This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1276 The Wall of Sighs

Chapter 1276 The Wall of Sighs
Lin Cheng's pentakill ignited the passion of the audience. Although Lin Cheng has had a lot of pentakills since his debut, this is the first time KT fans have witnessed it on the spot.

The fans cheered wildly, holding up the support board and shouting Lin Cheng's ID.

LOL PARK is an open competition seat, Lin Cheng can faintly hear the cheers of the audience wearing earphones.

Teammates are also playing Call frantically.

"Nice! Lin Cheng is so handsome!"

"Brother! I was the one who shouted five kills first! I was the one who shouted!"

"I could hold back the five kills! Lin Cheng, you have to remember that I, Han Wanghao, is your best brother... remember to invite you to dinner later!"

My teammates!
Lin Cheng was too lazy to complain about these foolishness, so he calmly praised himself first in Chinese: "Nice! Well done Lin Cheng!"

Then he murmured in a low voice: "You like to choose Daomei, don't you? Let you choose Daomei! I'll let you choose!"

The director played back the team's voice, and Lin Cheng's words made the Chinese stream viewers unable to hold back.

"Haha! As expected of you! You are stingy!"

"In the future, if the opponent wants to grab Daomei, they have to ban Fiego! This BP is really difficult to do."

"Brother Chengzi is outrageous. This Bofoyego team has no souls. He only changed into a sword girl once and killed five times."

"He really loves Daomei so much, I cried to death!"

"Don't you even know that Sister Dao is Brother Chengzi's wife? Don't you get mad if you dare to snatch his wife in person?"

"It's a pity that forcing my younger brother to not use Brother Chengzi's champion skin, I always feel that something is missing."

"Indeed! If it's Brother Chengzi's skin, we will witness Tianxiu Swordsman with a B combo."

"What's the trick with B in combos? I've only seen Contra male guns in ICU with B in combos."

"The special effects of Daomei's skin returning to the city are signed by Brother Chengzi, do you understand?"

"I have a trick that Tian Ji can beat KT by horse racing. From now on, the top laner of the blue team will deliberately choose Daomei to let Brother Chengzi's Buddha beat him up. Do you like it?"

"Then Daomei is the first to rush in and give it away in team battles with messy equipment, and wait for Brother Cheng to turn into Daomei and stare at him to kill him, right? You are really smart!"

It's a pity that the big dragon hasn't cleared the opponent in this wave. It happened that there was a pawn line in the middle, and all KT members took advantage of the opportunity to pull out the second tower in the blue square.

At this time, KT has widened the economic gap to 5000, and the red team is still very patiently operating in half.

Fyego is more flexible in the wild area. Lin Cheng pushed the top pawn line to the second tower position in advance, and then turned to the upper half of the wild area to help his teammates make vision together, and waited for his teammates in the middle to push the line.

The teammates are all in the wild and near the middle lane, and the bottom lane pawn line is not managed by KT. This operation method is the most stable, and there will be no scenes where one person goes to the bottom lane to lead the lane and get caught.

With the support of his teammates in the field, the super-powerful Tsar ran to the opponent's second tower and erected a sun disc, and together with Verus, they completely pressed the blue side's central line under the high ground.

First deal with a wave of middle routes, KT double C immediately turned from the wild area.

The field of vision in the Ueno area had been cleared by Lin Cheng and his teammates in advance. The top of the blue square was pitch black, and the central pawn line was pushed to the high ground. Naturally, GEN·G did not dare to go out and defend the upper tower.

KT quickly pushed down the second tower on the road.

After unplugging all the outer towers in the upper half, KT personnel returned to the city to make up for a wave, and then began to focus on the field of vision below, and started to operate the second half of the field in the same way.

Originally, the blue team still had the remaining vision in the lower half of the area, but GEN·G's lineup's ability to initiate is so poor that it is impossible to expect Thain to launch a team first in the wild area, allowing the red team to easily control the vision.

After KT seized the field of view, the blue side's eyes were smeared, and they could only watch the top line of the opponent's middle lane, and then immediately turned down and pulled out their only remaining bottom lane outer tower.

"The operation of KT is really too suffocating! Is it really not given a chance?"

Zeyuan sighed in amazement, "They used the Tsar's sun disc to resist the middle lane to grab a time difference. GEN·G had to keep people in the middle to defend, and then KT took the opportunity to switch lanes to operate the side towers, which really stood out A clear thought."

"How did such a strong team develop? This team is too perverted! The superior operation does not give opportunities, and the inferior operation steadily strives for victory. Is this KT?"

Xiaomi: "That's right! In fact, KT's economic advantage is already obvious, but this kind of operation does not give it any chance at all. GEN · G dares to defend the side towers will be opened, 5V5 may rely on the defense tower GEN · and Opportunities, but the blue side couldn't find a 5v5 opportunity when the pawn line involved them, so they lost all the outer towers."

After dismantling all the opponent's outer towers, KT has already led by 8000 economy.

The meticulous operation shown by this wave of KT made the audience suffocated from the perspective of God. One can imagine how much pressure there must be from the perspective of GEN·G players!

But KT still did not choose to force the big dragon, and was ready to wait for the next fire dragon that was about to be refreshed.

The red lineup is fast against the Baron, and they have a good vision, but there is no need to take the risk of forcing the Baron in such an advantageous situation with three small dragons in hand.

KT is reckless when it should be reckless, and steady when it should be steady.

And their stability is not the stability of EDG's previous classic cerebral hemorrhage and other opponents' comebacks.

Pat the big dragon to pull away, then pat the big dragon to pull away, and then continue to pat the big dragon to wait for the opponent to come and wipe him out. KT can't do such a thing.

At 23 and a half minutes, Xiaolong is about to refresh.

The field of vision in the second half of the field has been completely blocked by KT. The red team's personnel are stuck in their positions, and the blue team can't squeeze in at all.

Xiaolong refreshed, Chaowei and Xiaopeansheng prepared to RUSH Xiaolong, and the rest of the teammates pulled the pressure head-on.

The blue accessories of GEN·G were photographed immediately.

Ze Yuan: "Go all out! This fire dragon soul must not be let go! This wave of GEN·G must be fought no matter what, and the sword girl is going around... Hey! Keleide! It's over!"

Xiaomi: "Rambo is second!"

KT's field of vision is so good, the eye position above the dragon pit found that Daomei wanted to go around, and when he was pulling from the front, Mr. Dai suddenly took advantage of his stopwatch R to make a move.

No one expected that it was Mr. Dai who took on the task of starting the mission this time.

Bron stood by to cover the consumption of EZ, and Verus, the corrupt chain that shot at Rambo, was not blocked.

"There are few people on the opposite side, do it!"

Lin Cheng charged up W in the vast scorched earth to stun Rambo, and Xin Zhao charged from a long distance after the W hit.

Evert Pansen didn't care about the mortal Rambo, and jumped to the back row with a big move ahead of time.

Rambo had a golden body on his body, but he died violently when he couldn't even install the golden body after being fully charged by Foyego.

At this time, Daomei was still strolling on the dragon pit.

Without exploding cones, BDD took a few steps and was eager to join the battlefield, so he simply flashed to Xialongkeng.

Chaowei's Tsar was standing at the mouth of the dragon pit. At this time, he was showing off, and when he saw Daomei flashing down, Chaowei directly blocked the entrance of the dragon pit with the wall of the forbidden army.

Go inside and watch your teammates get beaten!
Chaowei's big move is very flamboyant. Although it seems empty, the seven sand soldiers of the second-level forbidden army wall are much wider than the mouth of the Xiaolong pit, and they are completely blocked into the dragon pit.

The sword girl can't pass through the wall of the forbidden army without flashing.

The dashing skill can pass through the wall of the forbidden army, but Chaowei drifted out after releasing his ultimate move and outputted directly to his teammates. The rest of KT fought at a farther position, and there was no goal of letting Daomei Q at all.

BDD stood in front of the forbidden wall.

You know, the Forbidden Army Wall will last up to five seconds.

During this period of time, BDD watched his teammates get beaten up from the VIP spectator position.

How desperate!
The Wall of Custodians became BDD's Wall of Sighs.

Zeyuan: "Oh! Something happened to BDD! Discovering the location of Daomei, KT rushed to the front very decisively. The equipment is too inferior... Hey! The Tsar's big move locked Daomei in the Dragon Pit! No! Right? Chaowei is playing with his mentality like this? Sandstorm funeral, right?"

Xiaomi almost laughed out loud: "Ha! It's the first time I've seen the Tsar use a big move like this in a teamfight. BDD can't get out! No one gave him a Q, he's so anxious!"

Rambo was seconded first, EZ was watched by Pan Sen jumping in the back row, Daomei waited in Longkeng OB until her teammates were downsized and flashed down to continue OB, GEN·G couldn't fight this team battle at all, and was defeated in an instant.

BDD had nothing to do in the dragon pit, so he slapped the little dragon twice.

But at this time, Xiaolong has a lot of blood, and he can't kill it alone.

Lin Cheng and his teammates quickly dealt with Bron, and Evert's Pan Sen jumped to the back row to solo kill the useless EZ.

When the Wall of the Forbidden Army disappeared, only Thain was left on the field.

However, because KT's people besieged Thain and stood in a dense position, Daomei's big move hit three of them.

But without waiting for BDD to operate, Fiego W stunned Daomei.

The BGM was interrupted, and the sword girl died.

The blue side was wiped out.

Originally, it was useless for GEN·G to deal with the pawn line and hurried over to pick up the group. After this wave of groups wiped out the opponents, Lin Cheng and Chaowei both showed TP at the same time.

The line of soldiers on the road has reached the high ground, and the two of them directly turned into a demolition brigade.

The teammates didn't take the Dragon Soul either, and all rushed over to flatten the opponent's base.

(End of this chapter)

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