This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1285 I'm Going to Meet Him in the World Tournament

Chapter 1285 I'm Going to Meet Him in the World Tournament

Of course, Lin Cheng's dual-threaded operation still focused more on the canyon laning. In Doudizhu, he would wait until the last two seconds before playing cards in a hurry, and the players were already throwing tomatoes at him frantically.

However, Lin Cheng's mentality was very steady and he remained unmoved.

The water friends in the live broadcast room sighed one after another.

"Fucking fierce! Brother Cheng can still hold Chen to breathe while fighting landlords?"

"The two poker players are about to explode, but it's a pity that they can't type, otherwise they will probably scold dirty, 23333."

"Hurry up! I'm waiting until the flowers are dying!"

"Shouldn't the two-line operation be inherited from Brother Ba? Brother Ba will also fight against the landlord while fighting the alliance."

"But Brother Ba's head is crooked, how can he compare with Brother Chengzi?"

"Then I'm going to tell you how Mr. Ma managed to solo kill the landlord while fighting against the landlord (funny)"

"So, you never know what your teammates are doing."

"Laozi once encountered an auxiliary cat hanging on his body in a daze, and asked him to get off the A-shield, but Tama actually said that he was watching porn and his hands were empty."


Lin Cheng has not grown to the point of underestimating other high-scoring players. He only played a game of Doudizhu in the first few minutes of the laning period, and then decisively turned off Doudizhu and played the game seriously.

On the other side, Brother Breath's crocodile was disabled and did not return to the city. He wanted to find a chance to take down the line of troops under the tower.

"At this time, the opponent dare not touch me. We have reached six cards. As long as we send a signal to let the cards lean on us, Jess will never dare to come to my tower alone."

Double recovery + Doran's shield has a strong ability to resist pressure. The crocodile has already recovered a lot of Q blood after the line of troops entered the tower. Jess does not seem to have any plans to jump directly into the tower.

But when Lin Cheng controlled Jess to retreat, he suddenly turned around and swung a vertical door, accurately hitting the crocodile under the tower.

Jace accelerated into the tower.

"Don't be afraid! Pay attention to avoiding his Q skill, I have red anger to fight back!"

The breathing brother was very thin, and he pulled back two steps at the first time, allowing Jess to catch up to a deeper position.

Lin Cheng was afraid that the crocodile would dodge the hammer form Q, and he didn't go close to the melee form to punch it. He pressed his position and prepared to use the long-range supercharged charge to kill the crocodile.

Finding that the opponent didn't punch up, just at the moment when Jess clicked on the long-range basic attack, the crocodile flashed back and shot the red anger AW directly.

In this wave, as long as Jess is stunned by the red anger under the tower, the crocodile uses the two Es close to the face to open the position to prevent Jess from directly attacking Q, Lin Cheng will either dodge out of the tower, or dodge to force the kill.

However, in this position, Jess and Flash killed the crocodile and couldn't survive. It is impossible for Jess, who is only level [-], to take the damage of the crocodile and then withstand the damage of the defense tower three times.

So in Brother Breath's opinion, I won't lose money in this wave.

The crocodile's operation was very sudden, but Lin Cheng's reaction was really fast.

At the same time as the opponent flashed, Lin Cheng switched to melee combat, activated the lightning field and pressed the E skill.

Brother Breath's choice of AW as the starting hand also gave Jess a chance to operate. The crocodile's red anger W skill was successfully shot, but Jess's E skill had already started to read, and Jess still hammered the crocodile away after being stunned.

The crocodile's own blood volume was crippled, and it was evaporated directly by the continuous damage from the lightning field combined with the thunder strike.

After completing the solo kill, Lin Cheng flashed to remove the aggro from the defensive tower, without allowing himself to be replaced.

"Oh! I was killed alone!"

Old Meng gloated by the side.

Brother Xie scratched his head in disappointment, "Ah~~~ I thought too much about this wave! I shouldn't just be red and angry W, the opponent is so fast!"

Old dream: "You shouldn't eat this line, why do you think people dare not touch you?"

Brother Breath: "If you hadn't harassed me with your words, I would have avoided Jess's shot just now, otherwise I wouldn't have died with more blood."

The barrage of 60e couldn't sit still.

"It's hard to stretch! Orange Jess broke the two sides of WE with one shot, right?"

"Jess can come out of E after being stunned first?"

"Jace's E priority is exaggerated, and the EZ shift can be beaten back."

"Why didn't this wave go back to the city? They just want the blood to wave under the tower!"

"Breathe doesn't have a B, does it? If you don't die, you won't come back?"

"This wave of pure white, I, Baiyin, know that this amount of blood can't eat the line."

"As we all know, The goes down in front of the ID, and the goes down behind the ID (funny)"

Brother Breath understands the effect of the show very well. Once he was ridiculed by the old dream, he put down his harsh words, "You see, if I kill the opponent or not, it's over. Wait for my dark claw to come out and kill Jess solo."

Brother Breath understands very well. The crocodile will be very fragile in team battles with dark claws, but it has a strong online single-kill ability in the face of crispy skin like Jess and Quinn.

However, there is a problem here.

Under Lin Cheng's frenzied pressure, Brother Breath hadn't made the Dark Walker's Claw in 15 minutes, but he himself was killed twice by Lin Cheng and the blind monk.

Death Song and Cards came up to try to save the crocodile, but Jess' damage was too high, and he found that the damage was wrong as soon as he touched it, Death Song and Cards decided to slip away.

Then they don't come easily to the road anymore.

After finally holding back the Dark Walker's Claw, Brother Breath finally hid in the grass and squatted down to Jess, full of anger.

"Brothers, look out! Let's see how one set of crocodiles kills Jess who is almost two pieces alone. This wave of my anger is already dead on the opposite side."

But just as the crocodile rushed out to make a move, the blind monk came out from behind.

No surprises, although the skill damage of the angry dark-clawed crocodile is high, it will die if touched by two people.

Brother Xi took a breath, "Can't you afford it? Two people with such good equipment come to catch me a little crocodile? One still has a chance to fight, but I absolutely can't stand the two."

Old dream: "You can't bear two people? It's not good!"

The old dream has a rhythm, and the style of the live broadcast room is not right.

"Pass it on! Chen Chen can only accept one person at a time, he can't stand two."

"It seems that WE plays very traditionally, it's all 1v1? (funny)"

"Brother Breath, look at me! I'm only alone!"

"I want to piss off Brother Breath!"

"Against the heavens!"

On the other side, Lin Cheng had already surrendered the opponent while chatting and laughing with Miss Coke.

"This crocodile has something to eat! In the early stage, he had a chance to fight in a team, but he couldn't beat me in lane with a dark claw, and the team battle is completely useless. Isn't it just a toy?"

Lin Cheng's sharp comments were quickly heard by the spies in the live broadcast room.

"No! Brothers!"

Brother Breath looked serious, "I want to fight for my breath, just to win this breath, I will go to the World Championships this year to meet him for a while, and when I meet KT, I will use a crocodile, okay? I just want to ask my crocodile whether it is good or not !"

60e in the live broadcast room was already in tears.

How many years have they not entered the World Championship!
Brothers in the live broadcast room, lend your strength to breath!

Let him take WE to the World Championship!
(End of this chapter)

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