This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1328 Records of Refugee Life

Chapter 1328 Records of Refugee Life
Zhiyan and Ju Li were still discussing camping preparations, and Lin Cheng started teasing Xuehua out of boredom.

"Ah~ Open your mouth."

Lin Cheng took out a large piece of dried fish and dangled it in front of the cat.

Xuehua squatted on the table, opened her mouth and bit the tail of the dried fish.

But the jerky was hard and it was a bit hard to chew.

Seeing that it was biting but not letting go, Lin Cheng twitched the dried fish backwards, Xuehua's short legs kicked non-stop on the table, but the dried fish in his mouth was still dragging forward with the strength of his hind legs.

Xue Hua stared at the dried fish with wide eyes, and the way her short legs slid and slid was so funny.

Ju Li was attracted, "Ha! The snowflakes are so cute!"

"It's all Julioni's fault, why did you think of buying such a big dried fish?"

"I haven't tasted it, how did I know that dried fish is so hard."

The kitten was still biting the dried fish tightly, Lin Cheng shook up and down, and Xue Hua's head shook accordingly, very rhythmically.

Finally it couldn't hold back its bite and let out its mouth, and squatted down on the table.

Lin Cheng glanced at it.

Well, the dried fish has lost a little bit of fin edge, and there is a circle of tooth marks on the tail.

"You are so useless! After chewing so hard, the fish only suffered a little injury."

Lin Cheng stretched out the dried fish, and Xue Hua leaned over her head and bit the dried fish again.

It only used one side of its fangs this time, its round cheeks were slightly deformed, and its big eyes glowed with stubbornness.

It can be seen that it is working hard, and the two short legs covered with snow-white hair are trying to tear it back.

It's a pity that there is fish in the heart but not enough strength. In the end, it only bites off a small piece of dried fish.

"I guess this fish is enough for a year."

Lin Cheng carefully observed the dried fish, "No organic damage, no functional damage...Conclusion report: slight injury."

"Ha ha!"

Zhiyan's smile is low, and Lin Cheng can make her laugh with a casual joke.

But Ju Li's smile was not too high, and she grinned secretly beside her.

After teasing cats and dogs for a while, everyone finally remembered the business and went out to buy camping supplies.

After the preparations, the three got into Jiyan's Land Rover.

Lin Cheng consciously drove to the turtle island campsite in Gapyeong County, Gyeonggi-do.

The sky looked a little gloomy along the way. Hearing the wind blowing outside the window, Lin Cheng was a little worried, "Will it rain later? Zhiyan, the feng shui of your choice of campsite doesn't seem to be very good?"

Zhiyan was sitting in the back row, leaning on Juli's shoulder and playing with the tablet, while casually saying: "It's okay, it won't rain."

Ju Li said, "Lin Cheng Xi."


"See how far the nearest service station is."

"But we just came out of the service station."


After a while, she asked again, "How far is the service station?"

"Do you want to go to the toilet? Are you in a hurry?"


Ju Li responded, and then added: "It's not in a hurry."

Lin Cheng was overjoyed.

Auntie seemed a little embarrassed.

Lin Cheng didn't speak, and obviously sped up his speed.

Glancing at the rearview mirror, Ju Li whispered something in Zhi Yan's ear, with her head down, she couldn't see her face clearly.

Zhiyan: "Lin Cheng, hurry up."

Lin Cheng: "I'm approaching 100. The speed limit on this road is 100. It's too fast."

After a pause, Lin Cheng handed his half-drunk coffee to the back.

Zhiyan took it subconsciously.


"How about... use this to solve it?"

The two were taken aback for a moment, and Zhiyan couldn't help but burst out laughing.


Gritting her teeth, Ju Li thumped the back of Lin Cheng's seat, obviously resisting Lin Cheng's proposal.

After a while, Lin Cheng's voice sounded, "That, Ju Lixi~~~"

Ju Li leaned against Ji Yan and frowned secretly.


"If you don't use it, can you return the coffee, I haven't finished it yet."

Juli: "???"

Zhiyan's hahaha laughter sounded again, Ju Li's whole body tensed up, and she patted Zhiyan angrily.

The young lady's blah, almost made her tense up.

"Give you!"

Lin Cheng took the coffee, and luckily took a look in front of him: "Didn't you already take advantage of my inattention? I still want to drink."

Ju Li gritted her teeth, feeling that Lin Cheng was extremely hateful.

Ah Xiba!
I used to speak good things to you in front of Hyomin before, but in the end, neither of you can be trusted.

Although Lin Cheng didn't have a straight mouth, he had been paying attention to the location of the service station. The reason why he made jokes was to make his sister-in-law relax.

But he never thought that it might be a problem to relax at this time.

Soon, the service station arrived, and Lin Cheng immediately got out of the car and rushed to the toilet.

"Is he in a hurry?"

Ju Li was a little surprised, why is Lin Cheng more anxious than her?
Zhiyan said with a smile: "He is afraid that O'Neill will feel embarrassed, so he pretends to be like this."

Ju Li was a little taken aback, but she didn't expect Lin Cheng to be so careful.

After finishing his personal hygiene, Lin Cheng drove off again.

After five o'clock, everyone arrived at their destination.

The Turtle Island Campsite is located by the river. There are pine forests in the campsite. Not far away is the tributary of the Han River. Looking through the pine forest, the river surface reflects the sparkling waves, which is a very beautiful picture.

There were very few people camping in the camp today. Lin Chengfang looked around and found that the nearest tent was about 30 meters away from where they parked.

"Wow! It's a bit windy! Zhiyan, are you sure it won't rain?"

"No! Of course it's windy along the river! Hurry up and set up a tent."


Lin Cheng went to the trunk to get the tent, while Zhi Yan and Ju Li started to assemble the table.

The tent was not big, but it was not easy to assemble in the howling wind. It took Lin Cheng more than half an hour to put up the tent.

"Can this tent withstand such a strong wind?"

The tent cloth was constantly blown out of folds by the wind, and Lin Cheng felt a little unreliable no matter how he looked at it.

"It's okay, the car parked next to it can help block the wind."

Ju Li raised her hand, "I'm very hungry now, shall we have some instant noodles first?"

"I'm hungry too. Lin Cheng moved the table into the tent. Let's have something to eat and have a barbecue in the evening."


With such a strong wind, it is definitely impossible to make noodles outside. Lin Cheng moved the table into the tent, turned on the small lights, and the three of them got together in the tent and started making noodles.

Either the boiled Xin La noodles, or the instant noodles soaked in boiling water. Lin Cheng took the kettle from the campground administrator.

"It's ready! Lin Cheng will give it to you."

"Thank you."

Lin Cheng took the instant noodles from Ju Li's hand, looked at the shaken tent, and couldn't help sniffling.

Don't say it, it's really cold.

Lin Cheng immersed himself in taking a mouthful of noodles, Zhiyan unpacked the package of cooked eggs, peeled the eggs and threw them into his bowl.

"Is it tasty?"

"good to eat."

Ju Li rolled up a small piece of noodles with her chopsticks, which was much more elegant than Lin Cheng's boldness.

"It's blowing outside, and it seems quite warm to hide in the tent and eat instant noodles."

Jiyeon was also very satisfied, "Yes! I think so too."

Lin Cheng opened his mouth.

If you two had instant noodles for lunch like me, you probably wouldn't say this.

"Lin Cheng, what do you think?"

"Hmm~~~ I think it's a bit warmer, but don't you think this place looks like a refuge?"

The two froze for a moment, and couldn't help smiling.

The three of them huddled together on the small table in the tent. The tent was slightly shaken by the wind. Under the dim light, this small space really felt like a refuge.

"Hey! Lin Cheng look over here."

Lin Cheng bit the instant noodles and looked up.


Ji Yeon pressed the shutter.

"Haha! A memoir of refugee life."

Lin Cheng: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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