This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1291 Let Lin Cheng pay attention next time

Chapter 1291 Let Lin Cheng pay attention next time
"Ah! No licking! Are you disgusting?"

Seeing Lin Cheng's deliberate action, Zhiyan rushed forward and hugged Lin Cheng's neck fiercely.

Lin Cheng turned over with a smile and pressed her under him, stretching out his hand to tickle her.

The two romped together.

Zhiyan's naive laughter spread far and wide.

Hyomin and Juli poked their heads out from the kitchen.


Ju Li looked at Xiao Min in surprise.

"Did you listen to me just now? I've been scolding this guy for so long."

Xiao Min snorted angrily, "This guy Lin Cheng is just a philanderer...but Zhi Yan seems to really like him."


"Should we think of a way to mess them up? We can't let Lin Cheng step on a few boats."

Julie glanced at her.

Xiao Min thought for a while, "Honestly speaking, Lin Cheng is not a bad guy, and it doesn't matter if he is younger. If he continues like this, Zhi Yan will definitely be sad in the future."

Ju Li still didn't speak, her gray eyes made Xiao Min's heart flutter.

"Give me a word! Why don't we discuss it when Enjing comes over? We can't let Zhiyan suffer."

Li Juli finally spoke.

"I know what you mean, but...what's your business?"


"Just as long as Zhiyan is happy, what are we going in to mess with?"

"But Zhiyan likes him so much, it's not just for fun, she will definitely be sad in the future."

"Who knows what will happen in the future, at least it's good that Zhiyan is happy now, maybe in the future Zhiyan will kick Lin Cheng if she changes her mind?"

Xiaomin is a little numb, she can't understand the brain circuit of this sister.

Lin Cheng played with Zhiyan for a while, Zhiyan finally remembered to help in the kitchen, left Lin Cheng and ran away.

With Zhiyan's help, Ju Li resolutely runs away.

She didn't want to listen to Hyo Min's rambling anymore.

"Give me the tablet."

Seeing Lin Cheng playing games on the tablet, Ju Li unceremoniously reached out to ask for it.

"Let me finish this level first."

Lin Cheng was playing a parkour game, his attention was all on the screen, and he didn't plan to give up the tablet immediately.

"Just now Xiaomin said that he wanted to disturb Huang and you two."


Lin Cheng raised his head and stopped playing the game.

Ju Li reached out her hand, and Lin Cheng handed over the tablet.

"But I refused. It's her business that Jiyan likes you, just don't make her sad."

Lin Cheng burst into a smile all of a sudden.

He picked up his water glass and handed it over, "Sister, please drink some water."

Juli: "..."

This guy is somewhat shameless!

You know, in fact, the two of them still have a bit of a relationship, and this is the first time that Lin Cheng directly called her sister.

Although everyone is older than Lin Cheng, Lin Cheng has never directly used the name "sister" except for occasionally calling him "Sister Zhiyan".

Enjing is very familiar with Xiaomin and Lin Cheng, and he often calls them by their first names.

As for Li Juli and Lin Cheng, "Juli xi" or "Juli nuna" is the most commonly used address, at least they will have their names on the front, which will be more distinguished than others.

She stared at Lin Cheng speechlessly with her gray eyes open, and ignored Lin Cheng. Ju Li sat down and prepared to continue watching the previous movie on her tablet.

"Sister, do you want me to beat your legs for you?"

While speaking, Lin Cheng waved his fists in a gesture of hospitality.

Li Juli looked at Lin Cheng and fell silent.

"I'd better discuss it with Hyomin, we have to be responsible for Jiyeon's happiness."

"Don't! I was wrong! Tell me what's wrong, sister, and I'll change it! But it's wrong to beat a mandarin duck with a stick."


"Sister, you don't want Zhiyan to be unhappy, do you?"


Although she already knew that Lin Cheng's personality was out of tune, this was the first time Li Juli had experienced Lin Cheng's thick skin face to face, she was a little speechless and at the same time found it funny.

After listening to Lin Cheng's gags for a while, Ju Li's passive personality was triggered, and she silently put on her headphones and watched the movie.

Lin Cheng finally calmed down, glanced at Li Juli, lowered his head and started playing with Xuehua and Dobby.

These sisters-in-law really don't have a fuel-efficient lamp!
If he didn't really like Zhiyan, who would want to please the sisters-in-law like this?
After a while, Enjing also arrived. Enjing's arrival finally saved Lin Cheng from petting cats and dogs by himself.

At first, Lin Cheng thought that En Jing was a shy character, but after getting to know her well, he realized that she was actually very cheerful, and he got along well with Lin Cheng.

"Miss Enjing! Long time no see! I miss you a little bit."

"Tch! Didn't you think my legs were thick last time?"

"Where is it?"

"Barbecue shop, you drank too much last time."

"Are you kidding! Miss Enjing's black silk legs are very greedy, why don't you touch them for me?"

"Mo? What's the matter with you?"

After lunch, Lin Cheng bid farewell to everyone and returned to the base to prepare for the training match in the afternoon.

Today's training match opponent is AFS.

The playoffs are approaching, and the teams that invite KT to play training games are basically LCK mid-range teams, and the upper-stream teams will not want to play training games with KT.

And when the playoffs start two weeks later, the teams in the playoffs will start to contact teams from other regions to play training games.

In fact, the same is true for the LPL. At the end of each season, the top teams of the LPL will also start to seek opportunities to play training matches with the LCK teams.

Of course, nothing is absolute.

Some coaches like to steal the BP of their training opponents very much. When they find that the opponent's lineup is good, they copy it.

In fact, the training game is a process of copying answers from each other. It is understandable to steal BP, but once some black technology is leaked in advance, the effect is likely to be greatly reduced.

KT naturally doesn't need black technology to win, but their lineup in today's training match is still very floating. Lin Cheng's boundless hero pool gave KT the basis for experimenting with various systems.

For three consecutive training games, Lin Cheng used Thain, Aoun and Mundo respectively.

Lin Cheng has three tools. Although KT won in the end, it is obviously much more difficult than previous victories.

Especially when Little Peanut lost his way, and Lin Cheng was a tool man who couldn't lead the rhythm very well, KT's game would become more difficult.

After watching the whole training match, Kang Dongxun couldn't help feeling a little worried.

If Riot turned the World Championship into a top laner version, KT's dominance might drop significantly.

And the fist will weaken the defending champion almost every year. It is hard to say whether this year's World Championship canyon road will really become a tool man.

During the replay after the game, Kang Dongxun raised his concerns in this regard, and Lin Cheng immediately laughed out loud.

"Coach don't worry, today I'm not in good shape because I ate at my friend's place at noon."

Lin Cheng silently added another sentence in his heart: Probably this is the result of being proud in love and frustrated in the workplace!
My mind is full of thinking about Zhiyan's long meaty legs and her blurry eyes, it is inevitable that Brother Cheng is not in the mood today.

Regarding Lin Cheng's statement, Kang Dongxun fell into deep thought.

He only saw the content of the game, and really didn't think about Lin Cheng's status.


Lin Cheng is a guy who can explode C with Bobby.

The Aoun sheep passed by several times today, and Thain almost smashed through the wall, and it was indeed not at Lin Cheng's normal level.

I don't know what Lin Cheng had for lunch, let him pay attention next time.

(End of this chapter)

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