This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1325 The real person is weak?

After winning the game, Lin Cheng took off his earphones.

"Cheng! Cheng! Cheng!"

"Our KT is invincible! Fighting!"

Glancing back.

The KT fans in the first row behind him shouted Lin Cheng's ID loudly and waved support objects at him vigorously.

He even saw words like this on the support board stitched together by several fans in the front row: Please give T1 a hard beating!If we lose today, we will dance the Han River together!
This paragraph of text was put together by five KT fans holding their support signs, and Lin Cheng was stunned when he saw it.

No way, no way!

It's just an ordinary regular season, even though the opponent is T1, it's not enough to bet your life.

Of course, betting their lives is definitely just talking, and they probably also cheered for the home team in this unique way.

Lin Cheng smiled and waved to the fans, which received another burst of applause.

The T1 fans on the other side got up silently and fled the scene.

The director pointed the camera at Lin Cheng, indicating that Lin Cheng would interact with the audience.

Lin Cheng stretched out his right hand and gave a thumbs up.

Is this a weak explosion on the spot?
Even the KT fans in front of the screen were stunned for a moment.

Gori, who was weaker than the last one after defeating T1, has been violently attacked by T1 fans for several rounds. How dare Lin Cheng?
But the audience soon discovered that it was different.

In Lin Cheng's clenched fist, apart from the thumb pointing down, the index finger also sticks out to form a 7-shaped angle with the thumb, but because the index finger is not obvious from the angle facing the camera, the outline of his hand is weaker than Silas's. Burst makes no difference.

Soon Lin Cheng withdrew his right hand and placed it horizontally in front of his forehead, and placed his left hand under the eye socket in a mirror image.

In this way, Lin Cheng's hands formed a camera, with his eyes exposed in the middle.

Misunderstanding resolved.

The KT fans at the scene were also clicked by Lin Chenghuang. At first, they were excited and thought that Lin Cheng would start a war with Faker fans, but they laughed when they found out the truth.

"Damn! I still want brother Cheng Zi to be a real weakling."

"Actually, he was really planning to compare praises, but when he remembered Gori's fate, he immediately changed his actions (funny)"

"Even Brother Chengzi has to admit that he is cowardly. Teacher Dafei is really covering the sky in the LCK?"

"Brother Chengzi said: he doesn't cause trouble because he is afraid of trouble! (dog head)"

"The upvote turned into a photo in an instant, and the reaction was really fast!"

"This is the anti-gank ability of the world's number one top laner!"

"Brother Cheng: As long as I react quickly enough, I won't be able to harass me online!"

Following their teammates and bowing to the audience, the KT players returned to the waiting room.

As soon as he entered the lounge, Lin Cheng's face was covered by the falling ribbons after two crisp explosions.

"Wow!!! Another perfect season! Please keep going!"

Chi Shengxi threw down the salute and clapped his hands with a smile.

Lin Cheng tore off the ribbon from his head, "It's just the regular season. It's not the first time that we won [-] consecutive victories. Sister Sheng Xi, you made it so grand..."

After a pause, Lin Cheng glanced at the empty salute held by the coach next to him.

Hmm~~~ It's really not grand, it's just two salutes.

"Anyway, the summer split isn't over yet. Let's celebrate after winning the championship."

Kang Dongxun was very satisfied with the awareness of the team members, patted Lin Cheng on the shoulder, and helped Lin Cheng remove the remaining ribbon on his shoulder.

"In short, thank you for your hard work in the past two months! I am proud of you."

Lin Cheng nodded, "I hope the coach will say the same in half a month... What if I get caught in the final?"

Kang Dongxun rolled up the ribbon in his hand, "Then I'll stuff this in your mouth."

"Ha ha!"

A group of fools laughed.

"That's right! Kim Hyuk Kyu got five kills today! Treat!"

When Lin Cheng mentioned it, his teammates immediately reacted.

"I want fried chicken!"

"What kind of fried chicken are you eating? Nothing good! We want to eat hot pot!"

"What kind of hot pot are you eating? Nothing good! Go to the cruise ship restaurant!"

Frolicking in the lounge for a while, the staff notified the POG players to be interviewed.

Lin Cheng won the MVP of the first round, and Mr. Dai, who had five kills, was elected in the second round.

Lin Cheng and Deft walked out of the waiting room shoulder to shoulder.

"Old Dai! You're going to be stunned for today's interview."

"what happened?"

"Because the regular season is over, I will not lose a game in the next game and get all the MVPs! This is your last chance to be interviewed."

"Ha ha!"

Mr. Dai tried his best not to look at Lin Cheng, for fear of revealing the way he looked at a fool.

Today the host of the interview is Li Zhenxian, the two stood in front of the stage and greeted the audience.

Li Zhenxian: "Once again we defeated our old rival T1, and ended the regular season with a perfect record again. Let the two players share their impressions first!"

Lin Cheng signaled Deft to come first.

Mr. Dai: "Entering the playoffs with a victorious attitude is something to be happy about. Next, we will work hard to show a better competitive state in the playoffs. Thank you for your support."

Mr. Dai's victory speech was very distracting, while Lin Cheng's was much more concise.

He glanced at the empty T1 fan area and raised his eyebrows.

"T1, that's it?"

There are not many words, and the sarcasm is not small.

I don't know if it's mocking T1 for being easy to play, or mocking the arrogant T1 fans who left the field early before the game.

The KT fans at the scene suddenly boiled.

There were applause and cheers for Lin Cheng, mixed with boos for T1 fans, it was very lively for a while.

Lee Jung Hyun: "Wow~~~ It really looks like a winner! Did you hold the belief that 'we will definitely win' before today's game?"

Lin Cheng: "Yes, because of Gumayusi's provocative remarks recently, although we don't really care about them, we always hear fans mentioning them during the live broadcast. It is inevitable that we are still a little distressed."

Lee Jung Hyun smiled: "Now as the winners, the two players have the opportunity to respond positively to Gumayusi. What does Deft have to say after defeating Gumayusi himself?"

Mr. Dai held up the microphone and thought for a while, then smiled a little embarrassedly.

Lin Cheng watched anxiously from the side.

You should say something harsh!
Relatively speaking, Mr. Dai's personality is not so flamboyant, and he seldom speaks harshly during interviews. If Little Peanut would have already started to talk flirtatiously.

Even though Little Peanut is not as active as Lin Cheng, but Peanut Butter has a cheerful personality and strong language expression skills. If he really wants to say sarcasm, he is also a set of tricks.

Mr. Dai struggled for two seconds, and finally said in a low voice: "Hmm~~~ It's still the same sentence, I hope that Gumayusi will see his opponent before provoking him in the future!"

Lin Cheng was a little disappointed.

That's it?

Make you stunned!
At this time, Lao Dai should learn from the elder brother: Don't compare Gumayusi with me, it's an insult to me!

Lee Jung Hyun: "Then how will contestant Cheng respond?"

"Don't put Gumayusi and..."

After a pause, Lin Cheng suddenly felt that it was unnecessary for him to say too much as the victor, so he temporarily changed his words:
"Keep your feet on the ground and start a new life."

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