This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 128 Apologize to Me

Chapter 128 Apologize to Me
Keria's wine barrel left after helping Lin Cheng cross the tower to kill Gnar. At this time, the blind monk just shot a wave of gank in the bottom lane. Eat the tapas quickly.

There were too many blue square soldiers. After Gnar came back to life, Lin Cheng not only didn't leave, but also jumped over a tower with a menacing look, as if even the soldiers under the tower were not allowed to be eaten by the opponent.

My own jungler just showed up below, and the middle lane of both sides is also online. Generally, if they appear on the field in this situation, the resurrected top laner will often consider whether the opposite wine barrel is still nearby, at least one person dare not Come up to see the line of troops.

But RANK is still not that rigorous after all, and Gnar is also an unbeliever, following his own wave of troops to rush down the tower.

Lin Cheng's Yasuo pressed forward directly, and with the E skill, he slid towards the front melee minion.

You know, Lin Cheng's Yasuo only has less than two-thirds of his health at this time, and he just took the head and tapi money on him, but he hasn't returned the supplies. With only a pair of straw sandals and a short sword, it's really fierce to go up like this Some don't make sense.

At this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded.

"Fuck! Brother Cheng Zi, calm down, don't give it away!"

"Little K is about to cry, and the person who helped GANK has to give it away again."

"Teacher Sun's second disciple is here to pay tribute? Wait for a long-handed fight on the road."

"This windy man is too happy, as long as he has soldiers, he dares to fuck."

"Remember the back of E's indomitable future."

"Use E when you see the line of soldiers? Old Yasuo! Disrespect and disrespect."

At this time, Gnar was behind the melee minion, seeing Yasuo's recklessness, he subconsciously made an AQ shot.

Just when Nalpin made an A shot, Lin Cheng's Yasuo took a diagonal step back at the end of the E, and just used the floor's turn to pass by Gnar's boomerang, and then Lin Cheng turned around immediately E turned to the melee minion next to him.

Lin Cheng's Yasuo masters the E skill. At the third level, he can achieve seamless E. The two Es and a retreating step just form a lightning-shaped route. Not only does it look very silky, but he also turns his head in the middle That one just avoided the Q that flew out of Gnar's face, and the visual effect was simply explosive.

Lin Cheng's operation caused a barrage of question marks all over the screen. Just now, the people Lin Cheng thought he was going to send were beginning to doubt themselves.

Yasuo's E dash distance is fixed, Lin Cheng just leaped over the melee minion and dashed in front of Gnar with a knife. At the same time, the Q skill Zhansteel Flash canceled the back swing of the basic attack, and AQ quickly dealt damage.

Gnar didn't panic too much. Don't look at this Yasuo, who is handsome and unrestrained. His blood volume and equipment on his body seem to have no deterrent effect.

Gnarp made an attack, then moved behind Yasuo, adjusting the path of the boomerang.

After all, Lin Cheng just took a step back to avoid it, and did not use the wind wall to retract the boomerang.

Lin Cheng didn't move in a hurry, he slashed at Gnar twice, and at the same time made a general attack and swung forward at the same time, he shot at the long-range soldier next to Gnar.

A little behind the soldier, Yasuo erected a wind wall with his backhand, and then stabbed out with a steel chopping flash.

It took a long time for Gnar's boomerang to fly back when it was empty. The position of the wind wall that Lin Cheng turned around just wrapped Gnar in the middle. The basic attack just now was also blocked by the wind wall.

The position of Lin Cheng's wind wall was too tricky, not only surrounded Gnar but also surrounded the long-range minions next to him, preventing all their attack ballistics from falling on Yasuo.

The current situation is that Yasuo can attack Gnar inside the wind wall, but Gnar's attack cannot take effect. Gnar takes a step to the right to cross the wind wall to output.

Yasuo just retracted his knife and took two steps to stand on the left side of the wind wall. There was still a wind wall between them.

The opponent came to King Qin to circle the pillar, Gnar chose the E skill to jump to the left, stepped on the minion to distance himself, and let the minion output Yasuo.

Seeing Gnar's choice, Lin Cheng withdrew one step to the right first to kill the long-range pawn in front of him, clicked on the floor to adjust one step and then hit the melee minion, slid to Gnar and slashed down.

Don't look at Lin Cheng fighting against a wave of minions. The passive shield that entered the field helped him block a small wave of minion damage, and the wind wall blocked most of the minion damage. Now Gnar's HP is higher than him, but Not much higher either.

Moreover, Yasuo has already accumulated a whirlwind, and the Conqueror has already stacked up. Standing with Little Gnar, Lin Cheng feels that he can't lose with jio operations now.

Gnar A'ed Yasuo again and realized that the situation was wrong, so he hurriedly wanted to run down the nearest tower.

While Lin Cheng was chasing Ping A, his E skill passed Gnar, and he turned back and went down twice.

Lin Cheng's detailed judgment is still very accurate. On the premise that he is confident that the whirlwind of the Q skill will not be empty, in this case, using the E skill to adjust the body position can maximize the output.

Gnar had already entered the tower quickly, Lin Cheng threw out the whirlwind with his backhand, and shot Gnar outside the tower with precision at close range.

The dotted line appeared, and Lin Cheng decisively pressed the R key.

The Galewind Endless Slash launched.

So lei ya ga duo!

The wind howled, and the pretty boy drew his knife. Amid Yasuo's shouts full of vicissitudes, Little Gnar was pressed in the air and rubbed repeatedly.

The sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and a knife was scraped on Little Nar's body.

When it landed, the damage exploded, and Gnar was stabbed on the chrysanthemum by Yasuo, and died suddenly on the spot.

"6666 really did a solo kill with a wave of lines! I thought he was sending it off."

"Besides being ahead by one big move, but lagging behind in blood volume and equipment, how can you kill solo against the pawn line?"

"Xiu! Brother Chengzi, I blamed you wrongly. It turns out that you really didn't come to be happy."

"This wind wall is too extreme, and it took a lot of damage."

"Isn't the most coquettish thing about the seamless E that retreats? Just dodging the dart saves a wind wall, and it will play a big role later."

After completing the solo kill, Lin Cheng glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said slowly, "Apology!"


"Good guy, I've seen the anchor apologize, but you are the first one to ask the audience to apologize."

"This B is too small-minded, still remembering that the audience said he gave it away just now?"

"Laughing to death! The contempt of the king."

"Brother Cheng: Who said I gave it to you just now? Come out and admit your mistakes one by one."

Seeing the good news from the road, Keria felt nothing in her heart.

Facing the praise of Yasuo from the audience in his Twitch live broadcast room, he even wanted to laugh a little.

You guys don't know anything about this guy's Yasuo. His question is not whether he can show off online at all. It's not surprising that he shows off.

The most surprising moment is when Lin Cheng's Yasuo doesn't want to show off at all.

Of course, as a very polite little brother, Keria called 666 to Lin Cheng in time.

He knew that Lin Cheng was small-minded, if he didn't call him nice, he might secretly eat up all his wild monsters later.

Don't doubt, Lin Cheng can really do this.

(End of this chapter)

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