This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1368 Outrageous cyber war!fuck the troll

Chapter 1368 Outrageous cyber war!fuck the troll

Lin Cheng was so shocked by this wave of husband and wife, he directly taught the stubborn little wife on the sofa until she was speechless.

Of course, coaxing a wife is also a technical job.

It is necessary to act both softly and hard, and take a two-pronged approach.

"Little Tong is not angry now, is she? Zhiyan also asked for IU's autograph for you. How could you even be jealous of her?"


Xiao Tong snorted softly in Lin Cheng's arms, and stopped talking.

In fact, she didn't get angry after being coaxed by Lin Cheng at first, but she didn't expect this guy to use such a despicable method.

Thinking of Lin Cheng putting on a shameful posture to force herself to forgive him at that time just now, Xiao Tong's cheeks were still burning.

Hearing the little wife's haughty snort, Lin Cheng leaned in front of her with a smile, "Hey! It seems that my little pupil still won't forgive me."

Xiao Tong's eyes trembled slightly, feeling that Lin Cheng was holding back.

"Then I have to work harder to make Xiaotong forgive me."

After finishing speaking, Lin Cheng lowered his head.

The little wife's eyes widened suddenly, and she subconsciously closed her pair of slender white silk legs.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

"Hey! Don't you think it's dirty?"

In the end, Lin Cheng completely settled the stubborn little wife with the spirit of not being afraid of getting dirty or getting tired.

It was noon, and Lin Cheng took Xiao Tong, whose legs were weak, out for a casual lunch.

In the afternoon, it was time for a date, and the two went to the park.

After flying the kite for a while, I sat on the grass and looked at the calm lake and talked about couples.

Even if you don't do anything, it's fun to be with the people you like.

After staying in the park all afternoon, the two went home to watch the game together.

As a result, while waiting for the game to start, Lin Cheng suddenly found something was wrong when he opened his INS with his mobile phone.

Countless fans asked Ait Lincheng in the comment area to express their views on the Liu Huaying incident, and many fans were asking for credit.

Lin Cheng was at a loss.

He knows who Yoo Hwa Young is, he is the one who was dubbed a troll by fans who framed Ji Yeon and her sisters in a bullying scandal.

Although the truth has been clarified, Jiyeon and her sisters did not wait for an apology from Korean fans. Liu Huaying, who has a strong family background, has turned into an actor and has developed well in recent years.

Although Lin Cheng felt bad for Liu Huaying because of Zhiyan, he didn't know this woman after all, and he didn't know what the netizen Aite himself meant.

After roughly reading the tweets forwarded by fans, Lin Cheng was even more confused.

Half an hour ago, Liu Huaying posted several tweets in both Korean and English on Twitter, pointing the finger at Lin Cheng.

The article insulted Lin Cheng without thinking, saying that Lin Cheng was a coward and homosexual who used conspiracy and tricks.

"Is this woman crazy?"

Lin Cheng couldn't help muttering something, which caught the attention of the little wife.

Xiao Tong poked his head curiously, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, a crazy woman scolded me on the Internet, I'll clarify the matter before I talk about it."

Lin Cheng began to study what happened.

If it was only Liu Huaying's tweet, Lin Cheng would definitely be at a loss, but there are still many fans of his own asking for credit below, and soon Lin Cheng understood the ins and outs.

The reason is that this morning, a twitter user with the ID Lin Cheng left a message under Liu Huaying's latest signing endorsement news: When will this ugly woman with a despicable character die?

Obviously this user is a fan of Tara in China, and greeting when the troll will die has become a standard feature in China.

Of course Liu Huaying was furious when she saw this message.

Immediately reply below: You are a dead gay, I will not die if you die.

For Koreans, being called homosexual is a very serious offense.

And this person uses the ID of Lin Cheng's name, and the profile picture is still Lin Cheng's photo. In the photo, Lin Cheng is handsome and sunny, and Liu Huaying just attacked him with homosexuality.

Then that user started spraying with Liu Huaying under Lin Cheng's identity.

This user is obviously a professional troll, and the mix of Chinese and Korean languages ​​even scolded Liu Huaying like hell.

Although she is a public figure, Liu Huaying is notorious for her bad temper. She has used insulting words to publicly insult her friends before.

Liu Huaying, who couldn't be scolded, was so angry that she immediately opened Naver and searched for Lin Cheng's information.

Finding out that Lin Cheng and Zhiyan are friends, she naturally made up a lot of things in her brain, and she even used the searched photo of Lin Cheng to send a private message to that user to attack again.

Lin Cheng's handsome appearance was directly labeled as gay by her.

The netizen with the banner of Lin Cheng was obviously also a fan of Lin Cheng, so he backhandedly sent the chat screenshot of Liu Huaying's private message attacking Lin Cheng to Lin Cheng's domestic fan group.

The orange miscellaneous were collectively excited, and those who called the Huangguan family came to make trouble along the network cable with big knives.

The sleepy people have troubled Liu Huaying before, but due to the language barrier and the network environment, they can't help Liu Huaying at all. Usually, there are people who help to manage the artist's social accounts, and Liu Huaying may not even know that someone is scolding her.

It just so happened that this time a professional Cheng Zao took the lead.

Moreover, Liu Huaying, who has just signed a new endorsement contract, is personally managing her social account, and the two sides finally confront each other head-on.

This group of oranges who came from across the country found the news that Liu Huaying announced the endorsement information to encircle and suppress.

Liu Huaying's new endorsement is the cosmetics brand Xiulihan, and the oranges flooded the comment area with messages in Chinese, Korean and English, saying that the products endorsed by Liu Huaying are rubbish, and Innisfree, endorsed by Lin Cheng, is the real conscience and cheap cosmetics.

Liu Huaying was really angry now.

This incident broke out just after getting the endorsement. How could there be a brand looking for her to cooperate in the future?

Cutting off someone's fortune is tantamount to killing one's parents.

But too many people came to make trouble. Although Liu Huaying repeatedly broke the defense, she didn't know how to fight back.

Unlike before, when only one person complained to her, it was obviously too stupid to open a map gun at this time, and it was obviously not easy for Liu Huaying to frame her in the first place.

Xiulihan is also very anxious. No brand will be happy when encountering such a thing right after signing the contract.

No matter how you look at it, it is not easy.

After careful analysis by Xiulihan and Liu Huaying's team, they came to an astonishing conclusion:

The scolding battle this time is probably not accidental, combined with the cosmetics brand endorsed by Lin Cheng, it is very likely that Innisfree has organized and premeditated a large-scale encirclement and suppression of Xiuli Han.

conspiracy!This is a commercial conspiracy!

Both parties are leaders in cheap Korean cosmetics. Innisfree is backed by Amore Pacific Group, and Xiulihan is behind LG Health Center. Neither of them is a fuel-efficient lamp.

As a result, Xiulihan's operation team also joined in, and sent several tweets accusing Innisfree of unfair competition by discrediting his family's spokesperson.

As Xiulihan was in charge of fighting with Yue Shifengyin, Liu Huaying was naturally in charge of finding trouble with Lin Cheng, and sent several tweets to complain about Lin Cheng.

Things just went in a strange direction.

After figuring out what was going on, Lin Cheng was a little speechless, but he immediately replied to Liu Huaying's Twitter with his social account.

Bad luck! (Erect middle finger)
(End of this chapter)

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