This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1374 Zhiyan's Support

Chapter 1374 Zhiyan's Support

Of course no one ran naked, Lin Cheng was tricked by his teammates.

The reason given by his teammates was that his behavior of yelling "Lin Xiaocheng is here" in the street was really stupid. In order to prevent passers-by from mistaking this bus for a special car for a mental hospital, the teammates had no choice but to do so.

Lin Cheng was not angry either.

He only thought that this group of idiots were jealous of the popularity of Lin Xiaocheng, who was loved by everyone.

The bus sent all members of KT to the hotel. The hotel is located near the Olympic Park and very close to the final venue.

Naturally, there would be no training match today. After lunch, the players returned to their rooms to rest.

Lin Chengzhai is in the hotel and is not going to go out before the game.

The final is getting closer and closer, and the supporting lineups of the two teams have also emerged.

Let’s not talk about DK, Sunmi specially recorded a video to support Xu Xiu.

The first artist summoner to support Lin Cheng was not Zhiyan, but Tian Xiaojuan, whom Lin Cheng met on the show.

Tian Xiaojuan specially sent a video to cheer Lin Cheng up, which surprised Lin Cheng too.

Because he did not take the initiative to contact Tian Xiaojuan, and the club did not come forward to ask for help.

The last time she wrote to Lin Cheng privately that she was his fan, Lin Cheng originally thought it was a polite remark.

After seeing Tian Xiaojuan's support, Lin Cheng also sent a private letter to express his gratitude. The two agreed to have the opportunity to play games together, and by the way, asked Xiaotong for an autograph of Tian Xiaojuan's teammate Song Yuqi.

Lin Cheng felt that he was about to become the little wife's star chasing tool.

But Lin Cheng enjoyed it.

He himself doesn't even have the motivation to ask for Sun Yezhen's autograph, but if it's Xiao Tong... even if she wants the autograph of the Earth Ball, Lin Cheng has to find a way to get it.

Of course, Kim Heechul, whom he met on another show, would not support Lin Cheng.

He is a fan of Faker. Lin Cheng beat Faker to autism in the semi-finals. It would be good if Kim Heechul didn't become black and followed T1 fans to scold Lin Cheng.

Of course, when it comes to support, Lin Cheng's die-hard fan Jin Zhixian must be indispensable.

This young lady posted a selfie wearing Lin Cheng's team uniform, her long legs under the hot pants were so white that they were dazzling.

"Come on! The best top order in our family!"

Lin Cheng replied to Jin Zhixian with a heartfelt expression, which caused a burst of ridicule from the fans.

In addition, the dogleg commentary in English has to be mentioned.

It was different from the painting style of other supporters, they directly yelled for Brother Han to wash his neck and wait for Lin Cheng to cut it in the final.

"If Cheng's ID is not engraved on the LCK championship trophy this time, it is not Cheng's loss, but the regret of the championship trophy, and the loss of the entire LCK."

This bizarre remark silenced KT fans.

Fans have said that it is not possible, KT still can afford to lose.

Even Lin Cheng couldn't bear to look at the arrogant face of the English commentator.

It is rare to see someone who is more arrogant than Lin Cheng, and Lin Cheng dare not pretend to let them pretend.

Staying in the hotel room all afternoon, after dinner, Lin Cheng saw the latest videos posted by Zhiyan and her sisters on INS at the same time.

Click on the video, and Jiyeon in a white dress appears in front of the camera.

Her long hair was loosely let down, her eyeliner was painted differently than before, and her air bangs made her look very gentle.

Jiyeon looked at the camera and waved, "Brother, come on! You are the best!"

After finishing speaking, she zoomed out the camera, and the three sisters also cheered nearby.

"Lin Chengxi~~~Come on for the final!"


Following their words, background music sounded.

Ji Yeon set up the camera, and the four stood in their positions and began to dance slowly.

It is Lin Cheng's favorite song "Tiamo"

Most of their songs and dances have a clear rhythm, but Lin Cheng likes this soft and lyrical song the most. Zhiyan and her sisters specially recorded this video in the practice room to cheer Lin Cheng on.

In the video, Jiyan and her sisters are all dressed in white dresses, full of fairy spirit, and their gentle dancing posture makes them look very soft and charming.

The ultra-thin black stockings add a touch of sexiness to the fairy air.

The dance was only one part of it, but their meticulous performance did not reveal the rustiness of the past few years, and Lin Cheng was dumbfounded.

In the end, Zhiyan also made a small change to the ending, replacing the lyrics with a support for Lin Cheng.

In the 1 minutes support video, Lin Cheng didn't bat an eye.

What if we let them dance this dance in front of each other?
This idea flashed in his mind inexplicably.

There have been many comments in the comment section below.

"Ahhh!Four fairies! "

"Jiyeon's movement in circles is so gentle! "

"Brother Jing's body looks good too, it's so soft"

"Brother Orange is too happy!"The girls even danced for him to support him"

"I finally understand why Brother Cheng likes this song the most"

"Cold Knowledge: Tiamo's Italian Consciousness Is I Love You"

"Ji-yeon is already in the shape of Brother Chengzi, burst into tears! "

Looking at the sour comments in the comment area, Lin Cheng was overwhelmed with complacency.


You don't understand Jiyeon's gentleness.

Just in time, he received a message from Jiyan.

Jiyeon: My sister supported you on IG just now, go and have a look.

Lin Cheng: I have already seen it.

Jiyeon: The late support, I hope my brother will be satisfied.

Lin Cheng: Great!There is no reason not to like it.

Jiyeon: My sisters haven’t danced this dance for a long time. I practiced for a long time to record this video for you, so I posted it so late. Fortunately, I caught up.

Lin Cheng was a little moved.

He knew that Jiyeon and his sisters-in-law were very busy preparing for the album recently, but he didn't expect to find time to practice the previous dance in order to support him.

Lin Cheng: I really like it, my Zhiyan is great.

Jiyeon: (grinning teeth) Have you seen the previous stage, did you notice any difference?

Lin Cheng: (doubtful)

Jiyeon: Knowing the strange hobbies of the stinky brother, the sisters specially wear stockings this time (shy)

Lin Cheng:·····

Lin Cheng didn't tense up all of a sudden.

What kind of image does he have in the hearts of Zhiyan and her sisters?

In fact, he didn't know that when Zhiyan proposed to let her sisters wear black silk, the sisters teased for a long time, but Zhiyan didn't care so much.

"We can't go to the scene to cheer for my brother. What's wrong with wearing his favorite clothes to support?"

The way the elbows turned outward made the sisters angry again.

This Hanhan's feelings for Lin Cheng are really warm.

Lin Cheng sent messages to his aunts to express his thanks.

Brother Jing replied with an emoji of Yiqi Rabbit, while Xiaomin didn't forget to ask Lin Cheng to help him promote in the World Championship.

Only Curie ignored him.

The chat history between the two parties is still the same as last time, Lin Cheng's sentence 'Sister, you don't want Zhiyan to know what happened last night, do you? (insidious)'.

He probably knew that Ju Li was too lazy to talk to him, so Lin Cheng also stopped teasing her for the time being.

This aunt is actually very shy.

After chatting with Zhiyan for a few more words, Lin Cheng couldn't help thinking about calling her.

But just in time, the notification sounded.

Seeing Han Shuyan's name, Lin Cheng calmed down instantly.

It's over!The eldest wife came to catch the rape.

 Anyone who scolds me will be shot
(End of this chapter)

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