Chapter 137 Greetings

Corgi: "What? Silas? Shake it! Just shake it hard! KT's lineup is huge, so it's really hard to say how to divide the lineup now."

Eleven: "The lineup is very confusing, but KT's fault tolerance rate is too low, isn't it? Wouldn't you be honest to choose a czar for Kuro?
Although the whole Silas can be shaken when it comes out, your only AP hero still needs to enter the field, and Lucian itself has a low fault tolerance rate. Although the online looks very good, how do you play in this late stage?Silas is easy to fight Ornn online, but is it really necessary to expect Silas to enter the field in a team battle to deal with Ornn? "

Keji: "No matter how KT divides the line, this lineup must have an advantage in the early stage, otherwise KT is really hard to win."

The red side didn't care about the opponent's fancy swings, and finally locked Pan Sen with one hand.

It's a pity that DWG's Pan Sen can no longer swing, and can only be used as an auxiliary Pan Sen, otherwise DWG would be a real chopper team.

At this time, DWG must be regretting not choosing an AP jungler, otherwise if Pan Sen can swing to the middle, no matter who is on KT's side, it will be very uncomfortable.

The two sides began to exchange heroes, and finally Lin Cheng got Silas to face Ornn.

Let Kuro use Lucian to play Galio in the middle, so that the split line can maximize the advantage of KT in the middle and upper lanes.

Both teams are confirmed.

Blue square KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Liberator, Sylas)
Jungle: Bono (Prince of Demacia, Jarvan IV)

Mid Lane: Kuro (Lancer, Lucian)
Bot Lane: Aiming (Spear of Vengeance, Kalista)

Support: Tusin (Wu Hao, Seti)

Red Square DWG:

Top Road: Nuguri (The Flame of the Mountain Hidden, Ornn)

Jungle: Canyon (Void Dungeon, Rek'Sai)

Mid Lane: ShowMaker (Colossus of Justice, Galio)
Bot Lane: Ghost (Bounty Hunter, Miss Fortune)

Support: Beryl (Unyielding Gun, Pantheon)

Ke Ji: "The lineup has finally been determined. I didn't know how they would split the line until the last moment. To be honest, KT's lineup is too floating. I'm still more optimistic about DWG."

Eleven: "The last move of Silas is really not necessary. Pursuing the three-way superiority is really not necessarily easy to win the game. The opposite Pan Sen's choice is to make up for one-hand control. Silas is very uncomfortable when he enters the field. He's the only source of AP damage for KT."

Corgi: "It depends on the performance of the players on both sides. As a commentator, we can't talk too hard. After all, KT still has an advantage online. If we can snowball it, everything is easy to talk about. If the balance between the two sides drags down, it will be very difficult. gone."

"Lu Xian plus skateboard shoes, two crouching dragons and phoenixes, I don't know how KT won."

"Really, these two heroes are the kind of characters who are strong online and can't easily win the game."

"This fucking IG is reincarnated? The lineup is too floating."

"The third line takes the advantage, isn't this the idea of ​​IG's BP?"

"There is no advantage in the bottom lane, right? It's about [-]-[-]."

In terms of runes, facing Aoun Lincheng, Silas chose the main series of precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Resilience, Perseverance, and the secondary series of masters: Taste of Blood, Greedy Hunter.

The characteristic of this set of runes is that the continuous combat ability is so strong that it explodes. As long as Silas is not quickly killed by the opponent, Silas can kill seven in and seven out. However, if there is no mana flow belt, Lin Cheng needs to do a good job of mana control in the early stage .

The operation of Silas itself is not complicated, but the distance control and accuracy of skills are relatively high, which is exactly what Lin Cheng is good at.

Entering the game, Lin Cheng chose Dolan Jie and two bottles of red medicine when going out.

Both sides did not engage in any first-level routines, and each side stood in parallel to get stuck in the field of vision and started peacefully.

Bono's prince chooses to be red. If his bot lane is so strong, if the bot lane is fierce, the prince can choose the second level to catch it.

Knowing that the opponent hadn't invaded to see the jungle, Lin Cheng planned to wait in the river for a while before going online, so as to interfere with DWG's judgment of the prince's jungle route.

As a result, Aoun on the opposite side didn't go online immediately. When Lin Cheng approached the line from the river, Aoun just happened to protrude from the corner of the river wall behind, as if it came from the triangle grass.

Lin Cheng rushed forward aggressively.

Nuguri backhanded a Q skill and threw out the volcanic ditch.

Seeing Ao En raise his hand, Lin Cheng learned the E skill in seconds, and shot forward obliquely for a while.

It just so happened that Silas's breakthrough avoided the lava ravine spreading under Aoun's feet, and he took a step forward and raised his hand to Aoun to play a passive enemy ban method.

Lin Cheng even passed the melee soldiers from the red side and came over fiercely, Nuguri subconsciously wanted to fight back.

However, Silas's passivity made his attack distance reach 225 yards, and his attack speed was increased by 80%.

Aoun was caught in the attacking range for the first time, and before he took a step forward to raise the hammer in his hand, Silas had already grabbed Aoun with his second-stage E and grabbed Aoun's face.

With the short-term blow of the second-stage E, Lin Cheng was not in a hurry to attack after being pulled by the chain, and manipulated Silas to take two steps back before leveling the A shot.

As soon as Ornn landed, he saw Silas swiftly slapping him with an iron chain.

Although the knock-up of the second-stage E is very short, Silas's flight time is also very short when he is close to the face. Now Lin Cheng's operation of pulling the position back two steps immediately after landing just blocked Ornn's attack distance .

Aoun failed to raise his hand for a general attack at the first time, and when he took a step forward, he found that Lin Cheng Silas had already tapped the floor and retreated after finishing the attack.

Using the mechanism of passively increasing the attack distance and the short-term knock-up of the second stage E, Lin Cheng blocked Aoun's flat A distance in both attacks to complete the free prostitution. Now Silas let him hit the effect of the sword girl card distance .

Lin Cheng has always been good at bullying those with shorter hands than himself.

Although Silas also took some damage from the soldiers, Ornn was directly knocked out of about a quarter of his health.

After finishing the military boxing, Lin Cheng sent a gentleman penguin emoji on the way back.

Greetings when we met, I told you that Brother Cheng is a very aggressive top laner, did you write a letter now?

Nuguri gave a backhand thumbs-up, praising Lin Cheng's change of blood.

Corgi: "Well~~ The two parties are quite friendly after showing a sign. If it's Brother Shy, you can't chase after you with your Q skill and want to leave?"

Eleven: "However, as he said before the game, Cheng is really aggressive. It's actually hard to see in the game when you cross the line like this. Most of them are just looking at each other across the line It’s fine if you lose your skills, but Aoun on the other side almost tells him that Rek’Sai is popular at night, and he dares to go up to it.”

Corgi: "This guy really did a good job with the details. Ornn's Q was empty, and Silas played two passives, but he didn't get an A. Niu Bao suffered a dull loss in the first wave of confrontation."

(End of this chapter)

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