This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1242 Perfect team battle! The temptation of 4 bars

Chapter 1242 Perfect team battle!The temptation of four bars

KT played consecutive advantages on the field, but the bottom lane also gave opportunities.

It turned out that the little assistant couldn't bear the loneliness when his teammates started to move, and leaned towards the middle.

Brother Li knew that Yasuo and Haoyue had handed over all the big moves to Rambo, so the Tsar cleared the line and was not so vigilant. Evert relied on his five-speed shoes to plan another wave of sneak attacks.

However, the eyes around the river at T1 saw the movement of the bull's head, and Keria flashed unreasonably for Da Precision to control Mr. Dai behind him.

Senna is too brittle, if the bull head is not around to cover for the first time, being controlled by the female tank is tantamount to a death sentence.

EZ pulled the big move first, and E came over and took the head with a secret shot.

The T1 duo is very good.

Teddy showed a mischievous Poro expression at Mr. Dai's corpse, and Keria showed a winking expression of a little bee.

"Oh Mo? Show your face? Minxi show your face to me?"

Mr. Dai was upset on the spot, "Lin Cheng! Come quickly and help me kill those two guys on the opposite side!"

Lin Cheng: "..."

"Hurry up! Kill them all!"

"Wait a minute! Labor and capital can't fly!"

The bottom lane relationship between the two parties is actually very complicated.

Last season, Keria was the assistant of Mr. Dai, and Evert was the assistant of Teddy, which belongs to the current relationship between the current predecessor and the predecessor.

It's no wonder that Mr. Dai's expression is so unhappy when he is revealed after his death.

Keria is his dearest little brother!
How can you tell Mr. Dai to put up with showing his expression to himself with his new AD?
The upper tower on the blue side was already bleeding, so Lin Cheng ran back first and pushed down the upper tower under the cover of his teammates in the middle and field.

Just in time, the T1 duo took advantage of the opportunity of KT's upper middle field to show up in the upper half and wanted to push the pawn line over and take the initiative to change lines.

But just as the blue team pushed the pawn line forward, the triangular grass lit up Lin Cheng's TP.

"Old Dai! I'm here to avenge you! Keep people here!"

"EZ didn't flash! They can be killed!"

The red duo presses forward.

The T1 duo realized something was wrong, turned around and retreated.

But it is already late.

Evert's WQ second company kept the female tank behind, and Senna followed W to stay together endlessly.

Keria decisively pointed back to accuse Senna.

EZ also wants to counter Senna.

At this time, Lin Cheng's blind monk came around from the side, touched his eyes and approached EZ, and started with E skill.

Teddy handed over the E arcane leap, but was still hit by the blind monk's next Tianyinbo.

Lin Cheng was not in a hurry to turn in the second-stage Q, because the distance from the EZ Arcane Leap was not far behind just now, and the blind monk activated the second-stage E to slow down and catch up, which would be two punches + thirsty blood.

In 14 minutes, Lin Cheng was already at level 11. EZ was overwhelmed by two levels and couldn't bear the damage at all. Lin Cheng activated the second-stage Q and the opponent was already crippled.

"Get out of the way! I'll take his head!"

Mr. Dai let out a roar, and Senna launched the Shadow Catching Fire from behind.

EZ fell to the ground.

The female tanks behind had no choice but to run away, and Mr. Dai won the double kill.

Then he showed the expression of naughty poro + little bee.

What a cool plot with successful revenge!

Lin Cheng came to help Senna double kill, and the first tower of T1 in the bottom lane also emptied the defense.

The plating had disappeared, and the three of them pushed the wire and unplugged the blue square tower very quickly.

So far, the three roads and one tower of T1 have been completely broken, and the field of view in the wild area is even more difficult to reach near the river.

T1 is a team that attaches great importance to vision. In this case, the blue team put EZ in the middle, and the teammates on the side did not forget to cover Nosuke and carefully sweep the field of view of their own field when defending the line.

At this time, KT's sophistication is revealed.

The two sides kept meeting each other in the jungle, but the red side was always the one with more people and faster support, even in the T1 jungle.

Moreover, the upper middle field of blind monk + bright moon + Yasuo is too powerful to fight in the wild.

In the case of leading equipment, casually knocking Yasuo into the air and picking up the ult can make a quick spot. T1 suffered a loss in two consecutive waves of vision collisions, resulting in the second tower on the side road being taken away by Lin Cheng.

Gradually, the T1 wild area was almost pitch black, and KT's most familiar vision squeeze made the enemy very uncomfortable.

However, in the 18th minute, KT made some mistakes when they took the drawing card Fire Dragon.

Originally thought that Xiaolong was already in the bag, all the members of the red team stood in the lower half of the area, and let Xiaohuasheng fight Xiaolong alone. As a result, Xiaohuasheng was snatched by EZ's blind vision.

A small dragon represents the development time of 5 minutes, and T1 obviously wants to delay it as much as possible.

KT's lineup advantage is very strong, but the disadvantages are also obvious, except that Senna's hands are too short, it is very difficult to get to the czar's high ground.

After all, the highlands are not as easy to take away as the outer towers through transfer operations.

Therefore, KT directly chose to force the dragon in 20 minutes.

Jun Il: "Is it going to be a big dragon? KT might give it a chance! T1's people are not far away, and this 3C has very strong Poke ability in the river."

Yu Tong: "It's already Ping! T1 Dalong is definitely not allowed."

Because the red team covered Peanut from the bottom to fight the dragon, T1's Nosuke seized a wave of vision of the dragon pit in advance. Seeing that the KT personnel cleared the upper half of the field of vision after the dragon was refreshed, the blue team was already vigilant.

The Tsar set up a sun disc in the ruins of a tower in the middle road, and after clearing a wave of soldiers, the five people from the blue side went to the river in a group.

At the same time, the blue jewelry is photographed.

The blood volume of the big dragon drops very quickly. Although the red square AD is Senna, Yasuo is not slow to fight the dragon.

Finding that the opponent seems to really want to RUSH to the end, the blue team has no time to slowly spread the vision, and everyone in front of the female tank huddles together.

Lin Cheng's blind boy hid in front of a tower on the road in his home ahead of time.

Just as the blue team was looking towards the grass in the middle of the river, the blind monk touched his real eye from the path next to F6 and entered the grass in the river.

Evert's bull head put pressure on the front, forcing the opponent to move.

Everyone in the blue side is not too close together, and the female tank inserted a real eye at the corner of the dragon pit to provide vision.

The blue square 3C starts to consume.

Yasuo set up a wind wall, but Jace's QE just rubbed against the wind wall and hit the bright moon.

Bright Moon's blood volume is less than half.

Jun Il: "Brother Chengzi's position behind him is very good...but T1's consumption effect is very good, and with Dalong's help, the blood volume of KT personnel is already very poor. Is it really necessary to open it? If KT If it doesn’t drive well, it might explode.”

"But it's not very good if you forcefully rush the dragon, even if you knock out this position, it's not easy to run."

Yu Tong: "The risk is too great! It's very difficult to get the first move when both Haoyue and Niutou are exposed to the opponent's vision. Although the blind monk is in a good position, please pay attention! The Tsar has a stopwatch! EZ is not easy to open! He can only kick Jess."

"But it's useless to kick Jess back in this situation. Rambo and Tsar both have ultimate moves. These two men are too much of a threat in the Dragon Pit."

The people in T1 also realized that the blind monk was out of sight. Keria tried to go around the corner of the dragon pit to find the blind monk's location in the wild when his teammates were exhausted.

At this moment, Erlian suddenly appeared on the front of Evert to attack EZ.

Teddy reacted quickly, dodging to the side and back to avoid Niutou's second company.

Keria's female tank can no longer take care of looking for the blind monk from the side, leaving her vision and turning around to fight with her teammates.

But when the female tank was at the entrance of the river in the wild area, Lin Cheng's blind monk suddenly came out.

Without giving the opponent a chance to control himself first, knowing that the female tank did not dodge, Lin Cheng directly flashed R and kicked the female tank to the river.

At this time, EZ just flashed to the side of the Tsar and was about to beat the bull head with his teammates. The female tank was kicked back and directly bumped into her own double C + Rambo.

Little Peanut in the Dragon Pit flashed his E skill into the arena, and released the big move Moon's Advent.

Moonlight!flash them...
wrong!Jump up!

Twilight fades!

Before the four T1 brothers recovered from the blind monk's kick, they were absorbed by the coming of the moon.

Four dotted lines light up.

No Yasuo player would refuse the temptation of the four bars, and Chaowei almost smashed the keyboard.

Yasuo roared wildly, and the Blaster of Last Breath slashed.

Lin Cheng hit Rambo with a precise Q, and kicked straight through with the second Q.

Senna's Shadow Liaoyuan followed.

Except for the female tank, EZ Tsar Rambo was almost instantly killed.

The three of them still had two flashes and a stopwatch, but none of them were handed over.

Blind Monk Lin Cheng's kick was too deadly, making Xiao Huasheng's bright moon perfect for the four of them.

Many people will be wary of the blind monk's roundabout kick, but when the blind monk kicks his teammates, few people will guard against it. When the czar and Rambo were hit by the female tank, they had already announced that the wave of T1 had completely exploded.

The female tank also died instantly.

It's a bit irritating that Chaowei Yasuo was four older, but he didn't get a single head in this wave, and it was all divided between Lin Cheng and Xiao Peanut.

The rest of Jace was also left behind.

The blue side was knocked out and wiped out.

KT hurriedly regained the hatred of the big dragon that had recovered blood, and successfully won the big dragon BUFF.

Going home to make up a wave, the red side each replenished their life-saving equipment, and then began to operate the pawn line.

The economic gap has exceeded [-], and it is very difficult for the Tsar to defend against super soldiers. After KT grinds down the opponent's two high grounds, Evert finally finds a chance to start the team battle.

Under the advantage of huge equipment, everyone in KT once again sent the opponent group to destroy with a crushing attitude.

In 23 minutes, the T1 base was broken.

(End of this chapter)

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