This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1298 Little Peanut: Do you want to meet my sister?

After the first wave of pawn lines, Lin Cheng went to the river in front of his opponents to place an eye on the accessories, and Kingen took the opportunity to grab the line.

Lu Xi'an, the hero's Q skill combined with the passive early damage is really high. After Lin Cheng came back, he was snatched by Lu Xi'an to the second level.

Kingen has already locked his position on the side, and at the moment of grabbing the second, he decisively handed over to E and floated two shots.

If Lucian's minion line advantage is obvious, it will be no problem to play this way, but Kingen forgets that he is not ahead of the minions by much health.

Lin Cheng also rose to the second level with his backhand supplement.

Lucian fired another shot.

Just handed in the Q skill to clear the line, and Lucian must retreat immediately after the strong attack.

However, Lin Cheng was pressing forward with the A replenishment ahead of time, and after he was promoted to the second level, the Duanpo A in his hand was directed towards Lu Xi'an.

The Taste of Blood and the Swift Footwork took a bite back at the same time, and triggered the acceleration effect.

Lin Cheng was not in a hurry to release his skills, he accelerated his position adjustment and cut down again, and immediately activated the red knife Q.

Aphelios gained speed, and the Duanpo in his hand continued to attack Lucian multiple times, and applied the mark of Tongbi to the target. This mark allows Aphelios to add an additional basic attack from a long distance.

Regardless of the weapon match, Aphelios Red Knife Q is a magical skill no matter what time period it is, because Aphelios can adjust its position when Q is released.

In this way, Red Knife Q gave Aphelios more room to operate when he was confronted by fighters and assassins.

Lin Cheng took his position and pressed forward, crossing the pawn line and driving the opponent to the front of the defensive tower.

Lin Chengshi was too careful, knowing that the opponent's Q skill should be on CD soon, just when the red knife Q was about to end, Aphelios suddenly turned around and took a step back.

Lucian just turned around and wanted to exchange blood, but suffered from short hands and couldn't reach the target.

While retreating, Lin Cheng had already cut his main weapon into Tongbi, and immediately hit the A key on Lucian with the mark on his body after using the Q skill.

The mark of Aphelios Tongbi cannot be superimposed, and the green knife can only refresh the time of the mark when the red knife has already applied the mark to the target.

But after all, Tongbi Q's ballistic needs flight time, Lin Cheng deliberately turned his head back and took two steps to distance himself. When the QA general attack knocked off the mark on Lucian's body, Tongbi just marked Lucian again.

Aphelios added another basic attack.

Lucian's blood volume is already very low.

In terms of details, I am indeed inferior to him.

The idea popped into Kingen's mind.

Originally, Lan Kai, the prince of the young player P, was going to try to catch a wave of top laners after the red game, but this wave of exchange of blood between the two top laners made him give up the idea for the time being.

"He cast his eyes on the river! You should brush first."

Kingen also knew that the jungler would not be able to help for the time being. Aphelios obviously looked at the river before the second fight just now, and the position of the pawn line was not pushed over.

Lin Cheng had the upper hand in the long-handed battle on the top lane, while the non-mainstream combinations on both sides of the bottom lane fought unexpectedly fiercely.

The junglers of both sides are in the bottom half of the zone. The AD players on both sides of the bot lane throw their skills to each other before they can get a result. First, they throw the support anger on both sides.

The HP of the two mages walking in the AD position didn't drop much, but both Thresh and the female tank were consumed by the Q skills of the two mages.

Almost at the same time, Evert flashed E decisively to swing back to Bomberman, ready to hook and cooperate with Syndra to kill.

Thresh has ignited, and Syndra's second level has control and active connection. Bomberman is really dangerous.

However, Taeyoon, as the youngest professional player in the LCK at present, has a very fast reaction speed. After being swayed by Thresh, he immediately dodged sideways to avoid the hook.

The female tank directly pointed at Mr. Dai from the E in the grass, and the Q skill stunned Syndra, and ignited it.

The bomber throws the Q skill and hits it, and strengthens the general attack A to Syndra.

Mr. Dai is very rigid. In this situation, he relied on one more healer and did not run away. QE cooperated with the original magic ball under his feet to stun the opponent's duo at the same time.

Although Syndra's blood volume was lower at the beginning, and Thresh's hook was empty, but Syndra's combat power was obviously stronger in the early stage, and Syndra Canxuela killed the Bomber first after healed.

But here comes a weird scene!
Before the bomber died, W blasted the residual blood Syndra to the front of the female tank.

Mr. Dai quickly turned back.

But, just after he flashed back, a comet fell down.

Remnant Blood Syndra was crushed to death by the arcane comet triggered by Bomberman's W skill before he died.

Yu Tong: "Hey! What kind of death is this? Flash to catch the comet! Then this wave of Taeyoon has made money instead, and Ziggs is the TP with him."

Eleven: "Actually, Ziggs' W skill conflicts with the arcane comet. If you blow up the enemy, the comet will not be able to hit it. But Deft flashed back to eat the comet after being blown up. He probably didn't notice this at all. a comet."

"Laughing to death! Isn't this Syndra's eye? Jiang Zi connected it?"

"Mr. Dai learned this from the factory manager, right?"


"Don't be embarrassing! The factory director, Ma Tafeijian, still ran away."

Lin Cheng didn't notice Mr. Dai's operation, and started to put more pressure on his opponent on the road.

When there is Tongbi in front of Aphelios, he must press Lucian hard, otherwise Lucian may turn around behind.

Lin Cheng was very particular about his laning. He knew that since the prince didn't catch the second level, the most dangerous wave on the road must be around 3 and a half minutes.

At this time, the jungler has almost finished a round, and most junglers will swing around on the opposite side of the opening field. If there is a chance, they will gank, and if there is no chance, they will squat or line up their vision.

So Lin Cheng was deliberately consuming the number of bullets in the weapon, and deliberately controlled the number of bullets for the red knife and the green knife to be relatively balanced.

After 3 minutes and 20 seconds, the pawn line got stuck outside the red square tower.

This is a relatively dangerous line. Little Peanut is already in control, and he is going to come up later to help Lin Cheng squat back.

But at the moment when Lin Cheng sent the troops into the tower, the prince walked down the river from the triangular grass ahead of time.

Lin Cheng turned around and retreated.

Glancing at the map, Little Peanut was almost in the middle of the chase, obviously he couldn't be counted on.

The position of Felios is a bit difficult to move, and Pyosik is also ruthless. The prince walked around from the side and flashed W directly to receive the basic attack, and used the red BUFF to stick to Aphelios.

Lin Cheng turned on the Red Knife Q to retreat.

But being stuck in the position, the red knife Q cannot let him pull away smoothly.

Lucian pressed over from above in advance, and when Aphelios was stuck, he turned to E and slid close to try to output.

Lin Cheng suddenly turned around and flashed forward.

Red Knife Q gave the mark to Lucian before the end.

Seeing Lin Cheng flashing each other, P's prince finally made an EQ move.

While being knocked into the air, Aphelios struck and knocked off the mark on Lucian's body.

The Duanpo Q just now has exhausted the number of bullets, and the main weapon is replaced with the falling light. This time, the general attack of Tongbi mark has the effect of falling light.

Kingen found out that Lin Cheng wanted to replace him, so he quickly retreated.

The prince's knock-up time was not long, and Aphelios took a step to the side of the landing to activate the Q skill of the falling light.

Lucian is imprisoned.

Aphelios' main hand weapon is switched to Tongbi, and the Q skill is used.

Imprisoned in place, Kingen didn't have any resilience and could only watch helplessly as the green bullet fell on his head again.

Originally, Lucian had been under the pressure of Lin Cheng in the lane, and even suffered three Qs from Aphelios mixed with basic attack damage, and his blood volume was almost empty now.

The confinement ended, and Kingen crossed flashes to pull out the limit distance of the Tongbi mark.

But the moment Lucian flashed, Aphelios had already set up his sniper rifle.

The heavy artillery from the falling light blasted out, and Lucian died suddenly.

Lin Cheng caught the bullets of the double Q, and after Tongbi Q ended, the main weapon had been replaced with Yingyan. After killing Lucian, Lin Cheng shot at the prince AQ in front of him, and then pulled back immediately.

Yingyan's Q skill will attack the target within the fan-shaped range with an off-hand weapon, AQ will cause three damages instantly and the prince will also be slowed down by the effect of falling light.

You have the red buff, and I have the falling light. Doesn't everyone slowing down each other mean that I am not slowed down?

While pulling, Lin Cheng had already switched the main weapon to the falling light, and frantically took A to retreat.

You know, the line of soldiers from the blue side has arrived just now. Although the prince burst out against a wave of soldiers and suppressed Aphelios' blood volume a lot, Lucian died suddenly without any output. After a few steps of pulling it down, Lin Cheng's blood volume was about to dominate.

Triggering the quick footwork again, Lin Cheng knew that he was going to fight back and kill two.

Little Peanut leaned in ahead of time when he hit the road, and he had already reached the mouth of the river.

"Pay attention to Peanut Butter, his E will be ready soon."


The blind monk touched his eyes, and QQ easily took the prince's head.

Lin Cheng: "???"

I just asked you to take a look at the location, how did you snatch the head?
Of course, Lin Cheng also knew that Little Peanut might not have deliberately grabbed the head.

But still very angry.

Lin Cheng was silent for two seconds, "Han Wanghao."


"Take me to your house next time."

"You want to meet my sister?"

Little Peanut's first reaction was this, because in the morning Lin Cheng was very curious about whether her sister looked like him.

Lin Cheng was furious, "I'm going to abduct your cat!"

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