Chapter 1230

After watching TV with his two wives for a while, Lin Cheng got bored and took out his phone to play.

Finding that Mr. Dai was live broadcasting on Mouse Channel, Lin Cheng lurked in to investigate the situation.

Mr. Dai's family is in Gyeonggi-do, but he is not used to going home to stay with his parents often, so he spends a lot of weekends at the base.

Mr. Dai seems to have just started the broadcast, and he is not playing games. From the angle of the camera, there seems to be no one else in the training room.

While eating small tomatoes, Mr. Dai watched the barrage.

"In order to watch Deft, I ran out of the study room. "

Mr. Dai took a bite of the small tomato, "It can't be like this! Go back, because I can't be responsible for everyone's life."

Lin Cheng was overjoyed, he didn't expect Mr. Dai to be able to say such philosophical words.

At this time, shouldn't we learn from Brother Coin to complete the program effect?
Thank you boss for your attention!Thank you boss for the plane!
Lin Cheng thought for a while, he was not live broadcasting on Mouse Channel, and no one should know his account on Mouse Channel, so he tipped 1000 Korean won stingily and tweeted:
"Do you have a favorite player in KT? "

Mr. Dai turned his head and looked around, confirmed that there were no teammates nearby, and said decisively:
"They are all unified and hate them."

"Then are there any players who occasionally want to have a fight? "

Mr. Dai: "Of course it is Lin Cheng, and this thought is not accompanied by occasional, I want to hit him every day."

After a pause, Mr. Dai said aggrievedly, "But he's too healthy for me to beat... I don't even dare to put on my face that I want to beat him, because this guy always likes to find trouble for nothing."

Mr. Dai complained to the audience in the live broadcast room, but he had no idea that Lin Cheng was lurking in the live broadcast room, and Lin Cheng was even fishing for these two questions.


Didn't expect Mr. Dai to have a big opinion on me?

I have to find a way to beat him when I go back JPG
"Have you ever thought that Lin Cheng is watching the live broadcast? "

Mr. Dai: "What am I afraid of? If this kid appears in front of me now, I will teach him a lesson."

"Then have you ever thought that I am Lin Cheng? "

Mr. Dai, who was gnawing on a small tomato, paused, and pretended to be relaxed and said, "Then I'm going to have a discussion with you: Is it too much to reward only 1000 won for asking questions?"

"You can't really be Lin Cheng, can you?"

Although he pretended to be relaxed at the beginning, Mr. Dai's face became more and more serious later on, which made the audience in the live broadcast room launch KKKK one after another.

Lin Cheng didn't reveal his identity either. After all, it's a bit stingy to reward his teammates with 1000 won for asking questions.

During Douyu's live broadcast, the big anchors check each other's wards with airplanes and rockets as meeting gifts.

But this guy just said that he wanted to hit him, and he felt very bad for asking Lin Cheng to give him a big reward.

So angry!
Write it down for him for the time being, and settle the score after the autumn.

Although Mr. Dai doesn't talk much at ordinary times, the effect of the live broadcast is pretty good. From time to time, he has a humorous sentence or two, and by the way, he gnawed on the bell pepper in the live broadcast, which aroused a burst of amazement.

In the entire KT club, only Mr. Dai can gnaw bell peppers raw, and this move can be regarded as a personal stunt.

After watching the live broadcast for a while, Lin Cheng's attention was quickly attracted by the two wives next to him.

Han Shuyan didn't seem to have changed her clothes when she got home. She wore a light blue shirt with a black half-length skirt, and her slender legs were wrapped in black stockings, exuding a hazy beauty under the light, looking elegant and charming.

Crossing one's legs is a relatively relaxed sitting posture, but the occasional tiptoe of the eldest wife seems very tempting to Lin Cheng.

The little wife leaned against Han Shuyan's arms, her white legs stretched out, her heels touched the ground, her delicate feet swayed mischievously, and the pink nail polish also attracted Lin Cheng's attention.

One black and one white, two pairs of peerless beautiful legs dazzled Lin Cheng.

He quietly moved his butt against the sofa.He reached out to touch Xiao Tong's calf.

The little wife was startled, and quickly retracted her legs and gave Lin Cheng a look.

Sister Shuyan is right next to her!

Lin Cheng winked at her, and hooked his fingers to signal the little wife to come to her door obediently.

But Xiao Tong was shy and got up decisively to run away.

"I'm going back to my room first! Take a look."

Han Shuyan shot Lin Cheng angrily, "Couldn't you be more peaceful? Xiaotong has a thin skin, so don't tease her."

Although I didn't know what happened at the first time, but seeing Lin Cheng's thief-like appearance, he knew that this guy was restless.

Lin Cheng took advantage of the opportunity to sit beside Han Shuyan, and whispered viciously in her ear:
"The little wife is gone, so the eldest wife will pay off the debt."

While talking, his hand touched his girlfriend's beautiful legs in stockings.

It feels so good.

Han Shuyan patted Lin Cheng's hand away angrily, "Okay! Sit down obediently and wait for my sister to finish watching the show, okay?"

Lin Cheng looked eagerly into his girlfriend's beautiful eyes, "What about after watching the TV?"

Han Shuyan blinked, "I'll talk about it after reading it."

"Don't talk anymore, let's talk first."

Lin Cheng's childish appearance made Han Shuyan smile. She pinched Lin Cheng's nose dotingly, leaned into his ear and said softly:
"After reading it... my sister will give you a hard lesson, stinky brother."

"How cruel?"

"Hmph! I'm going to squeeze you dry anyway."

Han Shuyan lacked confidence, but she still raised her chin and said harsh words.

Seeing his girlfriend's gentle yet charming appearance, Lin Cheng couldn't help but kiss her.

"Then since my sister will teach me later, can I act first?"

"Huh? Uh~~~~"

With her lips blocked, Han Shuyan gave Lin Cheng an angry look, then closed her eyes and responded softly.

The two were lingering in a tacit understanding, and Lin Cheng was almost intoxicated by this beautiful feeling of soul-to-heart fusion.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

Lin Cheng smacked his lips, "Sister Shuyan's lipstick is really delicious."

Han Shuyan made him laugh, "Okay! Let my sister watch the show first, okay?"

"It's okay! You don't have to worry about me."

Saying this, Lin Cheng's hand unconsciously touched his girlfriend's beautiful black silk leg again.

Han Shuyan bit Lin Cheng's nose helplessly, snorted softly and turned her head to ignore him.

Sister Shuyan's legs are not as thin as Xiao Tong's, but they are straight and well-proportioned, and they feel explosive to the touch. Lin Cheng gently stroked the black silk legs with his palm, and they were so beautiful.

Following the curve of the silky calf, the thin black silk lower ankle shows an elegant arc, and the heel is slightly transparent, revealing a faint flesh color that tempts Lin Cheng's eyes.

Lin Cheng grabbed Sister Shuyan's ankle and pulled it towards him.

Han Shuyan couldn't help giving him a blank look, and Lin Cheng winked at her.


Han Shuyan has nothing to do with her boyfriend, she reprimanded gently, then turned her head and continued to watch the TV.

As for whether she can still concentrate on watching the show, it's hard to say.

Lin Cheng carefully observed the delicate feet of the eldest wife.

Sister Shuyan's feet are very beautiful. The soles of her feet are slender and slender. The toes are neatly arranged. The thin stockings are made more transparent by the toes, revealing her fair skin and lavender nail polish.

This scene directly filled Lin Cheng's intracranial blood pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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