This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1218 Zeyuan: Brother Chengzi thinks I'm right!

Chapter 1218 Zeyuan: Brother Chengzi thinks I'm right!
Everyone in GEN·G obviously didn't know that there was a Tie Xingza who was furious at the Chinese stream commentary seat. The current GEN·G coach Ggoong, the second Korean brother Ggoong, showed a confident smile after asking the players to lock the crocodile on the first floor.

When the camera saw this scene, Ze Yuan couldn't hold back anymore:

"You're still laughing! You are the worst among the twelve players on the field! To be honest, the lineup in the last round was outrageous, and Xin Zhao will not take it when he releases it in this round."

Wanwan didn't know how to answer this, "Well~~~Maybe GEN·G has already predicted that Brother Chengzi will choose Qinggangying, so it seems reasonable to have a crocodile on the first floor."

Zeyuan: "But the reply of the Q skill of the crocodile has just been weakened, is it worth grabbing? And BDD definitely doesn't play the crocodile in the middle lane. To put it bluntly, GEN·G has very limited options for the crocodile to take the jungle position. Might take the Lambo again."

"KT has seen too many of these things. When the five of you, GEN·G, were sleeping at home, KT played with the Rambo lineup in Iceland. Others have a lot of experience in dealing with Rambo!"

The Chinese barrage once caught up with Lin Cheng's quadruple kills in the previous round.

"Someone broke the defense, hahahaha!"

"The worst of the twelve people on the field is Ni! Coach GEN·G is too miserable, 23333."

"After all, I was spraying my home team, and I didn't attack him."

"When the five of you, GEN·G, were sleeping at home, they were playing Rambo lineup in Iceland. This sentence almost made me laugh!"

"The colonel is really in a hurry. You didn't lose your composure in the commentary seat before, did you?"

"In fact, there are. He explained that there were BPs who sprayed on GEN G before, but they used to like yin and yang, and rarely directly talked about coaching."

Sure enough, as Zeyuan predicted, KT did not get used to their opponents on the red side, and grabbed Xin Zhao first on the first floor.

Immediately afterwards, the red square locked Calista on the second floor.

Zeyuan: "Look! KT's BP thinking is very clear, there is no hesitation in robbing Xin Zhao, and the second-hand Kalista is ready to charge. KT is really rare in the LCK and especially likes to take the initiative to attack. team."

Wan Wan: "Indeed! Many LCK teams like to play steadily from draft to play. The first thing they want is not to make mistakes. On the contrary, KT plays very proactively. They like to create opportunities by themselves instead of waiting for opponents to make mistakes."

On the second and third floors of the blue square, Olaf + Verus was brought out.

Zeyuan: "GEN`G's two moves are quite targeted in the matchup. It is not the same as I expected Rambo. It is true that against Olaf in the wild in the early stage, he can wrestle with Xin Zhao and check in with Verus. Lista is also good online."

"But this choice means that the mid laner must make up a big AP core, and the second round of BP is easy to be targeted."

"Besides, Olaf is not a hero I'm biased against. Ke Lide often plays very wrongly when he takes it out, full of brush smell. I don't know, I thought it was the head of An who played wild on it."

Wan Wan chuckled: "Isn't it good that Head An is on top? It used to be the world champion team."

Zeyuan: "I'm talking about An Zhangmen in the second half of S8."

Wanwan resolutely refuses to answer this topic, after all, I am not a fan of GEN·G, so it is difficult to comment on An Bixin in the second half of S8.

"Uh~~~ Let's see if KT wants to give Qinggangying to Brother Chengzi? If the third floor doesn't grab Qinggangying, you can first get Chaowei a clockwork or Victor, and then the second round of targeted BAN mid laner It's going to make it hard for BDD."

KT obviously also thought of this problem, and the players discussed it for a while.

But Lin Cheng was full of confidence.

"Grab Camille! Don't hesitate!"

"This brings me to C! You guys lie down for me! Don't give me a bag to win!"

Lin Cheng's words were so arrogant that his teammates couldn't help laughing.

Seeing that the players were all laughing, the KT fans couldn't help applauding.

Afterwards, the applause became even more enthusiastic when the red Fang Sanlou locked Qinggang Ying.

Zeyuan: "Come on! Brother Cheng's signature Qinggang Shadow! Even though it is used to fight crocodiles, it seems that no one thinks that Brother Cheng will suffer a loss. Once this Qinggang Shadow is used, everyone knows the game of KT. Where is the focus?"

Wanwan: "It's really strange! Obviously Qing Gangying is the most representative hero in Brother Cheng's career, but many times the opponent would rather put Qing Gangying on him, and then he is violently killed by Qing Gangying every time. , remember to eat but not fight, right?"

Wan Wan's tone was very cheerful, and the audience couldn't help but be amused by the slightly puzzled "remember to eat but not to fight" at the end.

"Wanwan is also a lip service! Haha!"

"Cute! This face is kind of cute!"

In the second round of BP, KT chose BAN in the red side and dropped Bron + Victor.

Bron's backhand has restraint on KT's rushing lineup, and Victor's position can also limit the team battle performance of a hero like Xin Zhao.

In the second round of the blue team, BAN lost the Japanese woman who played well in the previous round, and the brave little god of death was awesome.

In the second round of selection, KT first played Titans on the fourth floor, copying the bottom lane combination of GEN·G in the previous round.

The blue Fang GEN`G didn't hesitate, and finally locked the clockwork + Luo with both hands.

KT finally locked the enchantress.

There is no suitable big-core AP anymore, taking the initiative to take the enchantress as a clockwork shows that Chaowei is very confident, and this laning is not very comfortable.

But Yao Ji + Xin Zhao's mid-field strength is very high, and KT's offensive intentions are obvious.

Both teams are selected.

Blue Square GEN·G:

Top Road: Rascal (Desert Butcher, Renekton)
Jungle: Clid (Berserker, Olaf)

Mid lane: BDD (A Clockwork Genie, Orianna)

Bottom lane: Ruler (Arrow of Retribution, Varus)
Support: Life (Huan Ling, Luo)
Red square KT:

Top Road: Cheng (Qing Gang Ying, Camille)

Jungle: Peanut (Director of Germany, Xin Zhao)
Mid lane: Chovy (Trickster, LeBlanc)
Bot Lane: Deft (Spear of Vengeance, Kalista)

Support: Effort (Deep Titan, Nautilus)

Wanwan: "It's very strange! In this round, the blind monk was outside and there was no ban or candidate on both sides. This is very rare in recent games."

Zeyuan: "I can understand if KT doesn't take it. After all, the jungler robbed Xin Zhao, and Brother Chengzi also took the signature Qinggangying in the top lane. It's normal to not choose the blind monk if you want to make up AP in the middle lane."

"It's a bit too much for the blue side of GEN G to not take the blind monk. Brother and Ke Lide's blind monk played very well, but they grabbed the crocodile and then took Olaf for the confrontation in the jungle. They insisted not to blind Monk is a strong fighter in this version, to be honest, this BP is a bit abstract."

After a pause, Zeyuan explained: "It's not that there is a problem with the selection of this lineup. The lineup of GEN·G seems to be okay, but their BP process seems very unreasonable."

Coincidentally, the director's camera was on Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng smiled and nodded to the camera.

Ze Yuan: "Look! Brother Cheng thinks what I said is right! The BP of GEN·G is very unreasonable!"

(End of this chapter)

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