This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1318 Why is this Jess doing so much damage at level 1?

After the lineup was selected, the coaches of both sides paid tribute to each other and then stepped down.

The camera is aimed at the players' seats.

Lin Cheng gave a thumbs up to the camera, and the KT fans cheered.

The camera was shown to the other side, Faker pinched his knuckles to relax his breath, while Lu Bu compared his fists to the camera, his full confidence also infected the T1 fans at the scene, cheering constantly.

Although it was just an ordinary regular season, this was a telecommunications battle.

The confrontation between two e-sports giants' old enemies.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng confidently chose the main series of Precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Joy, Perseverance, and the secondary series of Enlightenment: Magical Shoes, Biscuit Delivery.

Jess is undoubtedly the quality inspector of the top unit. A top laner who can't play Jays can hardly be called an excellent top laner, especially in the LCK where almost everyone can pick up Jess. This hero is very suitable for the LCK's pulling style of play up.

And because the mythical version of Jess also became stronger in the later stage, becoming a hero without a weak period, not only the LCK, but now the LPL Jess's appearance rate has also increased significantly.

Going out pretending to buy the Dolan sword + red potion, Lin Cheng went straight to the road and stopped the triangle grass.

The two sides started peacefully at the first level and officially entered the laning stage.

Monkey is a very popular Jess Counter on the LPL side, but it is useless on the LCK side, but Lin Cheng has not encountered this kind of matchup in RANK.

Following the soldiers to go online, Lin Cheng did not easily approach the bushes.

Level [-] Jess is actually very weak, with a fragile body and low damage, so he can cover things like crocodile Gnar with grass. Heroes with a little bit of strength basically dare to be a level [-] Jess.

Lin Cheng didn't learn any skills, so he was going to watch his opponent's moves first.

If the face-to-face monkey directly pounces first, he will learn W at the first level.

Otherwise learn Q.

The damage of Jayce's first-level learning Q and W is similar, but the speed of stacking conquerors is very different. It is very important to learn skills according to the situation.

Seeing Jess go online with the minions, Canna, who hid in the grass in advance, did not force E to come up to exchange blood, and chose to clear the minions first.

Lin Cheng was also grabbing the line with the A soldiers, and stole the monkey by the way.

Canna has no impulse and continues to maintain position A pawn.

Lin Cheng grabbed the line faster, and the soldiers had a numerical advantage.

Soon, there were four red minions and two blue minions left on the field.

But the blood volume of the two red side melee minions is not much.

Lin Cheng took the opportunity to steal the monkey again.

The monkey pressed A's disabled soldier in front of him.

Lin Cheng resolutely retreated from Q, and shot with a shock of electric energy.

Looking at the line of soldiers, the monkey's movements clearly showed that he was about to face a change of face, Lin Cheng decisively imitated Q to consume first.

Immediately after Lin Cheng's Q skill was shot, A floor, just in time for the monkey to launch E Tengyun assault.

Rushing to Jess's face, the two bloody melee soldiers were taken away by the monkey's E skill, and there was no difference in the number of soldiers between the two sides.

And Lin Cheng was full of details, and the long-range form A sneakily clicked on the monkey on the way to rush in. Just at the moment when monkey E got close, Jess cut into melee.

In Warhammer form, Jess' armor is increased, and Lin Cheng takes a step back to attack.

At this time, most Jess players may habitually use the hammer form QA to slow down the opponent and then turn back and pull.

But this is actually the worst choice. Jess's first-level melee Q damage is very low and the cooldown is long. Try to pull him away from the protruding face and don't hand in the hammer form Q first.

Lin Cheng chose to turn around and take a step away.

Jace knocked once and took two steps back.

The monkey chased fiercely.

Remember: "Hey! Fighting started on the road! The monkey's standard style of play against Jess at the first level, our LPL monkeys are all tough at the first level like Jess."

Wan Wan: "Well~~~Monkey's fighting ability is very strong. Not only is it possible to kill Jess solo after level [-], but the opponent will not dare to overwhelm Jess after level [-]."

"The main idea is to exchange blood at the first level to gain room for development. Even if the hero Monkey is pushed, he is not too afraid of being overtaken. On the contrary, Jesse's blood volume is low, and it is not easy to press. After the sixth level, Monkey will have no pressure. "

The top laners of the two sides pulled each other's scalps and retreated on the road.

Lin Cheng's A is very rhythmic, although the monkey's E skill has a good attack speed bonus, when the opponent chases him and makes A four times, Jess also returns three hammers.

Already close to the red square defense tower, the monkey can only turn back.

Lin Cheng resolutely turned around and launched Q Sky Leap.

Since Lin Cheng stole points first and stacked four layers of conqueror effects with QA, this hammer form Q directly stacked up the conqueror layers.

Although Jess's first-level Q damage is not high, but Lin Cheng deliberately Q after the Conqueror's stack is stacked up, and the damage is actually very considerable when combined with the landing level A.

The monkey's counterattack also triggers the conqueror.

But being slowed down by the leap of the sky, the monkey could only hit a stick before being pulled away by Jess.

The blood volume of both parties was very low, and they both knocked down the medicine.

Pulling two steps to the side, Jess switched to the remote form and went out with the length of his hand.

The moment the monkey got into the grass, Lin Cheng inserted a yellow ornament into it, and continued to press the position to walk A.

The characteristic of Jess is the pull of the two forms. Although the base value is low, the Conqueror and Doran Sword make up for the lack of values.

At this time, Monkey's second E was just right, and Canna resolutely turned around to fight to the end.

Monkey's E skill advances.

However, the first-level CD of Jace's cannon form Q is only [-] seconds CD, which is one step faster than the monkey's skill cooldown.

At the same time as the monkey fought back, Jess blasted out an electric surge full of conquerors.

The monkey caught the bullet with his face, and although Jess was crippled with a stick, he was directly shot to death by Jess with his backhand.

"First Blood!"

Wanwan: "It's a bit aggressive on the road, but Canna doesn't seem to be making a lot of money this time? The monkey wants to fight again... hey! Jess Q is ready! Solo kill? Monkey can be solo killed by Jess at the first level ?”

Remember: "Brother Chengzi, this Jess feels that the damage is a little higher than others! Niu Bao also used Jess level one to exchange blood a few days ago and suppressed Brother Breathing's monkey, but his Jess learned W at the first level, Cheng Zi My brother learns Q and hit a solo kill instead!"

Wan Wan: "Because Brother Cheng pulled back and forth and hit three Q damage! Although Jess is weak at the first level, he won't be bullied when he hits all three skills, right? And Brother Cheng's Conqueror card is really good, The monkeys will not be able to bear the damage of the later conquerors."

The barrage is lively.

"Hey! Is this the gold content in the world? First-level Jess kills monkeys alone?"

"This monkey is too watery! LPL monkeys are all chasing and beating Jess over the line."

"Don't be embarrassing, brother breathing, a few days ago, the first-level monkey didn't beat Niu Baojiesi."

"Fuck! How does this Jess deal so much damage?"

"I also think the damage is not normal. Why does Level [-] Jess kill monkeys?"

"This is the difference between a mortal and a god. Other people's Jess can't do it, but Brother Cheng Zi can do it!"

"It's over! Canna is convinced."

"Brother Chengzi: I can't hold fire when I meet a coward (funny)"

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