Chapter 1365: Crit
In the end, Lin Cheng stayed.

But he swears, it's definitely not because he was seduced by Jiyeon's beautiful legs in stockings.

He's just worried that they won't be able to take care of themselves after drinking.

The sisters-in-law were in good spirits, after some discussion, the five of them sat down on the living room floor and played board games.

The name of the board game is "Ultimate Showdown", which is actually a board game similar to Monopoly.

The rules of the game are relatively simple, everyone starts together, and rolls the dice to advance according to the points.

In addition to various events on the map, every time players meet on the board, a duel will be triggered, and the PK will be played through a small game with random rules. Those who win will continue to move forward, and those who lose will go back to the starting point and start again.

The five people sat down in a circle, and the oversized chessboard was unfolded on the living room floor. Zhiyan handed Lin Cheng a green villain-like chess piece.

"Hey! Lin Cheng, this is your pawn."

"I don't want the green one, give me another one."

"Why are you like a child?"

Jiyan smiled and exchanged her blue chess piece with him, "Then here's this for you, I'll use the green one."

Her words made the three sisters unable to hold back.

Xiao Min glanced at the green chess piece, touched Zhiyan's head pityingly, and then gave Lin Cheng a vicious look.

Ji Yeon:"???"

They always feel wrong.

It seems that Lin Cheng said that green has any special meaning?

Guessing fist decides the order of rolling the dice, and Zhiyan was the first to start and successfully rolled six points.

Zhiyan moved the chess piece forward six steps, which happened to trigger the event: move forward three squares.

"Haha! Walking nine steps at a time, I have already won at the starting line."

Enjing rolled a five and no event was triggered.

Hyomin rolled a three and was unlucky to rest in the next round.

Julie rolls a point, no event is triggered.

"A little bit! You are too weak."

As a result, before Lin Cheng finished laughing, he threw a point himself, and the chess piece advanced to the same square as Ju Li.

Duel triggers.

Zhiyan randomly drew two game cards from the card box and placed them in the central area of ​​the board, and the two chose one to turn over.

PK game name: Of course.

Both sides of the duel take turns to speak, and the other party can only answer "Of course", and if the answer is wrong, it will be judged as a loser.

When the two sides still have a tie after five rounds of speaking, it will be regarded as a tie and no penalty will be given.

"Ladies first, Ju Linu, come first."

Ju Li glanced at him, "Lin Cheng, you are a big carrot, right?"


Lin Cheng choked, he didn't expect this sister to speak so ruthlessly.

Zhiyan and the other two older sisters were already having fun, applauding and applauding Ju Li's sharp attack.

"Of course."

After struggling to affirm that he is a philanderer, Lin Cheng's counterattack was a little gentle, "When you dance in the team, the kayak will be smashed, right?"

"Of course."

Anyway, it has been said that paddling has been going on for many years, and Ju Li expressed no wavering on this issue.

"Do you hate Jiyeon?"


Lin Cheng sighed, and couldn't say anything about the silly look in the eyes next to him.

"Of course not."

"Ha ha!"

Seeing that Lin Cheng took the initiative to admit defeat, Zhiyan happily leaned forward and kissed Lin Cheng on the cheek, "Brother is awesome!"


The aunts booed one after another.

"Anyway, it's only one step away, and if you lose, you lose."

Lin Cheng shrugged and moved his chess pieces back to the starting point.

Start the second round of dice rolling.

Ji-yeon rolled two points.

Eun Jung rolled a six and happened to be on the same square as Ji Yeon.

The PK game drawn by two people is very simple: guessing punches.

Ji Yeon wins the boxing game and sends Eun Jung back to the starting point.

Hyomin rested this round.

Currie rolled a four.

And Lin Cheng just rolled a five, and once again started a duel with Ju Li.

Zhiyan drew two game cards from the card box and placed them in the middle of the board, and the two randomly turned over one.

PK game name: I really envy you

The two sides describe the situation starting with "I really envy you XX" in turn, and pass the timer back and forth. After 30 seconds, the side holding the timer will be judged to lose, or the party with the wrong sentence will be judged to lose in advance.

Ju Li turned on the stopwatch timer on her phone.

"I really envy Lin Cheng for being heartless all day long."

After speaking, she handed the phone to Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng immediately realized that this game was very similar to the last one.

It's a game of hurting each other.

He took the phone and said to Ju Li sincerely: "I really envy you at such an age."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked.

Jiyan opened her mouth wide, and stared at the two older sisters in horror.

Ju Liren was also dumbfounded, her gray eyes were fixed on Lin Cheng, and she forgot to pick up her cell phone for a moment.

She opened her lips slightly, the small mole on the tip of her nose made her look a little stunned, her eyes showed bewilderment, shock, anger, and disbelief.

However, although····
Is it too much to attack my sister's age?
Lin Cheng stuffed the phone into Ju Li's hand, and quickly moved back subconsciously, fearing that his aunt would throw the phone over.

At this time, Juli finally reacted.

"Hey C~~~~"

She couldn't help swearing.

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute, Ernie, don't be angry!"

Zhiyan rushed over and hugged Ju Li, "This is just a game, don't be angry with Lin Cheng."

Hyo Min and Eun Jung also came to comfort her.

Ju Li's tone was a little aggrieved, "But, he really wasn't joking at all."

Lin Cheng lowered his eyebrows and remained silent.

Well-behaved. Jpg.

In this way, because Ju Li didn't use a fixed sentence pattern for her swearing, Lin Cheng won this round of PK.

Ji Yeon ran fast, and the next duel was mainly in the second half of the team.

Lin Cheng's winning streak at the beginning had already approached Zhiyan in front, but unfortunately he was defeated in the duel with Brother Jing.

There is no way, getting the game is inherently disadvantageous to Lin Cheng.

The PK game requires both parties to make their own actions for the opponent to imitate. Enjing made a one-sided horse on the spot, and Lin Cheng resolutely conceded.

Probably Lin Cheng's behavior of attacking his sister-in-law's age was too much. Later, when encountering a similar PK, the sisters were more powerful than the other, and Zhiyan was very happy to eat melons.

After playing board games for a long time, Xiaomin drank a lot of wine after all, and after a while of high spirits, he began to get tired.

The same goes for everyone else, even Ji-yeon had a blush on her face.

She drank the least, but her drinking capacity was about the same as Lin Cheng's, and she also belonged to the kind who would drink only a few drinks.

Putting away the board game, En Jing said to Lin Cheng with a smile, "Hey! Sisters are getting ready to rest, Lin Cheng, do you have any objection to sleeping on the sofa?"

"Can I change my opinion?"

"Of course not."

"Isn't that enough?"

Zhiyan's apartment has three rooms, in addition to the two bedrooms, there is also a space for Xue Hua and Dobby to rest and play, Lin Cheng is naturally too lazy to compete with cats and dogs for a room.

In this way, Hyo Min and Eun Jung live in one room, Ji Yeon and Ju Li live in one room, and Lin Cheng sleeps on the sofa in the living room.

After waiting for a long time for the sisters-in-law to enter the room, Lin Cheng simply washed up and lay down on the sofa to play with his mobile phone.

Soon, he received a message from Zhiyan.

Lin Cheng almost rolled off the sofa.

It was a selfie under the lights.

In the photo, Jiyan has loose long hair and is wearing a white silk nightgown. Her long legs under the skirt are wrapped in black stockings.

It seemed that her cheeks were still a little red because of the alcohol, she stared at the camera with a blurred gaze, and even pulled the hem of her nightgown up a little on purpose.

She was sitting on the edge of the bed, the lace pattern on the top of the black stockings on her thighs was very eye-catching.

"Smelly brother! Want to touch?"

(End of this chapter)

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