This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1274 GEN·G is recovering!

Chapter 1274 GEN·G is recovering!

Ke Lide forced the vanguard to give free money, which made KT's rhythm clear at once.

"Does Lin Cheng want to release the vanguard? It seems that you can unplug it when you go up the tower."

Taking advantage of Thain's death, Xiao Peanut, who took the vanguard, signaled to go on the road.

But Lin Cheng refused.

"No need, find a chance to put it in the middle lane, and I will grind it slowly when I go up the tower."

Although this is a very good opportunity to pull out the tower, after weighing it up, Lin Cheng still thinks it would be better for the Pioneer to hit it.

The mighty Tsar in this round is very fat, and accelerating the development of the Tsar is actually creating room for Fiego to harvest. After all, the first wave of damage in the team battle still needs the Tsar and Verus to fight. Only when Lin Cheng fights down first can he enter the field later to have room to play.

Therefore, Lin Cheng just took advantage of Thain's death and used the explosion to eat two layers of tapestry before giving up. Little Peanut also used the Vanguard's Eye to quickly return to the city to prepare to spawn two more groups of wild monsters.

As a result of eating only three layers of tapas, another member of the vanguard group got a head, and Lin Cheng's Viego was naked in just over 10 minutes.

Ruin is very effective against meat lumps like Sion.

Even if there is a small anti-armor, Thain can't bear the damage of Foyego now.

Fiego's level 5 Q itself will make the basic attack cause 6% of the current HP damage to the target. When the mark of the Ruined King Sword is knocked out, it will trigger two special attack effects, superimposed with the passive effect of the Ruined. Now Fyego A QA can make Thain, who opened the shield, directly lose a significant amount of blood.

You know, because the Q skill is always difficult to fully charge, Rascal chose QW to strengthen his anti-stress ability. As a result, the W shield is broken with one poke, and Viego consumes half of the health of Sion twice. .

In 12 minutes, Peanut covered Chaowei's push line in the middle, and then released the Canyon Pioneer.

Just when Zhao Xin's middle lane was showing up, Ke Lide, who attracted the attention of all the audience in this game, made a move against the bottom lane.

Pantheon and Verus' laning ability is very strong, but the purified EZ is still very difficult to die as long as they don't pretend under the cover of Bron.

Of course Chidi is not as pretentious as Xiao Lu Bu. Although KT has the initiative to push the line in the bottom lane, he can only continue to suppress and cannot forcibly cross the tower.

In this round, the two brothers of KT have not been able to play a substantial advantage except for eating some tapas.

Even because Little Peanut didn't deliberately target the bottom lane, Chidi was only less than ten behind in making up the knife, which is completely acceptable for EZ.

After all, the basic skill is very solid. When he was overwhelmed by Uzi at the top, he didn't have any major problems in the laning period. He was caught and killed three times by the Xiangguo hunger strike in 10 minutes, and he could bite the knife within 20 within.

The KT duo pressed the pawn line for a long time, and Ke Lide finally found a chance.

Bron suddenly used the small soldiers to move, and made a big move to block the road.

The red square of the triangular grass saw Rambo's figure in no hurry, and the constant temperature scorched it down.

The ground was full of ice and fire, and Mr. Dai was pawned by Bron with his backhand, and Verus immediately handed over his flash.

However, Evert's Pansent in the front forcibly flashed first to change the EZ double move, and it was very difficult to run at this time.

Effort: "Sell me, sell me! I can't run away!"

Lin Cheng: "Don't sell it, don't sell it! I can support you."

Fiego had already retreated ahead of time, and after standing on the sidewalk, the grass TP fell to the triangle grass on the lower road.

But Lin Cheng didn't know that Thain had placed an eye on the jewelry in the grass, and his movements completely fell into his elder brother's eyes.

Brother is also a thief, deliberately dawdling behind for a while, pretending not to know Lin Cheng's TP.

Full of confidence that there would be support coming, Mr. Dai and the little assistant tried to drag and fight.

But just when Lin Cheng had read the TP for two seconds, Thain roared and drove over, jumped over the soldiers and bumped into Foyego who was about to T away in the grass behind.

Lin Cheng was very angry.

Don't let me go down, right?
Then you go to hell!
Immediately after hitting the big move, the brother charged up the Q skill, trying to connect to the control to buy himself time to retreat.

Once he is knocked into the air again, it will be difficult for Foyego to chase after Thain flashes.

After all, Lin Cheng was naked and dilapidated and had no shoes, but Thain had shoes.

But the sprinting distance of Sion's ultimate move is not too far, and Lin Cheng's talent has a toughness bonus, and he has not been controlled for too long. Just when Sion's Q skill has just been stored for one second, the shot in Foyego's hand The Ruined King's sword was raised high.

Using the R pain penetrating the spirit to top off Thain's Q skill, Lin Cheng hits the ground to level A, and then connects QA to fill up the conqueror.

Thain's blood volume is only about half, so he immediately retreated with his E skill.

Fyego W Qianzai swallowed face-to-face to accumulate energy.

Rascal's fingers touched the D key.

Even though Faker commented that the D flashes are all silver, but my brother's flashes are still placed on the D button.

As Foyego W charged up, the two sides who were originally only one body away gradually separated.

But the range of Qianzai Youyan is far enough, and Thain is far from being able to pull away directly.

Brother didn't try to move around with snake skin either, he sent it if he couldn't escape the thousand years of blood, he was going to survive in the safest way.

Lin Cheng suddenly made a W flash.

In such a highly tense situation, everyone has to be shocked.

Brother subconsciously flashed after dating.

However, the angle of Lin Cheng's W dodge covered the back of Thain, and Thain was still hit by the ballistic trajectory of Qianzai Youyan after the dodge.

A full Qianzai Youyan will be dizzy for a long time, eating this W also means that brother is dead.

Lin Cheng walked up and made two sword strikes, then stuck in his body and QA directly took the opponent away.

Sion twitched on the spot and turned into a corpse. He didn't intend to seek revenge on Lin Cheng, so he turned around and ran to the soldier line to eat a few soldiers.

When Sion becomes a zombie, his ability to clear the line is very strong. If no one disturbs him, he can even eat a large wave of soldiers in front of him.

But Lin Cheng picked up Thain's soul and didn't let them eat soldiers. Foyego, who had transformed into Thain, stuck in the position and charged Q to knock up the zombie Thain who had just approached the pawn line.

Then Lin Cheng's Thain's E skill shot, directly slashing through the sky, AQA executed Thain's zombie.

In the end, I didn't even get a soldier.

Zeyuan: "Sion's big move interrupted Foyego's TP, but can he run with this amount of blood? Hey! Brother Cheng's W flash prediction reached a flashing position! It's over! He was single-killed again! Brother Cheng is simply Brother's heart demon, why are you all killed alone?"

"This person is too bad! What's wrong with letting Thain's body eat soldiers after killing him alone?"

At this moment, news of Rambo's double kill came from the bottom lane.

Although Pan Sen's E delayed for a while, the teammate in the bottom lane did not wait for Lin Cheng's support, and was still taken by Ke Lide for a double kill.

"Rambo double kill! Then this wave is acceptable!"

Zeyuan's tone became more relaxed: "Brother, it's worth it to hold back Foyego with his own life! It's okay for Sean to die once..."

As soon as the words fell, news suddenly came from the middle, and Daomei won a double kill.

Zeyuan's voice suddenly became louder.

"It's getting better! GEN·G is getting better!"

(End of this chapter)

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