This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1379 The trump card debuts

This time the final short film Lin Cheng is different from the previous snarky trash talk. He directly booked the LCK's four consecutive championships to bury the glory of T1. The T1 fans in front of the screen were angry and cheered for DK.

asshole!You can't lose any more.

It really made KT and this group of brats win four consecutive championships, and we were the ones who were ridden in the face.

On the contrary, there is no fluctuation in the hearts of DK fans.

Lie flat.

The next time they were suspended for the final, even they thought that their home team had little chance of being upset.

Perhaps because they recognized the reality, the speeches of the DK players in the promotional video were not as sharp as before, and their momentum lost at the beginning.

This is the first time that the Jiangling Ice Stadium holds an e-sports event. The time required for debugging before the game is not short. After watching the short film, the commentaries in each language stream began to analyze the data.

And there's not much to say about forecasting.

The 9 guests who participated in the prediction of Korean Wave all predicted that KT will sweep DK 3:0.

In the previous finals, some people believed that DK could at least score a point, but after continuous credit overdrafts, no commentator was optimistic about them.

The long pre-match session was a bit boring for veterans, but Han Shuyan at the scene took it very seriously.

The venue is very noisy, and she needs to concentrate to hear the commentators on the big screen. This experience is actually not very good, but every time she hears the commentators praise Lin Cheng, she can't help pricking her ears up .

Finally, after a long wait, the first game of BP began.

Mr. Kang Dongxun was lucky. He defeated his opponent by tossing a coin and chose the blue side actively.

KT came on the blue side and banned the bomber first.

Although it is a bit blasphemous to AD, this version of the Bot Bomber is really annoying. KT simply presses it when he is not ready to choose it on the blue side.

The red square DK backhand disables Daomei.


Lin Cheng was so angry that he punched the table.

Although I was prepared, I was still very angry.

The eldest wife was watching the game from the sidelines, and Lin Cheng really wanted to use a knife girl.

He told Sister Shuyan about his careful thinking in designing the champion skin, and even tried to fool his eldest wife into cosplaying Black Silk Sword Girl once.

Little Peanut next to him was startled by Lin Cheng's sudden smashing of the table, so he crouched and looked over.

"Are you OK?"

"It's okay, I get angry after eating too many oranges."

Little Peanut: "???"

According to the director's habit, Daomei always likes to watch Lin Cheng's reaction after being banned, and she just caught this scene.

When the camera came across, Lin Cheng was so angry that he smashed the table, and the camera of the contestants was shaken crazily.

Although no voice was released, Lin Cheng's mouth shape in Chinese was very familiar to the audience.

Zeyuan: "Sure enough! Brother Cheng's knife girl is still not used...haha! Seems very angry! Does he seem very angry?"

Remember: "Brother Chengzi seems to want to use Daomei very much today. This reaction is a bit interesting, but the opponent will definitely not let it go. DK is not stupid."

"Laugh!Little Peanut was so frightened that he almost jumped up"

"He may have thought Brother Cheng's computer was blown up"

"Brother Cheng Zi's mouth shape is definitely Chinese"

"I reminded of Brother Ba~~~ Fuck! "

"Screen recording, Sanha's ghost animal video has new material"

"It is recommended to put Brother Orange on the screen, put the original BUG sound on the sound, and dream linkage"

"Calm down, brother Cheng is almost being played as a gangster in the ghost animal area, today I saw him dancing with Zhiyan on the homepage for a minute and a second"

"You are not bad!All I got was the minutes and seconds of Sister Zhou and the Jinlun version"

The second BAN position of the blue side KT was given to Xin Zhao.

DK backhand bans Leopard Girl.

In the semi-final against T1, Little Peanut Leopard Girl showed a strong aggressiveness. Relying on the support of her teammates, she insisted on invading the jungle at the second level and chasing Oner. The oppression brought by the square jungler still made DK give it a hand. .

The blue party then bans the stone man.

The last BAN position of DK seemed a little hesitant.

Remember: "BAN stone man! KT clearly wants to take Jess. On the current board, Jess is the top lane hero with the highest priority. Brother Orange's Jess must be respected, right?"

Zeyuan: "But there is still a problem, what about Qinggang Ying? This DK move is aimed at Jess, and Qinggang Ying must be released."

"Although we now know that the priority of the current version of Qinggangying is far lower than that of Jess, but this is Brother Cheng's Qinggangying after all! It feels too much to directly put the opponent's signboard as soon as the final comes up."

Remember: "This is also where it is difficult for the opponent to meet KT. First of all, the pressure of BP is too great. There are many heroes that Brother Cheng needs to respect, but there are only so many ban positions, especially when the opponent is on the red side, no matter how ban is uncomfortable."

Zeyuan teased: "I suggest that Riot come up with a new rule in the future. Not only can you ban heroes, but you can also ban players. If you can't beat them, just ban the opponent."

After a pause, Zeyuan added: "For example, in a BO5, the side that loses a round can ban a player from the opponent, and in the next round, the opponent must be assigned a position as a substitute. This will make it more enjoyable to watch. .”

I remember laughing: "You are too unrealistic. If the rules are changed, there must be a substitute for every position. Most teams don't have so many first-line players."

Zeyuan: "But I think this is a good thing. It can create job opportunities for more players and give more newcomers the opportunity to show their faces."

"? ? ?It's starting to open your mind, right? "

"Outrageous!They actually discussed it seriously"

"But why do I find it interesting? 23333》

"Aside from other things, this kind of rule can indeed give more opportunities to newcomers"

"This rule is definitely an epic weakening of KT"

"What should I do if I meet a player like 369?No one knows whether he is rolling a 3 or a 9 before the next game starts"

The red side struggled for a long time, and finally banned Jess in the third hand.

Start picking.

Lin Cheng didn't help his teammates grab the hero this time, and the blue square locked Qinggangying on the first floor in seconds.

"Jin Donghe, wait to die!"

Seeing that Qinggang Ying was locked, the audience suddenly burst into cheers.

As Lin Cheng's trump card hero, KT fans already feel safe once Qinggangying is selected.

Of course, the premise is that KT does not shake Qinggangying to the middle.

The legend of Chaowei Qinggangying 080 is still circulating in the Korean Internet forum.

Han Shuyan was taken aback by the sudden noise from the surrounding audience, but seeing Lin Cheng's confident look with slightly raised eyebrows in the camera, she couldn't help but clenched her fists and silently cheered Lin Cheng on.

The fans of the opponent are very happy, and Brother Hanzi is a little uncomfortable at this time.

"Ah!!! Why did he really choose? Why didn't he grab the others?"

T1 also gave KT Shadow of Green Steel before, but KT didn't grab the hero on the first floor of the blue square. DK thought that Lin Cheng would also help his teammates grab the hero this time.

Brother Hanzi has already made plans to grab Qinggang Ying in the red side.

But I didn't expect Lin Cheng to change his routine.

The Ghost Emperor comforted: "It's okay, Brother Donghe, Renekton is still outside, you can use Renekton to punch Mier."

Brother Han's voice was loud: "Are you kidding me? Camille beat me to shit when I took Renekton before."


Are you still reasonable?

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