This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1281 Give birth to a little sister

Chapter 1281 Give birth to a little sister

Xiao Tong was a little angry.

She thought back to the last time she cooked for Lin Cheng and thought it was a bit sweet, but after eating her food in Lin Cheng's mouth, she seemed to have escaped from death.

Lin Cheng was very discerning, and when he noticed that the little wife was emotional, he quickly held her hand.

"You're kidding! I said that because I felt sorry for Xiaotong. In fact, the food you cook tastes very good."


Xiao Tong withdrew her hand angrily, gave Lin Cheng a slightly angry look, and said nothing more.

The two big ones played solitaire in the living room for a while, and then they were going to take Enxi to lunch.

"Did you buy new shoes?"

"Does it look good? Sister Shuyan helped me choose it."


Xiao Tong put on a pair of white high-heeled shoes, which are obviously the shoes of a lady in the workplace, but they go very well with Xiao Tong's slender and beautiful legs.

The slender and beautiful legs under the denim hot pants of the little wife are so white that they are dazzling, and the white high-heeled shoes reveal a touch of elegance and sexiness.

Lin Cheng was a little greedy.

Are these ordinary shoes?
Do not!These are attack speed shoes!

Imagine, the little wife wearing these shoes...
"Go! Why are you in a daze?"

"I'm obsessed with you."


The two brought Enxi to the restaurant not far downstairs, and were going to eat seaweed soup.

After sitting down and ordering food, Lin Cheng glanced at the glass half filled with ice water in front of him, and took an empty disposable paper cup from the side.

"Look at Eun Hee!"

Nie Long took the water out of the cup in one gulp, then put the empty cup to his ear, as if pouring water out of his ear.

As the cup was straightened, the mouth of the ice cream opened slightly, and the water contained outside the mouth rushed out, and was caught by the ice cream with another empty paper cup.

That picture is like ice cream ears flowing out of the mouth.

The big girl stared straight at her eyes, and Xiao Tong covered her face.

What a shame!

You're tempted to pretend you know Ice Cream.

The ice cream is really delicious.

"How? It's not interesting, is it?"

Enxi imitated the example, took a sip of water and went to the cup to vomit.

Xiao Tong was happy, "He is Xu teaching Enxi's actions!"

"Oh! Brother Cheng teaches by precept and example, is it better to be able to work hard since you are a child?"

Xiao Tong gave Bing Qi a hard look, "It's fine for a girl to be naughty, but how can a boy do that?"

Bing Qi thought for a while, "What if...we had a girl before? It must be as humorous and handsome as Brother Cheng."

"Go to hell! What nonsense is he talking about?"

Xiao Tong was so ashamed that she could do it, and angrily kicked the ice cream on the table.

The big girl blinked her eyes and said to Xiao Tong: "Sister Tong, does he hate my younger brother? Let's give Enxi a big sister!"

Xiao Tong blushed as soon as she touched it, and quickly pointed to the plate brought down by the waiter.

"The food is here, let's eat."


The big girl was distracted as soon as she got up.

Seeing Ice Cream winking her eyes, Miss Xiao stared back fiercely.

Ice Cream snickered.

"Okay! Let's eat."

The ice cream tasted a seaweed soup, which tasted very fresh.

I ordered fish and seaweed soup. Except for seaweed and fish, there is no kind of pastry similar to rice cakes.

The big girl took a sip of her beef and seaweed soup, then looked longingly at the fish balls outside the ice cream bowl.

Ice Cream scooped up a fish ball with a spoon and handed it over, the big girl opened her small mouth and whimpered to catch it.

"It's so good~~~~"

The big girl reciprocated, and also scooped up a piece of beef from her own bowl and handed it to the ice cream.

"Oh~~~ The beef outside Enxi's bowl is even better!"

The big girl quickly scooped up another piece of beef and handed it to Xiao Tong, "Sister Tong, he eats it!"

Xiao Tong opened her mouth to catch it, and gave the big girl a thumbs up to indicate that it was delicious.

The big girl's eyes narrowed into a slit, and then she asked a question that caught Xiao Tong off guard.

"Sister Tong, will he give Enxi a big sister?"

"Cough cough!"

Xiao Tong almost choked, seeing Ice Cream snickering next to you, you kicked it off the table again.

"Enxi, eat slowly! After eating, my sister will send him to school."


After dinner, the two sent the eldest girl to school.

When we broke up, Eun-hee gave up again, pitifully hugging Ice-ki's calf so that Ice-ki would come to pick you up in the morning.

When she was saying goodbye to Xiao Tong, the big girl suddenly asked again: "Sister Tong, would he give Enxi a big sister?"

Xiao Tong blushed on the spot, and hurried in as if the ground was burning her feet.

Nie Long laughed so slowly that he went crazy.

The big girl seemed to be fooled, she could easily be diverted by Xiao Tong every time, but it happened that the child was very persistent, and she had to ask again and again after thinking about it for a while.

Back home, Bing Qi fiddled with the computer in her room for a while, and Xiao Tong leisurely came over with a bucket of Lin Cheng Ling.

"Hey! What's the matter with him? Why is he still eating Lin Chengling? Don't spoil your stomach!"

Ice Cream snatched Lin Chenglin, the eldest wife, and began to unfold in a serious manner.

Xiao Tong smiled and put the spoon back out of Lin Cheng's shower bucket, "You can eat this later! You go to the bathroom first, and he will hold it for you."

After speaking, you swung your long legs and turned to leave.

Ice Cream looked up.

There is actually a lot of Lin Chenglin outside the bucket, and it seems that it has been eaten before, and it looks green.

Is that matcha flavored?

never mind!For the sake of the eldest wife's weakness, it's better for you to help you eat.

For the good of the eldest wife, I scooped a small spoonful of ice cream and pushed Lin Chenglin out of his mouth.

As a result, as soon as he let it go, Ice Cream realized that it was right.

You wipe!

That taste is so exciting!

That's wasabi Lin Chenglin!
"Xiao Tong!!!!"

Bing Qi knew that she had been duped by the eldest wife, and Nie Longling, who spat out her mouth, rushed over aggressively to find Xiao Tong to settle the score.

"Haha! Who told him to steal it by himself? Is he fooled?"

Xiao Tong laughed, extremely proud, "Sister Tong specially made mustard Lin Chengling for him, how does it taste?"

The ice cream stale slowly.

If you eat one trick, the world will live together!
I scooped up another spoonful of mustard and Nie Longling stuffed it out of my mouth, then grabbed the eldest wife and kissed her hard.

"Go away! You are... um!"

Xiao Tong agreed with all her face, but her lips were still blocked by the ice cream.

You try to bite the bullet.

If it is normal, ice cream would be mindful to quickly taste the sweet and soft lips of the big wife, and experience the satisfaction of this step-by-step strategy.

But now, the smell of mustard in his nostrils rushed straight to the top of his skull, and Nie Long also thought it was romantic, and reached out to grab the big wife's buttocks.


Xiao Tong felt that Bing Qi's little hands were acting recklessly.

The thrill of wasabi was shared between the two.

Xiao Tong sobbed happily, while reaching out to pinch Bing Qi's waist fiercely.

But gradually, the strength of your subordinates is getting stronger and stronger.

The slimy Lin Chengling gradually disappeared into the battlefield between the two, knowing who swallowed less.

That smell is very bad.

The stimulation of mustard seemed to be still lingering, and Xiao Tong was even more intoxicated by the breath of the servant.

Finally, Ice Cream let go of the big wife who was breathing slowly.

Because of the struggle together.
The ice cream leaned in again.

Seeing Bingji's approaching face, Xiao Tong's eyelids trembled, and he lowered his eyes to dare to look at me.

The ice cream quickly licked Lin Chengling off the corner of the big wife's mouth, only then did he realize that his palm was still under the big wife's buttocks.

Subconsciously squeezed again.

Xiao Tong buried her head back into Bing Qi's neck.

"Datong, shall we give Enxi a big sister?"

 Puqun has been upgraded to 2000 people!Hurry up if you want to join, don't quarrel in the group
(End of this chapter)

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