Chapter 1264 9:0!Kill!

After the three of them had breakfast, Zheng Shiyan packed up and got ready to go to work.

Although it is a weekend, but for the work of the TV station, there is no holiday when overtime is required.

"I'm going to Anyang on a business trip today, and Enxi will leave it to you."

"Don't worry! I will take good care of Enxi, you can work with peace of mind."

Zheng Shiyan squatted down and raised her chin towards Enxi, "Enxi, kiss your mother."

The little girl hugged her mother immediately and gave Mua a bite.

Lin Cheng said eagerly, "I want to kiss too."

Zheng Shiyan glanced at him expressionlessly, got up and walked out the door gracefully.

Lin Cheng was a little angry.

Forget it!
Sooner or later you will beg me.



"Come here."

Lin Cheng leaned over, and the little girl Mua kissed him on the cheek, then immediately giggled and buried her little head into Lin Cheng's arms.

She seems to be saying: Mom doesn't kiss, Eunxi can kiss uncle.

Lin Cheng couldn't help laughing.

Eun Hee is a little angel!
After staying at home for a while, Lin Cheng took Enxi's little girl out to buy breakfast for his wives. Han Shuyan and Xiao Tong didn't get up until half past ten.

Since the eldest wife seldom slept late, lunch was prepared late today, and the two wives were still busy in the kitchen after one o'clock in the afternoon.

Taking advantage of the absence of the two girls, Lin Cheng couldn't help complaining to Enxi who was watching TV:
"Hey! They won't let me help in the kitchen, otherwise it would have been done long ago. Are you right Enxi?"

"That's right! Uncle is great at cooking."

The little girl was very flattering, but it made Lin Cheng a little embarrassed.

"It's not impossible, uncle's cooking skills are quite good."

While chatting with Enxi, Lin Cheng also received a photo from Zheng Shiyan.

"Wow! Mom had this for lunch on a business trip, it was too much!"

Zheng Shiyan sent her lunch. In the first photo, there are very exquisite sushi, and the red beef color is attractive.

The little girl leaned next to Lin Cheng, looking at the beef in the photo eagerly.

Lin Cheng shook his head suddenly: "Hey! No! These are not delicious."

The little girl bit her finger and asked cutely: "Why?"

"It's all raw! It's not healthy! It's not delicious either!"


Enxi believed Lin Cheng's words, and pointed to the cheese rice cake on the second photo, "Is this also raw?"

"This isn't raw! But it sure doesn't taste good! Uncle doesn't like the taste."

"What is this?"

"Fried prawns, but they are not fried well at first glance. It's not as delicious as your sister Yan's."

Listening to Lin Cheng's hypnosis, the little girl was nodding, but her saliva was almost drooling.

"This is Cheesy Corn Carrot Pizza!"

The little girl bit her finger, "Enxi doesn't like carrots! It must be bad."

While agreeing, Lin Cheng wiped away the saliva that flowed to Enxi's mouth.

The two hypnotized themselves, crazy that they couldn't eat grapes and said grapes were sour.

Han Shuyan and Xiao Tong happened to see this scene when they came out, and the two girls almost died laughing.

I spent a whole day at home with my wives and kids, and the relaxing and short weekend break quickly passed.

After returning to the club on Monday, Lin Cheng immediately threw himself into intense training.

Just this week, Hanbok underwent a version update of 11.14.

The sword girl enhancement that all players have been waiting for is here.

In fact, the designer has long said that the sword girl should be strengthened, but it was delayed for several versions before it was launched. It is hard to say whether there is any reason for Lin Cheng.

As soon as the news that the sword girl will be strengthened came out, many players protested. Seeing that Lin Cheng's sword girl is going to be strengthened, has the designer's mind been kicked by a donkey?
The designer obviously also felt that the hero Dao Mei was difficult to adjust, so the adjustment of Dao Mei was later than expected.

The early stats of the new version of Daomei have been cut a little bit, but the damage of the Q skill to minions has been increased, the block ability of W has been greatly enhanced, the CD of the ultimate move has been shortened, and the passive has been adjusted from the original five layers to four. It is easier to stack the passive in the early stage Under the circumstances, Daomei's online ability has been further improved.

From the whole change, it can be seen that Daomei has been greatly strengthened, but it is a pity that the E skill mechanism has been weakened.

Unable to release the double-edged wings on the way to Q, which means that the E skill is suddenly reduced.

And now the second-stage E can't be released when it is controlled, and many of the showy operations that Lin Cheng played before are also not feasible.

Of course, although there are fewer show operations, there is no doubt that the fault tolerance rate of Daomei has increased a lot.

The outside world's opinion on the changes to Daomei is: an epic weakening of Lin Cheng.

Yes!Anyway, it is even more impossible for him to choose Daomei in the future. Isn't the strengthening of Daomei by fists equivalent to weakening Lin Cheng?
And because the game version of the LCK is behind the Korean server, the 11 and 13 versions are still on the field for the time being.

On July 7, KT ushered in the last opponent DK in the first round.

Currently DK ranks third in the standings with a record of 6 wins and 2 losses, which can be regarded as a quite threatening opponent.

In fact, in the first round, the two teams recognized by the outside world as most likely to interrupt KT's winning streak are DK and GEN·G.

It's a pity that GEN·G was not good enough. After Guan Zeyuan posted on Weibo, "Looking at the sky at night, just today", he was beaten by KT. In the two games, he even lost more than the bottom team.

And DK is the only hope for LCK now.

It can be said that all audiences except KT fans are cheering for DK.

No one wants to see KT continue to be invincible.

Although it can show that KT is strong, it is inevitable that there is no reason for the overall weakness of LCK.

The result of this game disappointed many people, but it was also expected.

KT beat DK 2:0.

It's just that the process was a bit surprising. Lin Cheng didn't make much effort in this BO3. Little Peanut and Chaowei's Nakano teamed up to blow up DK's Nakano.

Little Peanut's characteristics are indeed very weird. Although this guy is not very reliable in the World Championship, it is not surprising that he beat anyone in the regular season.

And Chaowei is also Xu Xiu's old sufferer. Xu Xiu has been beaten by Chaowei since the second league. Even last year's DWG summer game rose to become the fault team in the second tier below KT. Xu Xiu is still facing Chaowei. It seems a little difficult at times.

Now that Chaowei has changed to a group of stronger teammates, Xu Xiu was suppressed to death in both games, causing Canyon to be chased and beaten by Peanut in the wild.

Therefore, Lin Cheng didn't have much chance to perform in the two rounds. On the top road, he played against Brother Hanzi with peace of mind. When facing each other, he saw Peanut and Chaowei rushed to the opposite highland to kill in ten minutes.

Lin Cheng's task in this game is to become an atmosphere group and call his teammates frantically.

In this way, after defeating DK, KT also completed the nine-game winning streak in the summer split.

At the end of the first round, KT has already defeated all the league opponents in the summer and completed the kill.

 Being in a small black room every day makes people a little numb.

  In addition, the general group is already full. If there are still book friends who want to join, I will get the group in a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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