xiao Tong turned his head and wiped his face vigorously, looking extremely disgusted.

"Hey! What's the matter with you? Why are you treating me like this after you haven't seen me for a few days?"

Xiao Tong ignored him and buried her head in the green onions.

Lin Cheng simply resorted to violence, put his arms around the young wife's shoulder and kissed her hard.

"Yeah! You... eh~~~~"

Xiao Tong's lips were blocked by Lin Cheng, and she struggled hard but found that she couldn't break free, and Lin Cheng broke into between her lips and teeth instead.

She squinted her eyes and made a gesture to bite down.

It's a pity that Lin Cheng was unmoved, still raging between her teeth.

In the end, she still couldn't bear it, and after snorting, she could only let Lin Cheng suck her own clove.

Lin Cheng knew that the little wife was scaring him, so he smiled and kissed her repeatedly, and it took him a long time to let her go.

"Hey! Can Xiaotong talk about the reason for being unhappy now?"

"I'm not unhappy."

"Then why don't you give me a good face today."

"Hehe! How dare I show you face? Someone has a beautiful star to support him in a game. How beautiful is it?"

Lin Cheng finally came to his senses, "Are you jealous?"

Xiao Tong stared, "The devil will eat your jealousy!"

"then you·····"

"Get off! I don't want to talk to you... eh~~~"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Cheng once again blocked his little wife's lips forcefully.

(End of this chapter)

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