This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1208 I Suddenly Don't Want to Win

Chapter 1208 I Suddenly Don't Want to Win

"Terror Comes! The 25-game winning streak KT2.0 is about to overtake EDG and become the team with the second most winning streak! "

This is an official LCK article released after KT defeated LSB, which has aroused a very wide discussion.

The LCK official is very interesting. They deliberately split KT’s two-year results. Last year’s KT with 34 consecutive victories was called KT 1.0 by them, and this year’s KT with 25 consecutive victories was sincerely called KT 2.0.

The article also specifically pointed out that this year's KT2.0 is the first team in the world to achieve such a long winning streak without any changes in the starting five.

Last year, KT had a longer winning streak, but Bono and Malrang had a short rotation when the middle version changed.

"Shabi official, didn't KT surpass EDG's record last year?"

"Last year it was KT 1.0, this year it's 2.0, nothing wrong!"

"Last year KT counted as 1.0? What about the earlier time? What about the old captain era?"

"Don't ask! Last year was the first year of KT. We have a history since last year. Before that, we can only count it as a dark age."

"Dianzhongdian! Learning LPL is also the first year of e-sports, right?"

"KT first year fans come out and gather!"

"Why should we count the two years of becoming the core separately! I'm just afraid that other teams will be too disappointed after seeing it."

"I think this year's KT may even be a little stronger than last year, and they can already pre-order the S championship?"

"Wait for two more games to surpass EDG's winning streak, and I think it's time to open champagne."

"Don't lose your character! It's not an exaggeration to say that it's embarrassing to go to the World Championship with 26 consecutive victories in the EDG League. Let's keep a low profile and don't learn from T1."

There is a lot of noise online about KT's winning streak.

The record was already broken once last year, and no one expected that KT would surpass EDG's winning streak for the second time this year after changing a group of players.

The worst thing is EDG, which had maintained a global winning streak before last year, but now it is always brought up as a negative teaching material.

What's the use of winning streak?Check out EDG!Going to the world and being beaten like a dog?

But KT fans also have something to say.

What kind of people are you in EDG?

He, Ming Kai, was playing jungle all the time, and he was beaten violently in the World Championship. Did he perform better than that?

Who are our KT group now?
The world's number one Nakano!Are you kidding me?

A year and a half ago, I am afraid that it is difficult for anyone to think that there will be another LCK team that can dominate the league and the world championship at the same time as SKT, and even do better than the peak SKT.

No one would have thought that the team that ruled the LCK was KT, which was once played by SKT as its son.

This year alone, KT has achieved 25 consecutive victories in the league. If you count last year's league record, KT has reached a terrifying 59 consecutive victories.

Although a large number of teammates have changed, Lin Cheng is still there.

He is also the only player in the world with a 59-game winning streak in the league.

Of course, when counting statistics, the league and cup games are generally separated. Otherwise, KT has also lost in the Kespa Cup in the middle.

But these small flaws do not affect KT's suffocating feeling.

When KT ended the season with 34 consecutive victories last year, everyone was waiting for KT to be dismantled during the transfer period.

As they wished, indeed KT was almost to the point of disintegration.

But no one expected that under the premise of staying in the team with Lin Cheng as the core, KT quickly rebuilt an equally strong team.

This is so hopeless!

I couldn't beat last year, and after changing four players, I still couldn't win. Fans of other LCK teams have already laid down and waited for this year's transfer period.

It seems that only when Lin Cheng leaves is the chance for other teams to stand out.

With the Asian Games next year, no matter how you look at it, the probability of Lin Cheng leaving the LCK will increase dramatically.

Everyone knows that Lin Cheng is a player who attaches great importance to honor. For the sake of the Asian Games, it is impossible for him to stay in KT, right?
You must know that the career of an e-sports player is doomed to be short. The Asian Games held every four years may be the only opportunity for Lin Cheng to represent the national team. No one thinks that Lin Cheng will miss this opportunity.

As soon as Lin Cheng leaves, opportunities for other LCK teams will also come.

Although a bit frustrated, the way they thought of defeating KT was to hope that the opponent's core would leave the team, but this was also unavoidable. Indeed, no top laner in the LCK was as capable as Lin Cheng.

The top laners of the entire LCK are all Lin Cheng's RBQs!

Of course, the summer split is still very long, and no one dares to say that KT will still be able to maintain its dominance in the remaining games.

It is not without risk for KT2.0 to break EDG's 26-game winning streak.

Because the opponents they encountered in the first five games were not too strong, the games after the first round were almost all tough.

On June 6th, KT ushered in GEN·G.

The current record of GEN·G is also 5-0, which is not an opponent that can be easily dismissed.

"Is there any problem today? You seem to have lost to GEN G in the training match last time?"

In the pre-match lounge, Chi Shengxi handed Lin Cheng a cup of iced coffee with a little worry.

"Oh! It's okay! It's just that I didn't play seriously in the training match last time."

Lin Cheng took a sip of coffee carelessly, and let out a long breath of cool air, "It's so refreshing! The coffee that sister Sheng Xi bought is delicious."

Other idiots also came up to take drinks from Chi Shengxi one by one. Little Peanut was also full of confidence, "It's normal for the training match to win and lose in the practice lineup. It's not a big problem for us to be serious about the game."

Peanut is in really good condition recently, this guy is indeed qualified to say this.

Little Peanut’s entire career has highlighted the unpredictability of ghosts and ghosts. He can be very bad at a certain period of time, and he can be very C at a certain period of time. It’s not like many players who become stable when they get older. This guy’s state and age It really doesn't matter.

Seeing that the players were quite confident, Chi Shengxi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come on, come on! The 26 consecutive victories of the same five-person group is a rare record. I spent a whole night planning the event in advance, and I will wait for you to win."

Upon hearing this, Lin Cheng immediately raised his hand.

"Brothers! I suddenly don't want to win! What do you say?"

The crowd was silent.

There is no objection, but it is not easy to expressly agree.

Chi Shengxi: "???"

What's the matter with you?

Lin Cheng chuckled: "What's a broken record? I'd rather see Nu's frantic look, hehehe!"

"I can show you in a panic right now!"

Chi Shengxi couldn't help but slapped Lin Cheng on the shoulder, which made this guy very angry.

"Why don't you talk? Don't you think the same as Lin Cheng?"

Chi Shengxi turned his head to look at the rest of Hanhan, "Anyone who has this kind of thinking put down the drinks in their hands, and go buy drinks by themselves in the sun."

Immediately, the rest of the idiots gave in to Chi Shengxi.

"Lin Cheng, do you still have humanity? Event planning is the painstaking effort of Nu that stayed up all night!"

"I want to win anyway! Don't treat Lin Cheng from now on, he is a white-eyed wolf."

"Lin Cheng, I will keep an eye on you today. If you dare to act, I will report you with your real name."

Lin Cheng: "..."

MMP!These guys are so realistic.

(End of this chapter)

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