This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1303 You Can't Lose Acrobats

As expected, beyond reason.

KT still won the first game.

They still won with a very snake-skin lineup.

The DRX fixed-point nuclear bomb explosion scene that the original commentary thought it did not appear in the audience.

Zoe Bubble's hit and Ryan Giggs' combo are very good to imagine, but all of this has a very important premise.


Vision is the lifeblood of a Poke lineup.

Even if you can't form vision suppression, at least you can't be completely dark.

But KT has firmly controlled the situation from the early stage, and the dominant KT is best at crowding out the opponent's vision.

This caused the DRX map to be completely dark. In this case, the DRX lineup could not take advantage of consumption at all.

More importantly, Lin Cheng's top laner, Aphelios, didn't die even once.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it's not that DRX is not aimed at the top lane, but that Lin Cheng's online handling is too good and his teammates are madly playing dogs for the top lane.

Obviously, DRX is better for the lineup, but the only two waves of small dragon groups on both sides were dominated by the green knife Aphelios.

despair!After all this, KT still can't lose?

The Korean Open audience wailed, except for KT fans.

In the second game, KT still chose a very strange lineup.

It was normal for Lin Cheng to face the crocodile on the road and choose Gnar, and his teammates started to do scientific research.

Chaowei played the mid laner Kalista, and the bottom lane duo played Bomberman + Ice, and the players on the three lines are all long-handed.

On the contrary, Maggie chose a very solid lineup down-to-earth.

In the first few minutes of this round, KT was relatively comfortable in the line, and the three routes were excellent.

But KT's lineup is too volatile, especially in the bottom lane, it is not easy to counter a hero like Titan. P youngster caught Mr. Dai and Evert in two waves and made it 0-2.

Ice + Giggs is pushed to the line and is purely jailed. In this case, the KT duo can only choose to harden their heads and top the line.

But the result of this is that the bottom lane 2V2 was played out of the line, and then the opposite middle field came to another wave of towers.

The score was 10-0 in 8 minutes, and the two brothers in the bottom lane of KT contributed all the kills.

The Korean Net live broadcast room is already boiling.

Just today?

Is KT's first defeat coming?

KT has never started with a 0-8 head ratio before.

But attentive viewers also noticed that even though they were 8 heads behind, KT insisted on biting the economic gap in the early [-]s.

DRX made a breakthrough in the bottom lane, while Peanut's Olaf relied on the top half to fight.

He knows that his gank ability is not strong, and he can only help to squat if he leans down.

Last year, Chaowei actually played Calista's mid laner under Mai Ge, and Olaf's mid-field strength is not low, and Calista's ultimate move can also send Olaf to the back in team battles very well.

Relying on the upper and middle lines to help Olaf enter the wild, Olaf in turn let Gnar eat Tapi wantonly, and the economy brought by the pressure knife and Tapi forced KT to bite the team's economy.

The two sides temporarily stalemate.

It stands to reason that ice assist vision is easy to do, but Evert's obsession with vision is too deep, and he feels uncomfortable when there is a black area on the map.

In the 17th minute, after the river vision in the second half was blocked by the opponent, the assistant did not wait for the CD of the E skill, but went to the river to ward alone after W explored the grass.

As a result, he was arrested again.

It just happened that DRX's draw fire dragon was refreshed.

At this moment, countless self-media have thought about the news headline of KT's first defeat.

"Is it cool to send death to death with cold ice against the sky?" "

"Black Technology?Bad technology! KT's stroke lineup has their first defeat this year! "

However, maybe the title has not been edited yet, and these self-media have to change their tone.

It was because of Ice's death that DRX directly activated Xiaolong.

Perhaps because there are few opponents, all DRX members gathered RUSH Xiaolong and did not deliberately go around the rear vision.

The little assistant sent back and sent back, and the eye position arrangement was not at all fussy. It happened that Lin Cheng left a back eye position in the triangle grass.

Lin Cheng's Gnar TP just got bigger when it came down, and he jumped out of his field of vision and flashed his big move to take four shots.

Blow up a single player and drop the bomb perfectly.

DRX was directly wiped out by a wave.

The situation on the field reversed.

But probably because he played too relaxedly. In 21 minutes, Lin Cheng pushed the lane and chased the crocodile. Seeing that the crocodile's E skill passed through the wall and entered the wild area, his little Gnar didn't think much about it and jumped over with his E skill to prepare Seeking a solo kill.

As a result, four people on the opposite side were waiting for him, and Lin Cheng died suddenly on the spot.

After capturing Gnar, DRX tried to activate the dragon but was consumed by Mr. Dai's bomber + ice, and finally had no choice but to give up.

Lin Cheng was also very unlucky. After being resurrected, he switched to the bottom lane and prepared to close the line. Before he had time to get his vision, he was caught by the red angry crocodile hiding in the grass. Serti, who cooperated with TP, killed Gnar again.

DRX wakes up Dalong again, the little assistant comes up and puts a W to consume for free, and Dalong falls.

Immediately, the audience in the live broadcast room who were looking forward to KT's loss became excited again.

"Not today?Just today! "

"Orange Gonar sent two consecutive waves after shocking blood C?Evert Ashe is so badass! "

"Brother Orange got the ginger corpse virus?"Shannar E leaps forward to the crowd! "

"Gods Make Mistakes!Brother Chengzi was posted by the teacher in a different place"

After the opponent took the Baron, KT's situation was indeed not good.

But it must be noted that KT's economy has not been pulled apart, especially when Lin Cheng hit four in the front, allowing Mr. Dai, who was split in the early stage, to overtake the equipment counterpoint.

Mr. Dai Luden's move to hold back his hat later paid off.

DRX tried to split-push with the dragon BUFF, but Han Bing suddenly hit Aphelios with a super long-distance move.

Mr. Dai took over.

The scientific hell cannon hit Aphelios in the center, and the arcane comet smashed down to cooperate with Luden to directly blow up Aphelios who was full of blood.

Calista decisively throws out Olaf and starts a group to keep people.

Lin Cheng's Gnar pressed forward with [-]% anger.

The output core Aphelios was killed, and everyone in DRX was defeated and fled.

The next dragon team fight.

It was Ashe who hit the crocodile with a big move first, and Giggs took the big move.

Although the crocodile has too much blood and is not seconded, it can't take over the group even if it is disabled. KT easily took Xiaolong.

When Ashe's ultimate move improved, and another super-long arrow kept Seti, Gnar and Olaf followed up and completed the kill.

The strength of KT's lineup is finally revealed.

The CD of Ashe's ultimate move is very short, and you can look for opportunities at no cost in the later stage.

If the big move hits, it's easy to open, and it doesn't matter if it doesn't, anyway, Ai Xi is not like ordinary hard-assisted teams who can't open well, so she goes in and delivers it by herself.

No one expected that the KT duo would be so eye-catching in the later stage due to the fiercest delivery in the early stage.

Magic crystal arrows are everywhere, followed by scientific hell cannons.

Any one of Giggs' ultimate moves can make the opponent unable to take the team, and KT can also choose whether to follow up according to the effect of the duo's ultimate move to fully open the team battle.

Anyway, the CDs of the duo's big moves are short, so they can be used as consumption.

torture!The follow-up time is completely a torment for DRX.

Lin Cheng didn't have to think hard about finding opportunities to go back in team fights, he just needed to get a good view with his teammates and watch the duo perform.

Evert began to whitewash with one arrow after another, and finally hit Aphelios with another magic crystal arrow at 32 minutes.

Giggs' big move is three bigger this time.

Aphelios was blown out of the magic-drinking knife's shield, and Lin Cheng didn't care that he was a little Gnar, so he went over the mountain and flashed a boomerang to keep him.

All members of KT swarmed up, easily wiped out their opponents, and took advantage of the trend to win the game

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