This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1259 Afraid of being bitten

Chapter 1259 Afraid of being bitten
At five o'clock in the afternoon, the club's activities were finally over, and Lin Cheng was about to leave the stall and run away.

"Aren't you going back with us? Let's have hot pot together at night."

Hearing that Lin Cheng said he was leaving, his teammates tried to persuade him to stay.

It's not that you don't want to part with Lin Cheng, but that everyone's friendship broke down during the mutual black session. How can Lin Cheng settle accounts with him when he leaves and returns?

"Forget it! I want to go home and rest now."

"Okay! Let's do the math next time... get together again."

Little Peanut almost revealed his sinister thoughts, and Lin Cheng's hair stood on end with a reluctant look.

After taking a taxi back to the community, Lin Cheng saw Enxi and Xiaoying playing seesaw in the corner of the playground from afar.

The two little girls happily kicked their short legs on the seesaw and bluffed non-stop, not even noticing Lin Cheng approaching.

Xiao Tong stood aside to look after the two little girls, and at the same time kept glancing at the grass next to her.

On the lawn next to it, there are a few little Doudings playing cockfights. The little furry boys look hot all over, obviously the battle is fierce, and the scene looks very lively.

Lin Cheng bet that if it wasn't for Enxi and Xiaoying, Xiaotong would have joined the battlefield.

Lin Cheng quietly walked behind Xiao Tong, reached out and patted the little wife's right shoulder.

Xiao Tong turned her head and looked to her right rear.

Lin Cheng had already predicted her movements, and suddenly dodged around from the left, and quickly squatted in front of Xiao Tong.

Xiao Tong only felt blurred in the corner of his eyes but didn't see anyone, subconsciously turned around and walked forward.

As a result, when Xiao Tong turned around, she found that there seemed to be something under her feet, but it was too late to retract her legs. Her knee was tripped by Lin Cheng's back, and her body naturally fell forward slightly.


She subconsciously stretched her hands to keep her balance, Lin Cheng had already grabbed Xiao Tong's calf and carried her on her back.

Xiao Tong reacted, put his hands on Lin Cheng's back and embraced Lin Cheng's neck, and then couldn't help but hit him angrily.

"Lin Cheng, what are you doing?"

Lin Cheng turned his head, "This is very romantic, isn't it?"

The corners of Xiao Tong's mouth raised slightly, her heart was sweet.

But she was still unforgiving.

"Romance your size! What if you don't catch it and Sister Tong falls over? Your face will be scratched!"


Lin Cheng turned his head and looked at the ground in front of him and thought for a second, "Then I will consider contacting a plastic surgeon for you, but after the repair, our little pupil will not be as good-looking as it is now."

"Go to hell!"

Xiao Tong hugged Lin Cheng's neck, buried her head and bit his shoulder.

"Hiss!!! Painful! I was wrong! Let go!"

Lin Cheng grinned and begged for mercy while letting Xiao Tong down, Xiao Tong then raised his chin and snorted, with a hint of complacency in his arrogant little eyes.

Lin Cheng wanted to laugh inexplicably.

Although it was a little painful to be bitten, he actually enjoyed the intimate behavior of his little wife.

Of course, Lin Cheng didn't show it.

"What kind of skill is biting a shoulder? If you have the skill, bite it in another place."

"Okay, you hold out your hand."

Xiaotong grabbed Lin Cheng's wrist, wrinkled her nose and tried to bite Lin Cheng's arm fiercely.

But she was just scaring Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng didn't resist at all, and Xiao Tong put his strong arm to his mouth and didn't really say anything.

"Hey! Are you really afraid?"

"Don't be afraid! Brother Cheng's muscles are like steel, it won't hurt if you bite."

Lin Cheng stinkingly compared his arm muscles, which caused the little wife to stare blankly.

"Cut! You've got to be jealous."

Xiaotong patted Lin Cheng's arm angrily, and put down his hand.

In the end, Lin Cheng leaned closer, "Actually, Brother Cheng can't make everything into a solid wall, and there are places where he is afraid of being bitten. Do you want to try it next time, Xiao Tong?"


Xiao Tong subconsciously asked a question, but hadn't reacted yet.

Lin Cheng squeezed his eyes, leaned close to her ear and said ambiguously, "It's the place where Xiaotong pinched her feet last time. I'm afraid of pain there."


Xiao Tong's cheeks became hot all of a sudden, and he punched Lin Cheng hard on the chest, "Go to hell!"

Lin Cheng looked innocent: "What's wrong with me?"

"Fuck you! Damn it! Tell you to talk nonsense."

She pulled Lin Cheng's arm again and bit down hard.

Biting hard, it was obvious that the girl was too embarrassed.

"Hey! It hurts! What are you thinking? I'm talking about the waist, waist! My waist is very afraid of pain."

Xiao Tong snorted, ignored Lin Cheng's explanation, and bit Lin Cheng's arm angrily.

This guy doesn't care about using my feet, but he still wants me to give them to him...

Good idea!

Sister Tong wouldn't do that kind of thing.

It's also Lin Cheng's mean mouth, the little wife obviously just joked about biting his arm just now, but he insisted on teasing him, Xiao Tong directly spoke harshly.

The two little girls had already noticed Lin Cheng's arrival, Enxi jumped off the seesaw and ran over quickly with his short legs.


Seeing Xiao Tong biting Lin Cheng's arm, the little girl who rushed over immediately hugged Xiao Tong's leg, pleading for Lin Cheng pitifully:
"Sister Tong, don't bully uncle, okay? Uncle is so pitiful!"

What do you mean I bully him?

Obviously this guy always bullies me, okay?

Hearing Enxi's words, Xiao Tong's mentality collapsed a little, but he gritted his teeth again.

"Ah! It hurts! Enxi, uncle is in pain."

Lin Cheng acted very similarly, but it did hurt a bit.

Enxi stomped her feet anxiously.

Although the two of them often fight in front of Enxi, as long as Lin Cheng pretends to be pitiful, Enxi can't help feeling distressed.

Xiaoying girl put her little hands behind her back as if watching the excitement, and poked Lin Cheng's stomach with her tiptoe, "Uncle, what bad thing did you do? You made sister Tong so angry."

En Xicai didn't care how Lin Cheng provoked Xiao Tong, she stretched out her arm with a wrinkled face, her voice was about to cry:
"Sister Tong, Enxi will give you a bite, can you let go of Uncle?"

Who can refuse Enxi's distressed little appearance?
Xiao Tong sighed silently, let go of Lin Cheng and hugged Enxi's small body, "Sister is playing with uncle, Enxi just smiled."


The little girl vividly interpreted what it means to smile with a strong face, her eyes widened and she grinned, revealing her small white teeth, but she looked at Lin Cheng with a trace of horror in her small eyes.

Lin Cheng was amused and rubbed her little head.

"Enxi, don't worry! Uncle is really playing with sister."

Then the little girl buried her head in Xiao Tong's arms aggrieved.

Holding Enxi's soft body in his arms, Xiao Tong couldn't help but glared at Lin Cheng.

Let you talk nonsense!You are lucky this time.

Lin Cheng looked down at the neat tooth marks on his arm.

Why!I knew it was not cheap.

However, it seems that I was a little excited when I was talking cheap just now.

If Xiaotong is really...
(End of this chapter)

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