This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1305 Drunkard Peanuts and Drunk Camel

It was nine o'clock at the end of the evening game, and Lin Cheng followed his teammates back to the base by bus.

In the afternoon, the team members only ate some snacks and bread to pad their stomachs. Who would have thought that Lin Cheng just used Aphelios to get a pentakill today.

Old rules, pentakill treats!

After Lin Cheng ordered a sumptuous takeaway, a group of idiots ate and stuffed themselves in the lobby on the third floor of the base.

Koreans cannot have dinner without wine. Lin Cheng had two drinks under the encouragement of his teammates, but all of them got drunk.

"Hey! Take out the garbage after eating."

After Lin Cheng finished speaking, the teammates fell down on the floor in unison and began to stand up.

The scene fell down like harvesting wheat.

"Ah Xi~~~ You pretend to be me, right? Hurry up and clean up the trash!"

Lin Cheng stretched out his foot and kicked Mr. Dai.

Mr. Dai waved his hand, squinted his eyes and said weakly: "Don't touch me! Let me rest for a while."

Lin Cheng went to push Little Peanut again, and Peanut Butter just tilted his head and closed his eyes to pretend to be dead.

These guys are getting more and more thieves.

Lin Cheng also lay down and pretended to be a dead body, ready to compete with his teammates for patience.

It's like a group of people go out to eat, and the competition at the end is perseverance to see who can't help but ask for the check first.

But Lin Cheng is not a very patient person. His teammates can really fall asleep when they drink too much, but he can't.

After only pretending to be dead for 2 minutes, Lin Cheng got up cursing and began to clear the table.

"A bunch of naive ghosts, Brother Cheng doesn't care about you."

After cleaning up, Lin Cheng heard ghosts crying and howling on the way to throw out the trash.

Rushing up, I saw Little Peanut and Mr. Dai hugging each other and singing passionately with a microphone, Chaowei and Xiaofu collapsed on the sofa and applauded.

You once held back your tears for me

How hard you must have been during those years
This song is the original Korean song of "I Will Love You When You Die". The two people's ghost roars are completely different from those just now.

"You guys are too much! When it was time to clean up just now, everyone was like taking drugs..."

Lin Cheng was very angry, Little Peanut put his arms around his neck, and put the microphone to Lin Cheng's mouth.

Lin Cheng then sang: "After a thousand years, I can't forget you, because I once loved you, hoo~~~~ oh oh oh oh!!!!"

The teammates all laughed and applauded.

Lin Cheng sang very badly, but with the atmosphere so far, everyone couldn't appreciate any tune breaks, and the louder he yelled, the happier he was.

Then, a group of people turned the hall into a KTV.

The two little brothers quickly couldn't bear it and went back to the dormitory.

Without the atmosphere group, Little Peanut and Mr. Dai decided to go to the training room for a while.

Lin Cheng went back to the dormitory to rest.

Just after washing up, Lin Cheng felt uneasy again, and prepared to go to the training room to have a look in his pajamas and slippers.

Entering the training room, I found that Mr. Dai was alone.

He sat listlessly in his seat, and even started a live broadcast.


"Drank a little wine~~~ and sang songs with my younger brothers."

Mr. Dai was leaning on the back of the chair, almost unable to open his eyes, Lin Cheng quietly peeked at the barrage.

"Too cute KKKK"

"Amazingly cute! "

"Are you sure you only drank a little? "

"Is He Talking With His Eyes Closed? "

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room also noticed Lin Cheng's poking around, and greeted him one after another.

Mr. Dai was unaware of Lin Cheng's arrival.

"KTV? Not the KTV I went to! But I had a lot of fun today~~~~~"

Before Mr. Dai finished speaking, a ghostly roar sounded.

"Like being shot, oh!!!"

Lin Cheng shivered and shrank his neck, like a war horse frightened by a poisonous pen hitting the table, the barrage netizens were overjoyed.

Lin Cheng turned his head and found that Little Peanut was huddled on the floor in the corner, and was blocked by a chair just now.

On the contrary, Mr. Dai was indifferent to the voice, his eyes were half-closed and he continued to look far away.

"Han Wanghao, don't be scary like a ghost."

Lin Cheng helped Little Peanut up.

This guy also had a live broadcast on his computer, and there were more bullet screens than Mr. Dai's side.

Little Peanut rubbed his eyes, "Didn't you go to bed, Lin Cheng... Forget it! That's not important, do you want to sing with me... Forget it! You will scare away my fans as soon as you speak .”

Lin Cheng's face turned dark.

You yourself are a tone-deaf product, are you embarrassed to say me?
Glancing at the other side, Mr. Dai is like a soulless sculpture in the non-still picture.

Compared to the two drunks, Mr. Dai is cuter.

Little Peanut leaned his face in front of the screen, carefully identifying the barrage.

"I'm not drunk, just a little bit drunk, do you understand slightly drunk?"


"The goal is probably to win the championship this year, and then stay in KT with my teammates! After another two years, I should consider retiring."

Hearing what Little Peanut said, Lin Cheng wanted to laugh at first, but he couldn't laugh anymore after watching the barrage.

It was not until the barrage reminder that Lin Cheng noticed a very important message.

Peanut has debuted for seven years.

In seven years, he changed seven teams.

His entire career can be described as ups and downs.

In 15, Najin disbanded on the spot and opened the prelude to Little Peanut's wandering.

In 16, he was in high spirits just as the ROX Tigers fell apart.

In 17, he was kicked out by SKT after struggling in transition.

In 18 years, he drove high and low in KZ and encountered a team reorganization, and all contracts were terminated.

In 19, he was kicked out by GEN·G after he was completely triumphant.

In 20 years, the sluggish performance in the World Championship caused Peanut to be terminated early by LGD.

In 21 years, he joined KT.

Little Peanut only stayed in each of his teams for one year in the past, and he was a complete prodigal in e-sports, and every time he left, he never wanted to.

To be honest, there is no e-sports player who doesn't like to stay in a stable environment. Every time they change teams, they have to re-run with the new team. Not all players can adapt to this kind of wandering.

And Little Peanut has gone through it seven times.

It took more than half a year for many newly formed teams to gradually find a tacit understanding. Peanut has been able to maintain an excellent competitive level in the absence of a stable competitive environment, which is enough to show his excellence.

In such a general environment, everyone is used to this kind of frequent transfer changes, but at this moment Lin Cheng really realized that Peanut's optimistic attitude might have something to do with his experience.

If he doesn't have such a cheerful personality, it will be difficult for him to continuously integrate into the new team, and he may not be able to maintain his competitive level.

Whether it is e-sports or traditional sports, there are actually not many players who are tired of their personalities.

But if there is a choice, Peanut may hope that the original ROX did not fall apart.

"Hi~~~~ Lin Cheng, we will win the world championship this year, right? Brother Shiheng told me that you can definitely help me realize my dream."

Lin Cheng glanced at the red-faced Peanut Butter, and reached out to pat him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry! We'll win everything."

Little Peanut grinned, "Brother, next time I will introduce my sister to you."

Lin Cheng: "..."

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