This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 126 I'm About to Take Off

Chapter 126 I'm About to Take Off

In the end, Lin Cheng got Yasuo, and Keria didn't really lose the game.

The lineups of both sides are as follows:

Blue side: Yasuo in the top lane, wine barrel in the wild, enchantress in the middle lane, EZ in the bottom lane, and bull head as an assistant.

Red side: top lane Gnar, jungle blind monk, mid lane Syndra, bottom lane policewoman, support Lux.

Seeing Yasuo's unrestrained appearance on the game loading interface, Keria sighed.

Forget it, it's just a point, this is an entertainment bureau.

In fact, in terms of the lineup, both sides have their own advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of the red side lies in the two lanes of the middle lane and the bottom lane. In the early stage, Silk basically played according to the opponent.

As for the blue side, Yasuo Counter Gnar is the top laner, and the wine barrel and bull head have stable knock-ups that can cooperate with Yasuo. Although the mid-lane enchantress can't push the line, Syndra's combat effectiveness in the early stage should not be underestimated.

Although EZ in the bottom lane suffers online, this hero is basically not likely to be defeated by the opponent. When the magic cut is stacked, it happens to be the weak period of the female policeman. At that time, the blue side will be easy to fight.

It stands to reason that the reason why Keria is so pessimistic in a lineup with little difference is that their only advantage line in the early stage is actually Lin Cheng's Yasuo.

He knew that as long as Lin Cheng's Yasuo didn't get targeted wildly by the jungler, it would not be difficult to gain an advantage in the counter position, but the difficulty lies in not giving away the advantage.

Seeing that there are still viewers in her live broadcast room who think their lineup is easy to play, Keria doesn't speak.

Do you think Lin Cheng is as happy playing Yasuo as you think?

Do not!You can't even imagine his happiness.

Not knowing the melancholy in Keria's heart, Lin Cheng was still cheerfully explaining the subtlety of his Yasuo to the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Not to mention Counter Gnar on the Yasuo line, the wind wall makes it difficult for the opposite C team to play a team, and the knock-up of the bull's head and the barrel makes it easy for my Yasuo to take off. This will make you ready to cheer for me. It's over."

Seeing someone questioning his winning percentage in the live broadcast room, Lin Cheng was unhappy, "Winning percentage? What's the use of just looking at winning percentage? Let me find out for you. Faker Akali's winning percentage is only a little over 40 recently. What can you say about him? Isn't Carrie great?"

"Gua Pi: What do you care about me?"

"He was in a hurry, he was in a hurry, he didn't dare to reveal his Yasuo's winning percentage, and he was talking about Guapi's Akali."

"Comparison with Brother Li's Akali is outrageous. You should compare your winning percentage with his bull head."

"What Qijiang said last time in the live broadcast room: A high winning rate is not necessarily great, but Lin Cheng's B Yasuo's winning rate is so outrageous, there must be something wrong."

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng Yasuo chose the main series Precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Joy, Fatal Strike, and the secondary series Master: Taste of Blood, Greedy Hunter.

In last year's S9 finals, IG top laner Theshy also took out the top lane Yasuo against Gnar, but at that time he used Congren Yasuo.

Compared with Yasuo the Conqueror, Yasuo the Conqueror is indeed better at the early stage, but for Lin Cheng, the online rune is not the key, anyway, it is not difficult for him to bring any Dnar.

Of course, compared to Lin Cheng's Conqueror, Gnar's Grip of Indestructibility on the opposite side also made him a little confused.

Generally speaking, it is very comfortable for Gnar to fight against heavy and short-handed tanks with indestructible belts, but it is better to fight heroes like Swordsman, Yasuo, and Riven who can stand out with a quick pace.

But maybe it's someone else's own understanding?Or it may be with the wrong rune.

Keria: "Brother, be careful online, and be careful not to get caught."

Lin Cheng chuckled: "Don't worry, don't worry, my Yasuo thief is stable, you can just clear the jungle and it's over."

Keria: "..."

You have said so, I can feel at ease with ghosts.

The bot lane duo of both sides had a face-to-face meeting from a distance in the lower half of the river, and they left their vision in tacit agreement and chose to retreat.

Compared with the national server, Hanbok is generally more harmonious. It will not be strong when everyone is not sure, and it will not be inexplicably because the person on the opposite side glanced at me in the river, and I can’t hold back my inner anger. Shaking people broke out into chaos.

On the first level, Lin Cheng relied on his passive shield to stand behind his melee soldiers and snakeskin away.

On the opposite side, Gnar A hit the minion twice, and shot a boomerang backhand, trying to make up for the minion with residual blood and rub Yasuo at the same time.

However, these are all leftovers from Lin Cheng's play. Before he had been forewarned, he turned around just to avoid the boomerang, and leveled A to make up for the little soldier with residual blood.

It happened that Gnar took a step forward and tied the A shot.

At this time, Lin Cheng hadn't learned the skill yet, so he learned the Q skill in seconds.

Liangzai draws his sword.

Chopping steel flash!
The tip of the sword pierced through the gap between the soldiers and precisely pierced Little Gnar's eyes.

You must know that although Gnar is a long-range hero, his hands are very short in the early stage. The range of the first level is only 400 yards, which is not as far as Yasuo's Q skill.

This time Gnar only hit Yasuo's shield, but got a knife on his face instead.

After the Q skill was shot, Lin Cheng retreated, and the damage of the minions that just attracted him was blocked by the remaining shield.

Lin Cheng: "Brothers, is my Yasuo good or not? The success of this wave of blood exchange is the first step for Brother Cheng to take off. You will see later."

"Douyu said it took off at the beginning of the game, but now it's buried in the ground."

"Those who don't know think they have already killed solo, do you want so many dramas?"

"It's okay. This move is hiding from Q and changing blood. I thought that Yasuo, who has a 23 win rate, would directly learn from E and go reckless."

"No matter how you say it, it's a game of kings. It's black iron behavior to go to the top pawn line with a first-level student E."

"Fart! Those who learn E at the first level are the real wanderers."

While bragging with the masters in the live broadcast room, Lin Cheng checked his WeChat steps and waited for an opportunity to make up for it. The two sides were generally at peace.

But after being promoted to the second level, Lin Cheng became different.

Since the line of soldiers is relatively wide, after the last step to level [-], Gnar's Q skill has been handed over and Gnar's W passive white ring appears on the minions. Lin Cheng learns the E skill and steps forward to face it. The long-range minion in front of Gnar made a move.

Yasuo bowed and slid, past the minions and drew his sword.

Chopping steel flash!
Stabbed by Yasuo, Gnar refused to accept it, and backhanded his A before retreating.

Seeing Gnar's choice, Lin Cheng immediately moved forward after Q and began to press the position, waiting for the CD of the E skill for 0.5 seconds before sliding forward.

Lin Cheng saw it very accurately. With the pawn line stretched so wide, he would not be hurt by the pawns in the past.

It is impossible for Gnar to cut Yasuo face to face at this time, turn around and run away.

Yasuo slashed twice and chased to the outside of the red square tower, Zhan Gangshan made another attack.

After a thousand-year kill, Lin Cheng's Yasuo returned the sword.

Yasuo's advantage in this wave of blood exchange is obvious. After withdrawing and retreating, he slides E to the back line.

His clothes were rattling, and the ponytail was flying behind his head, so unrestrained.

Lin Cheng: "Seeing that there are no brothers, don't be afraid of Yasuo Danar in the early stage. As long as you don't attract too much hatred from the minions, he will definitely not be able to beat you in close quarters. The armor of the little Gnar is too low."

(End of this chapter)

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