This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1212 Grains have some effect!

Chapter 1212 Grains have some effect!

The pre-match confrontation between the two commentators made the Chinese stream audience laugh like crazy.

"It's a big deal! These two are really fighting each other, right?"

"One thing to say, Wanwan said 14% in an instant, and I didn't realize it. I had to use a calculator to calculate."

"Wanwan is real! I cried to death!"

"Brother Chengzi, look at this woman! Are you not at all tempted by treating you so wholeheartedly?"

"It's hard to say whether the colonel really cares about Samsung, but Wan Wan really has a deep affection for Cheng Zi."

Not knowing that Wanwan was fighting for himself against the gods in the distant Shanghai, Lin Cheng couldn't help but turned his head and gave a compliment in the direction of his little wife when the game was loading.

Immediately, the KT fans at the scene burst into jubilation again.

Seeing Lin Cheng's actions, the corners of Xiao Tong's mouth hidden under the mask slightly raised, but he still muttered arrogantly:
"Cut! It's such a shame... Be careful, you will be caught as 0-9 later!"

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng chose the main series of Precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Resilience, Perseverance, and the secondary series of Resolute: Skeleton Plating, Firmness.

This belt method is also easy to understand.

First of all, the heroic characteristic of Fiego is to reap the endgame, and the continuous combat ability provided by the conqueror is very suitable.

Secondly, the mechanism of Fyego's Q skill can stack Conqueror super fast.

Then, because Viego's passive transformation will not inherit the opponent's runes, the Conqueror happens to be the most versatile rune, which can deal with various transformation situations.

So no matter which aspect is considered, the most suitable cornerstone rune for Viego is Conqueror.

Entering the game, both sides did not make offensive vision, and the game started peacefully.

Fyego is relatively strong at the first level among all the heroes. When Gnar follows the minions to the line, Lin Cheng first Qs the two front row minions, and uses the passive effect of the Q skill to quickly grab the line.

Gnar level one is not too afraid to come to Fuyego.

Foyego's hands are very long, and his basic attack distance has reached 225 yards, which is even better than Daomei.

This is what Lin Cheng wanted to complain about.

Once upon a time, his beloved Daomei was the only long-handed melee player in the top laner. As a result, the basic attack distance of the new heroes Gwen and Ruined Wang became more and more outrageous.

With the length of the hand and the short CD of Fiego's Q skill, which can poke far without consumption, it is naturally difficult for Gnar, a first-level poor household, to grab the line.

Lin Cheng held the line right when he came up, but it was obviously not easy for KT's middle and bottom lanes to grab the line right in the early stage.

Although Peanut sometimes has convulsions, his ability to read the game is actually very strong.

In this round, the blind monk chose the blue BUFF → toad → F6 open field route on the blue side, and did not fight his own three wolves first.

It just so happened that Clid's Rambo chose the red BUFF → his own F6 → opponent's F6 open field route on the red side.

Because of the advantage of Serti in the middle lane pushing up the line, Clid's open field route is logically easy to earn a set of F6 for nothing, but because Peanut gave up the three wolves and went to F6 first, Rambo just ran over thousands of miles. I saw F6 being eaten by the blind monk.

In this way, Clid wasted time because of his own wild area design.

After all, it wasn't his own wild area, and Clid didn't come in frenziedly to grab the red, and left angrily after suffering a sullen loss.

Peanut didn't fight the stone man after brushing his own F6 and red BUFF. He went back to the upper half to kill the three wolves and immediately went to control Shanghexie.

Zeyuan: "Peanut's wild route is very thoughtful! He just completely avoids communicating with Rambo in the second half of the jungle, because he knows that he will suffer if he is caught by Rambo at the bottom at this time, so he just comes up and relies on Brother Chengzi's line Right to control Shanghe Crab first."

Wan Wan: "Although we lost a group of Golems, the time was delayed due to Rambo's failure to fight against the jungle. Now the blind monk is leading in the number of wilds... and he seems to want to catch the crab after fighting the river crab." ?”

Just as the blind monk approached, Lin Cheng WE suddenly attacked.

Fiego's E skill, Boundless Scorched Earth, can be released in the middle of any skill, which just allows Fiego to enter the stealth state to hide the raised hand of the W skill for thousands of years.

Rascal couldn't react in time, and Gnar was stunned by the blade rushing out of the black mist.

The passive effect of Fyego's Q skill Ruined King Sword will mark all his skills on the target, and Fyego's subsequent basic attack will cause an additional attack effect and restore his own HP.

Because of this feature, Lin Cheng's WAQA is filled with conquerors in an instant.

The blind monk touched his eyes and shot with his Q skill.

At this time, the line of soldiers was stuck in front of the red square tower. Seeing the blind monk play Q, Rascal stood up decisively and handed over the flash.

He knew that once he was followed by Tianyinbo, it would be no different from dying if he flashed again after his health was exhausted, so the soldiers who entered the tower immediately would not dare to eat it.

"Forget it! The E on the other side hasn't been handed in yet, so you can earn it by flashing."

Seeing that his opponent was so decisive, Xiao Huasheng accepted it as soon as he saw it, and no longer continued to prepare to overtake with Lin Cheng.

At this time, the bot lane Titans took the initiative to find a wave of blood exchange opportunities in front of the KT tower. Effort's female tank accurately controlled Calista with a backhand, and the KT duo exchange blood did not suffer obviously.

Although Clid is in the bottom half, he can't do anything to the KT duo under the tower.

In this way, the rhythm of the first wave of junglers on both sides was clearly ahead of Peanut.

After this wave of returning to the city, the blind monk swiped down the stone man for the first time. When F6 was not refreshed, Peanut leaned towards the middle.

At this time, Seti just pushed the line of troops to the front of the blue square tower.

Wanwan: "Little Peanut wants to catch...but the support from both sides has arrived, and Clid is also brushing F6 at the side. This wave of the two sides seems to have a good understanding."

Zeyuan: "Laifu has a good sense of smell. Knowing that Seti, the soldier line, may be caught, Tai Tan went out and went directly to the middle to cover."

Before the words fell, the mighty enchantress W stepped into the pile of soldiers, and the E skill Phantom Chain precisely chained Seti.

The blind monk emerged from the side bushes.

Probably because his own assistant was right next to him, BDD didn't choose to dodge at the first time, and was imprisoned by the chain.

Effort flashed decisively at the back, and the E skill pointed at him.

Little Peanut touched the Japanese girl and got close to him, and AQ slapped the ground with his hand at the same time.

Sett hadn't gone home to replenish his equipment yet, so his blood was dropping rapidly.

Although the titan's hook next to it hit the enchantress, but Chaowei's set of damage had already been dealt, Ser raised his W and punched a layer of shield, and immediately dodged back and wanted to run.

The blind monk activated the second-stage Q to keep up, stuck two palms together to ignite and took Seti away.

"First Blood!"

Seeing that the situation was not right after giving the control, Titan turned around and slipped away. At this time, Rambo emerged from the path next to F6.

Seeing that everyone in KT was coming to beat him aggressively, Rambo ran away with red feet off the ground.

Zeyuan: "Chaowei directly stepped on the chain and hit the chain! How to say this wave... The Japanese girl flashed and took control, which is too decisive! Let's see if the teammates can save it? Titan hooked... Rambo? Where's Rambo?"

"Ke Li De! Ke Li De has some effect! The teammates are going to die, why are you still taking F6?"

Wan Wan: "Wow! The impact of the first-level wilderness route of the junglers of both sides has come out. The blind monk has no wild monsters in the lower half of the area at this time and can only catch them. However, Rambo is attracted by the refreshed F6. This wave of red and warm There’s really nothing you can do here.”

"Laughing to death! Keli has some effect, the colonel is numb."

"This Rambo is just boring, right?"

"Red Wen Lambo is too classic and spicy! I'm still developing after my teammate dies, right?"

"Why is AD not fat? Why eat some wild monsters... Oh! It's a jungler! That's okay!"

"Driving the Uzi again, right? The Red-Wen Lambo makes you hot?"

(End of this chapter)

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