This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1372 You are not only bad, but also stupid

Chapter 1372 You are not only bad, but also stupid
After spending two days at home, Lin Cheng returned to the club to join his teammates.

In addition to the necessary promo filming for the summer finals, everyone did not relax their preparations for the finals. On the 25th, KT made an appointment with FPX for a training match.

Although the outside world believes that FPX is currently the strongest team in the LPL, Lin Cheng, who has actually played many training matches with them, is skeptical.

Perhaps it is because the training match is different from the competition, Lin Cheng always feels that FPX is not that strong.

Even if Lin Cheng plays a tank and develops peacefully with Niu Bao, Little Peanut and Chaowei's Nakano can often smash Xiaotian and Poison Coin to pieces.

Not to mention the comparison with KT, but compared with the smooth online rhythm of FPX's own middle-field linkage in S9, the integrity of this FPX seems to be a lot worse.

Even in the training match, Lin Cheng saw that Doinb swiped F6 ahead of time when Xiaotian came up in the wild, forcing Xiaotian to go shopping.

Where is the brother who promised to save the robbery?
According to FPX's team painting style, Brother Coin may have accidentally dirty wild monsters while having a bad mouth with Xiaotian.

This may be a good reflection of the relationship between teammates.

But the problem is whether he can eat C!
Lin Cheng didn't know what Brother Coin was thinking when he was playing so many wild games and still pretending to be a bastard.

Iron boots + golden body + moonstone in the generator, the card production in the coin brother training game stunned everyone in KT.

Even Chaowei can't understand it directly. The purpose of playing cannons with cards is to start a group. Brother Coin's understanding can only be said to be more team-oriented.

Of course, Doinb may also be practicing new routines in the training match.

Previously, FPX easily swept the dark horse LNG in the playoffs 3:0, and successfully entered the LPL winner's group finals. It is understandable to practice more new things.

In the other winner's bracket semi-final of the LPL two days ago, there was an upset.

WE, which started from the first round of the playoffs, defeated EDG 3:2 and sent the Galaxy Battleship into the loser group.

The starch became numb, and began to catch the ghost.

The 60e coffin panels have been blown away.

In the live broadcast room of Smiling, the singing and dancing is peaceful, the live broadcast room of the leg brother is full of joy, and all the WE celebrities are ready to open champagne.

According to this posture, even if WE cannot win the championship, it is not too much to get a place in the World Championship, right?

Even 60e has publicly announced on the Internet: CC burned his blood and went to the World Championships to prove to Brother Cheng that his crocodile is not good, let Lin Cheng wash his neck and wait.

At that time, Lin Cheng's phrase "Liu Huaying, shall I fuck you" started the rhythm.

Although the fans of each family have different joys and sorrows, they all need a channel to vent their emotions. The LPL audience who have nothing to do during the break period of the game will target Liu Huaying, which leads to "Liu Huaying, can I fuck you?" Once became the most popular entry in the country.

And Xiulihan's domestic operation has closed itself, and she took the initiative to close the Weibo comment area to take refuge.

On the 26th, Xiulihan's official Twitter announced the termination of the endorsement contract with Liu Huaying.

There was only four days between the official announcement of the signing of Liu Huaying as the spokesperson and the news of the termination of the contract.

Xiulihan's side also reacted. It was not Innisfree's campaign against Xiulihan's brand before, but because of Liu Huaying's relationship, Xiulihan's reputation was also stink.

Xiulihan's operation department is not stupid, and found that word of mouth is getting worse and worse, so they hurriedly separated from Liu Huaying.

And the contract termination statement released by Xiu Lihan was also ruthless enough, directly blaming Liu Huaying for the reason of having black spots in her character. Anyway, the blame is all Liu Huaying's and has nothing to do with our brand.

Obviously, Liu Huaying was the saddest during this period.

Not only did the newly acquired endorsement fly away, but it was also impossible for new announcements to come in for the time being.

And it's not just that, the orange miscellaneous people ran to Liu Huaying's social account every day and launched a 24-hour non-stop mental attack on Liu Huaying.

Liu Huaying lost her endorsement and had nothing to do at home, her mentality was distorted enough, she was frantically broken by netizens and disregarded her agent's dissuasion, and sent a lot of dynamic messages to complain about Lin Cheng.

But Lin Cheng ignored her at all, and concentrated on preparing for the game at the club.

The main reason is that Chi Shengxi communicated with Lin Cheng.

A large number of KT fans participated in this incident, and many KT fans threatened Liu Huaying personally. In order to avoid affecting the club's image, Chi Shengxi asked Lin Cheng not to provoke fans' emotions.

Of course, the fans' spontaneous behavior has nothing to do with Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng understood Sister Sheng Xi's work, so he didn't cause her any trouble.

But things are a bit outrageous, Mingming Chi Shengxi told Lin Cheng not to talk nonsense, when Lin Cheng went to the office to look for her, he clearly saw Chi Shengxi was using the trumpet to beat Liu Huaying.

Although Lin Cheng almost died laughing, he also felt very warm.

But things get complicated at this point.

Many backlashes followed.

Some T1 fans even pretended to be KT fans and privately messaged Liu Huaying in the name of Lin Cheng to make an offline appointment, and let Liu Huaying choose the location.

Liu Huaying really took up the challenge.

correct!Two women challenge a 'man' for a fight and things look magical.

And the T1 fan who messed up didn't hold back, and broke the news in advance.

Liu Huaying, who was sprayed because of a misunderstanding before, has already left people with the impression that she is not brainless, but this challenge made some people who eat melons think that she is innocent by nature.

Otherwise, it doesn't make sense for girls to fight boys.

Some people think that Liu Huaying's panic is just because she can't understand the abstraction of the e-sports circle, and she doesn't even know that Lin Cheng is not the person who made the appointment.

But Liu Huaying really didn't know that it wasn't Lin Cheng who challenged her?

I know for sure.

But she doesn't care, all she needs is an excuse to be popular.

There was so much traffic about this matter, she needed a chance to stand up.

Everything has two sides. Although Liu Huaying has become a street mouse on the Internet because of this incident, it does not mean that there is no opportunity in this incident.

Now it's global attention!
Because of Lin Cheng's influence, many European and American fans are eating melons intensively.

The place Liu Huaying chose for the appointment was under the building of her own agency.

Others' solos are all in wild rivers, but Liu Huaying is quite smart, so she directly makes appointments with her own spring water.

Regardless of whether Lin Cheng will come or not, when the time comes to find a reporter to report, Liu Huaying can rely on the identity of the victim to become popular in South Korea, just like when she framed Tara for bullying in the team.

It's a pity that she never expected that the T1 fan who made the appointment couldn't help breaking the news on the forum in advance.

Otherwise, she pretended to be stupid and started a temporary live broadcast to explain the situation and made an appointment with Lin Cheng. Even if she had to wait for a long time for no one to come, she could still post a simple persona, and began to seize the limelight of the whole Internet hacker and slowly reverse her image.

But now that things have been revealed ahead of time, it would be stupid for her to act like this.

The matter was left alone, but Liu Huaying was ridiculed and attacked wildly by KT fans.

There are also professionals in Chengza who saw Liu Huaying's tricks. After an analysis, everyone shouted: The troll is really talented in acting. No wonder the six girls couldn't play her back then.

Lin Cheng was stunned when he found out about the news.

Although he hates Liu Huaying, it's not to the extent that he wants a real person to PK offline.

"Liu Huaying, you are not only bad, but also stupid."

It's been a long time since I posted a post, and Lin Cheng stopped paying attention to this crazy woman.

The LCK finals are coming soon, and he is determined to win this championship.

The highest consecutive LCK championship record is SKT's three consecutive championships. No team has ever won the league championship for four consecutive seasons. This time he wants to break this record.

(End of this chapter)

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