This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1215 Zeyuan: Waiting for a Miracle

Chapter 1215 Zeyuan: Wait for a miracle

"The Ruined King came over, but the frontal demon girl has been killed, and the Japanese girl is about to die! GEN·G has a very obvious advantage in numbers, is Brother Cheng still going? Slide up and take the female tank's ultimate move!"

Zeyuan's tone faltered, and he couldn't help but say: "No! Why does this Japanese girl still have a big move?"

No one answered his doubts, and Wanwan took over to explain the mess in the commentary.

"Skateboard shoes have been cut off! Foyego has started to transform! The big move can be used against the Titan control...GEN·G can't beat it, Brother Orange is going to kill it! Four kills! Wow~~~It's so handsome! Is this Brother Orange's Ruined King?"

Wanwan's happiness almost overflowed the screen, and the barrage of Chinese streams was already too much to freeze.

"Turtle! This Viego is a bit handsome."


"Is this hero so fierce? Why is it different from my teammates?"

"Voyego is very brittle now, GEN·G, as long as there are two controls left, it won't be beaten four by one."

"I declare that Brother Chengzi is the world's [-]th monster!"

"Variety Monster? Please call him Variety King?"

"Then he peed in the faucet? (funny)"

"Wanwan's tone is so happy that it takes off, it's cute."

"The moment the colonel shut up and let Wanwan take over the commentary of the team battle, I knew who had the upper hand."

The director quickly gave a playback.

Due to the lack of vision in the upper half, the red team didn't notice Foyego's TP at the first time, and they handed over key skills to the enchantress and Japanese girl regardless of the cost, which just gave Lin Cheng the opportunity to show off later.

Zeyuan is still struggling with the issue of the Japanese girl's big move: "I can only say that Evert is too tolerant, I was almost dead just now. The flare was very critical, and Ruler also made a mistake, actively sliding into the center of the solar flare."

Wan Wan: "The advantage of being on the road is too great. GEN·G may think that killing Yao Ji first will not dare to fight back, but the situation where Brother Cheng is ahead of TP is really very decisive. They can't really kill Brother Cheng. Be the top laner in Korea! Sometimes he is not so steady!"

As soon as the words fell, the director gave KT's in-team voice.

As early as after Lin Cheng killed Calista, the little assistant had turned into an atmosphere group, motivating his teammates to cheer wildly.

Effort: "Come on, come on! Kill Calista first and still fight."

Little Peanut: "Give me the brakes! Hiss, hiss!"

Effort: "Can kill, can kill! No one can escape...Nice!"

Mr. Dai: "Oh, Mo! This can be won? Well done, Lin Cheng!"

Lin Cheng: "Nice! Lin Cheng is so handsome!"

Chinese streaming viewers can't hold back anymore.

Both Lin Cheng and Peanut spoke in Chinese, and everyone could understand them without translation.

"Is it okay to boast about yourself? It's you!"

"Lin Cheng is so handsome! This is from his heart, 233333."

"What did Peanut learn all year in Lao Ganda? The taste is too strong! (cover face)"

"I don't know, I thought he was in RNG last year (funny)"

"Rebirth Dazzling Dog is playing jungle in KT."

"Fuck! Dazzling! It really looks like it."

The KT fans at the scene were already excited because of Lin Cheng's quadruple kill.

Although Xiao Tong wished that Lin Cheng would be caught 0-9, he still couldn't help being happy when he saw someone's wonderful performance.

Deciding to temporarily put aside the grievances, Miss Xiao secretly applauded Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng's four kills in the middle lane had a great follow-up impact. Little Peanut happened to take out the vanguard, and came to cooperate with Lin Cheng to directly pull out the first tower in the red side's middle lane.

Mr. Dai was left unattended on the next road, and he managed to eat two layers of tapas.

The middle and bottom roads were pure losses, but the top road Rascal secretly ate a layer of tapioca while Lin Cheng was away, but this layer of tapestry was a bit like a steamed bun of human blood.

This time, Lin Cheng went home and put out the magic points + cloth armor shoes. Gnar couldn't match the line, so he could only shrink under the tower and ask for the protection of his father.

Breaking the opponent's middle tower means that KT will start to suppress the vision.

KT's field of vision layout is very disciplined. Nosuke helps Yaoji push the line, and then takes Yaoji into the wild area to do vision and put pressure on Gnar.

Still want to eat under the tower line?are you going or not?If you don't leave, we will come over and overtake you!

Brother is very sensible, and when he realized that the situation was not right, he gave up the line of troops and shrank to the autistic grass in advance.

GEN·G knows that the opponent is in the upper half of the jungle, but the current situation does not allow them to take the initiative to enter the jungle to fight.

Seeing that their opponents knew each other, KT's Nakanosuke three brothers lined up a circle of vision in the jungle and gave up.

Even if this wave didn't overtake Gnar, KT's style of play still puts a lot of pressure on the opponent. After pushing the line in the middle and drilling into the wild area, people on the side of the opponent's line of sight will not dare to eat the line.

After several successive waves, Little Peanut not only easily took down the second little dragon, Lin Cheng also flatly pushed the red square tower on the top lane, and Mr. Dai also ground the tower on the bottom lane.

Zeyuan: "GEN·G makes the opponent's operation very uncomfortable! The field of vision can't be improved at all, and once the opponent's mid laner disappears, GEN·G dare not eat from the side pawn line. If this continues, the economic gap will get bigger and bigger. , which is actually very large now.”

Wan Wan: "Well~~~GEN·G's current command is also releasing resources to develop. It seems that they want to delay the development time, but this lineup is actually not strong if it drags on."

Zeyuan: "Wait a minute and see if there is a miracle! To be honest, it is already very hopeless to continue fighting like this. We can only wait for a miracle. What if Brother Chengzi makes a mistake?"

As soon as the words fell, KT suddenly changed lines and jumped down the tower.

The blood volume of the red side's bottom tower is running low, and Gnar just got smaller in the top lane. KT saw the opportunity and decisively launched an attack on the bottom lane.

Even though Kalista's guards spotted him, KT attacked without any hesitation.

The red duo was blocked behind the tower, and the Japanese girl who didn't wait for the pawn line to enter the tower Effort directly raised her hand, pointed to control Calista, and everyone concentrated fire to kill Ruler in an instant.

Kalista's big move before she died was called back to the Titan, and the summoning tower of fate knocked three people into the air.

"Point the tower first! Point the tower!"

KT's thinking was very clear, and everyone backhanded to shoot down the defense tower first.

At this time, Rambo's ultimate move was far away.

This constant temperature burning position was placed very well, and Effort, who was carrying the tower, quickly flashed and pulled it away.

The defense tower was dismantled by everyone after A'ing Foyego, and Lin Cheng picked up Calista's ghost.

But Mr. Dai is harmful.

Before Tai Tan died, he threw his ultimate move to EZ. Seeing Sett and Rambo rushing towards him, Mr. Dai subconsciously handed over EZ to the side and back.

As soon as Fyego transformed into Calista, he was knocked into the air by EZ with a deep-sea impact.

Seti carried the Japanese girl in front of her and fell over her shoulder to Lin Cheng's side. Just when she was full of pride, Seti landed and charged up to punch.

Rambo flashes into the arena with a fire-spraying feast in dangerous temperatures.

Lin Cheng was knocked into the air and landed. The first time he slid down and wanted to pull the position, Seti flashed a W and directly cooperated with Rambo to blast Calista to death.

Ze Yuan: "Look! A miracle is coming soon? Brother Chengzi really got a chance! 1000 yuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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