This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1239 Chapter 1246 Li Ge Tsar Underworld Scene

Chapter 1239 Chapter 1246 Li Ge Tsar Underworld Scene

Lin Cheng T went down and exchanged with the opponent's support, but because the first-level blind monk played Jess TP, Canna lost a lot of towers and went offline. This round KT still made a lot of money.

And the impact of this wave of bot lane is more than that.

Rambo and EZ of T1 were not in good condition after evacuating the defensive tower, and could no longer pose a threat to Senna under the tower. The small assistant decisively left Mr. Dai to eat the lane alone, and the bull head moved from the wild to the middle.

The Tsar in the middle lane has the advantage of pushing the line, but when Chaowei fights in the bottom lane, he deliberately pushes up to prevent the opponent from easily pushing the line of troops into the tower.

Although the Tsar's arm was exhausted, he didn't dare to go up to E's body when he saw a Yasuo holding the wind in his hand, which caused the pawn line to delay advancing to the tower.

It was very uncomfortable to get stuck here, Faker pulled back and forth and waited for the wind in Yasuo's hand to disappear and forcefully poked at the top line.

Just when he saw that the pawn line was about to be completely pushed towards the red defense tower, Yasuo picked up the wind again and suddenly the E pawn pressed forward.

The Tsar drifted back and pulled away.

But at this time, Haoyue came out from the wild path above the blue square one tower.

Brother Li followed the trend and walked down.

Originally, Cuzz controlled the river crab before, and it should be safe for the czar to walk in this direction with the view of the river altar.

But the T1 people didn't expect that the small assistant's residual blood bull head did not return to the city after experiencing a wave of collisions in the bottom lane, but went around the wild area and found the middle lane.

Senna + Niutou, who would have thought that Niutou didn't eat the line and came to gank in the early stage?

The bull's head flashed across the wall from the blue BUFF Hex, and groped into the grass in the middle road and river around the field of vision.

As soon as the Tsar was looking into the grass, he was hammered by the Q skill of the bull head who just arrived one step ahead of time, and then W returned to the top.

Yasuo hit the air with EQ.

Haoyue followed up with skills.

Knowing that he couldn't run away, Brother Li didn't dodge, and Yasuo took his head.

Jun Ri: "Yasuo chased people away with the wind, and the bright moon came later, Faker didn't want to hand in the flashback tower and chose to lean on the lower half... But the bull head just arrived! This time I can't go! There is no need to hand in the flash !"

Yu Tong: "This wave of Faker was fooled by the vision of the river crab! No one would have guessed that there would be a bull's head in the grass, and Everett is also very thin. The bloody bull's head W will push the czar in front of his teammates without relying on himself. In the past, I was afraid of being replaced by the Tsar.”

"The Tsar actually wanted to save a flash. The lower river KT has no vision. Under normal circumstances, Yasuo and Haoyue might not chase after this situation, but Brother Li never expected that the bull's head would appear here."

Jun Ri: "I can only say that this wave of Evert is bold and cautious. If his blood volume is caught by Rambo in the wild, he will be given away, but Cuzz just happened to go back to the city directly below the tower after jumping over the tower. Let this bloody bull head run to the middle to complete the gank."

"And don't forget! In this round, Mr. Dai is playing Senna, so it's outrageous for Niutou to gank without taking the line!"

Live broadcast barrage.

"Fuck! Jiang Zi GANK?"

"Tau Tau doesn't eat soldiers, such a weird gank, it's hard not to believe that they have no personal grievances."

"Efter: Brother Xianghe, I'm here to help in the middle again! But this time I'm on the opposite side."

"If the bloody bull head is caught in the wild area, it will be another story, #小魔神STATE#"

On the road, Jess lost the flash, and Canna chose to develop on the line very wretchedly after she came back.

If it was last year, Jayce's early inferiority choice of wretched development would basically make no sound throughout the game, but now the mythical version of Jayce has become different.

The current Jess is not like the previous laning period where he was useless because he couldn't gain an advantage. In this version with overflowing damage, Jess is not so strong in the early stage, but his equipment has become very powerful in the later stage.

Lin Cheng's blind monk found several opportunities to exchange blood, but he didn't have a good chance to complete the kill before level six.

Little Peanut originally planned to come up to cooperate with Lin Cheng to make another wave of Jess, but he had to give up after meeting Cuzz in the wild.

Although Peanut took the head, Rambo, who was stuck in the temperature, was not afraid of the bright moon at this time. In addition, the Tsar in the middle still had the right to wire, so Peanut did not mess around in the wild.

Up to level six, in blind monk Q, Jess found a wave of blood consumption opportunities in front of the opponent's tower.

Just when Lin Cheng's second stage Q kicked up and prepared to kill, the river vision suddenly saw the czar approaching.

At the same time, Rambo also appeared behind the tower.

At this time, his teammates were all in the lower half, Lin Cheng did not say a word, and W looked back to pull his body.

But before going on the road, the blind monk pressed too hard, and Faker decisively commanded his teammates to chase by voice.

Cuzz: "Are you still chasing? Are you still chasing?"

Keria: "The opponent's jungler is playing, they seem to be playing Xiaolong."

Faker: "Chasing chasing chasing! I have ult and flash, so I can keep people."

The route was very long, and when Lin Cheng ran to the red square corner wall of the river, the Czar drifted across the river.

The Sand Soldier and the Tsar appeared next to the blind monk.

Brother Li is handsome, he directly flashed to predict the location of the blind monk's flash, and turned around to launch the big move of the wall of the forbidden army.

When many players see the Tsar drifting close, they will immediately flash to prevent being pushed back by the Tsar. In this case, it will be too late to flash back after being pushed back.

Therefore, some Tsar players like to wait for the opponent to dodge first, and then do a dodge.

There are even tsars who will drift to the position where the opponent flashes decisively and predicts the opponent's flash.

BDD likes to play this trick very much, and he really played a lot of exciting scenes. Two rounds ago, BDD Tsar played Teddy like this.

No way, players are not gods. If you really wait until you see your opponent make a move first and then react, no one can guarantee that you can make a 100% operation. Therefore, most players who see the Tsar's face will hand it in directly.

However, Lin Cheng was not among them.

At the first moment, Lin Cheng didn't flash back, Brother Li's flash turned to show off the atmosphere.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

Lin Cheng casually nodded his praise.

The Tsar himself flashed in front of the red square tower, and found that the blind monk did not cross flashes. The Tsar subconsciously took a step forward and directed the sand soldiers to attack.

But Lin Cheng didn't need to deliberately adjust this angle. The blind monk kicked the Tsar directly into his defense tower, and hung up the Q skill Tianyinbo.

The second-stage Q crossed the wall of the imperial army, Lin Cheng slapped down and cooperated with the defensive tower to easily kill the czar.

The two Ueno brothers from T1 were stunned outside the tower.

Jun Ri: "Brother Chengzi is too aggressive! This wave of Czar comes to T1 three packs and one must be caught. The Czar has a big move... En? The blind monk flashed a big move on the face of the Czar to push the air Lah! The blind monk kicked the Tsar into the tower with a raptor swinging its tail, brother Li sent it off!"

Yu Tong: "Ah, this? Faker is thinking too much! He directly flashed R to predict that the blind monk will flash back immediately. Indeed, in this case, 99% of the players who saw the Tsar Queen followed by two teammates might directly It flashed, but Cheng Zi insisted on not flashing in a panic, which made the Tsar's operation look a bit strange."

Jun Ri: "Brother Chengzi doesn't hand in flashes, which makes Brother Li look stupid in this wave of operations!"

(End of this chapter)

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