This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1245 What are you doing so loudly?

Chapter 1245 What are you doing so loudly?
In terms of runes, Lin Cheng's Lucian chose the main line Precision: Attack, Calmness, Joy, Fatal Blow, and the secondary line Enlightenment: Biscuit Delivery, Magical Shoes.

Speaking of it, the hero Lucian is really an existence that completely deviates from the original intention of the designer.

The bottom lane is too weak, and the single lane is too strong. No one thought that the AD who could play four guarantees and one at the beginning became the current situation.

But I have to say that this hero is really happy to go one-lane. The extreme oppressive power of long-handed and short-handed fighters, coupled with the characteristics of being relatively flexible and not afraid of being ganked, allows Lucian to ride shit on the heads of a group of short-handed fighters.

Entering the game, the five members of the red side KT went straight to the lower half of the area in a group, choosing to invade the opponent's blue wild area.

However, the blue side female tank discovered KT's entry into the wild at the position below F6 in advance, and this wave of red side's planned invasion failed to catch anyone.

Came in to do a sweep, and Mr. Dai pinged his Ueno area.

"It's time to make an eye on the opposite side, go over and scan."

If the invasion movement is discovered, the opponent will definitely make an invasion vision on the other side, which is basic common sense.

Seeing that the duo seemed to want to follow along, Lin Cheng couldn't help reminding: "Why are you following here? Go far away, don't share your experience!"

Mr. Dai: "Wow! It's too much! Lin Cheng, why are you speaking so sharply?"

Lin Cheng: "The three of us in the upper middle and the wild will be able to reach the second level by sharing the experience of the first wave of soldiers."

Mr. Dai: "Do you think I don't know this kind of common sense? Need you to teach me?"

Lin Cheng: "Then what are you still talking about?"

Mr. Dai: "I'm a little dissatisfied with your attitude?"

Lin Cheng: "Is my tone just now really bad?"

Mr. Dai: "Very bad."

Evert couldn't help but interjected: "It's a bit bad."

Lin Cheng is a good teammate who corrects mistakes immediately, "All right! Then let me apologize to you?"

Mr. Dai: "Say sorry!"

Lin Cheng: "I'm sorry!"

Mr. Dai: "Speak up!"

Lin Cheng: "I'm sorry!"

Mr. Dai: "I can't hear you!"

Lin Cheng: "Don't go too far! You can't forgive others, right?"

Mr. Dai: "You also know that you are ignorant? Apologize!"

Lin Cheng was silent for two seconds, then suddenly roared at the top of his voice.


Mr. Dai: "Why are you so loud? Do you have any objections?"

Lin Cheng: "Are you looking for faults?"

The conversation between the two made the other three teammates burst into laughter, and KT's team voice before the start of the laning was very joyful.

Of course, the duo didn't really go up the road either. Peanut turned on the scan and cleared out the accessory eyes that the opponent had just placed in the grass of his red BUFF.

Just now when Lin Cheng was wronged, Little Peanut even deliberately left 10 yuan of eye money to Lu Xian.

Lin Cheng was a little moved.

Interviewed after today's game, he is not planning to black Peanut.

I need to find an opportunity to criticize Mr. Dai sharply.

After Thresh was driven away, the T1 people didn't know the situation in their own jungle. Cuzz made a vision in the opposite half and immediately went back to the city to drive down. Canna was afraid that the second half would fight and leaned towards the middle. .

In this game, Jiaoyue can't accept switching jungles at the beginning of the game, because the middle and upper lanes obviously can't push the line. If Jiaoyue is forced to go to the red side's upper jungle to clear the jungle in the first wave, it will be very dangerous.

The hero Jiaoyue is not very flexible in the wild. If the inferior line enters the wild and is caught running, he won't have to run.

The blue team was ready to collide in the first-level wild area before the arrival of the pawn line, and then they saw that the eye position of Jiaoyue placed at the KT red BUFF was lined up.

After confirming that there would be no fight, the blind monk returned to the road.

But Lin Cheng seized the grass on the upper river after finishing his line of sight, just in time to meet the blind monk who was coming up from the river.

No nonsense, Lucian stuck in the grass and raised his hand to shoot.

At this time, the little soldiers were about to meet, and Canna also knew that Lin Cheng was the only one nearby, so the blind monk immediately imitated Q to make a move.

Lin Cheng's hands were quick, and he learned the E skill in seconds. Lu Xi'an slid sideways to avoid Tianyinbo, and Biubiu made a strong attack with two shots.

If the blind monk level [-] learns Q, if he hits, of course he will not suffer from exchange blood, but if Q is empty, he can only be dragged by Lucian.

Canna turned her head and ran towards her wild area.

Lin Cheng chased and made two more A's, taking advantage of the opportunity to put down the jewelry eye in front of the opponent's blue BUFF pit after the blind monk pulled away.

"Lin Cheng, try to push the line as much as possible, and I will go directly to the anti-jungle!"

Peanut gave the signal.

"Peanut Butter, don't worry, go boldly! You have a great advantage on the road, Brother Cheng bless you."

Lin Cheng used his hands to put pressure on the blind monk online while quickly reducing the blood volume of the soldiers.

Canna knew that if the opponent lined up the first wave of minions, he would be promoted to the second level, and he didn't have the strength to follow Lin Cheng in the previous game. He chose to fight recklessly at the first level. It would be embarrassing for the first-level blind monk to learn Q and dare not be tough. Lin Cheng Sincerely suppressed very fiercely.

Peanut's Rambo opened the field in F6, and rushed to the top half of T1 immediately after the red buff.

Cuzz's Haoyue chose the route of red BUFF → F6 → blue BUFF. With the help of a duo, the first two groups of Haoyue cleared the wild one step faster than Rambo.

But it was also because he was one step faster in clearing the wild, and just when Haoyue hit the blue buff to almost half of his health, he ran into the invading Rambo.

Little Peanut, the Rambo, deliberately came here after finishing his own F6 and red BUFF. He didn't plan to find an opportunity to secretly fight against the jungle. He came here to grab it!

Rambo Huang Wen rushed forward to be fierce and bright.

Cuzz didn't hesitate, and turned his head to get out of the way.

Lucian had already disappeared from the top lane ahead of time, and his own blind monk was still unable to support the wild area at the first level, so it must be Haoyue who suffered from the fight.

And this temperature 1V1 Haoyue is impossible to beat Rambo in the wild.

After Cuzz gave up his place of origin, he looked and looked at the bottom, Lin Cheng's Lu Xi'an directly showed his head to chase away people.

I don't know if the opponent punished him, but Lin Cheng did a good job of covering up, and he didn't leave the opponent with a single thought.

"Zhixun is also covering at the side, I can eat another toad."

"What toad to eat? It's all yours, so don't let the three wolves eat it."

Sett, who is super powerful in the middle, also rose to the second level after eating the first wave of soldiers. He deliberately stuck in the position to delay the clearing speed of the card. At this time, Seti had covered the opposite of the blue BUFF. Lin Cheng saw the situation Decided to continue to put pressure on Haoyue.

Lamborghum has risen to three levels, even if the opponent's mid-top support comes over, it is impossible to beat them.

Little Peanut didn't hesitate either, and immediately rushed to the pit of three wolves with Lin Cheng after knocking out the residual blood blue buff.

Haoyue had already given up her position and ran to the back to fight the three wolves, but she didn't expect that Lucian and Rambo would rush to attack him just after the fight. Cuzz, who had already surrendered his skills to the wild monsters, could only go to the side and the middle route retreat.

Little Peanut took advantage of the opportunity to pick up the three wolves, and then flashed an emoji of a blind monk clasping his fists.

Sorry, I've taken over your jungle.

Now it's my pig farm.

(End of this chapter)

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