This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1384 Brother Khan: Did I hit you?

After a while in the toilet with Brother Khan, Lin Cheng laughed.

This scene on the field was a little funny, and the big screen just cut to Lin Cheng's player shot.

Seeing Lin Cheng couldn't hold back, the audience burst into laughter.

Ignoring Gwen, Lin Cheng turned around to make up for the residual blood minion, then moved forward and got stuck next to the edge grass.

Constantly shaking his head and walking, as long as there is no residual blood soldier Qinggang Shadow, he will lean to the side, and the space for Gwen to wait for the opportunity to hear the experience is actually very small.

For more than a minute, Brother Khan was very aggrieved.

This wave of card lines is too deadly. When Qinggangying was level 5, Gwen had not yet used level 4.

Soon, Ryze in the middle road rose to level 6 and drove the blind monk to the upper road in an attempt to catch a blue steel shadow in front of the tower.

But Qinggang Shadow was right in front of the tower, Lin Cheng didn't even use the hook and lock, and when he saw Ryze's dump truck turned around a few steps, he retreated into the defense tower.

Ryze's first ult was just used to help Gwen out of the lane.

Finally pushing the line of troops into the tower, Brother Khan shrank behind to read the return journey.

At this time, Chaowei's card had circled to the front of his blue buff, and the little peanut troll stood on the exploding cone outside the blue square triangle grass.

"1, 2, 3, Zhixun's big!"

Just after Ryze disappeared from KT's field of vision, Chaowei's card deliberately delayed a few seconds to activate his ultimate move.

Fate sees the movements of all enemies.

Gwen is on the way back.

The blind monk and Ryze have already walked through the red square triangle grass, one is going to return to the middle road from the wild area, and the other is going to brush the wild.

"Catch Gwen! Gwen is alone."

Peanut knocked off the exploding cone and bounced into the river.

Lin Cheng's blue steel shadow pressed forward from under the tower.

Chaowei's cards didn't fly for the first time, and when the Troll River ran to the mouth of the river, Gwen's side lit up with a spinning deck.

Brother Khan would be back in less than 3 seconds at this time, but he didn't dare to bet that Chaowei couldn't throw a yellow card with his hands shaking.

Gwen cancels the return trip and sends E to run down the tower.

The card landed, and the yellow card pinched in his hand was thrown out.

Gwen turns on W Twist.

But Chaowei's big move was very far behind, and Brother Khan was not able to pull out of the circle.

The words that Gwen was not affected did not appear, the yellow card took effect, and Brother Khan was left outside the tower.

And the little peanut has given the column.

But it was not released at Gwen's feet, but on the line behind him.

This post was very comfortable for Lin Cheng, Qing Gang Ying didn't need to adjust to lean against the walls on both sides, just use the post to kick Gwen directly with the EWE hook.

Gwen was left behind.

You know, Gwen is only level 4 at this time, while Qinggangying is already level 6.

Lin Cheng didn't even use his ultimate move, and he directly kicked Gwen to death with two AQs with the card's damage.

DK's Ueno has already turned around, but they didn't dare to force 2-3 when Gwen was killed.

Zeyuan: "The teammates have finally helped Gwen push the line into the tower, and it will be better when the soldier line pushes Brother Khan back... hey! The cards have opened up, and we want to catch Gwen! Too much! Come back? "

"Yellow card to keep Gwen, the troll pillar...he really, I cried to death! Little Peanut's troll was chosen to be a dog for Brother Orange, right? Brother Orange needs a wall of peanuts to build, Khan Brother Zi is only level 4! How can you resist being caught like this?"

I remember: "It's too bad! Brother Khan died 6 times in 3 minutes! After being tortured for so long just now, my teammates helped Gwen to clear the line, but as a result, Brother Khan died on the road before his teammates had gone far. It was so uncomfortable. what."

Zeyuan: "I have to say that KT played very intelligently, and it happened that the time difference after catching the opponent Nakano to help push the line, Brother Khan is actually very disciplined, there is no need to go to Taobao this wave, but the cards flew over. Keep people, the troll pillar makes Qinggangying move, and it can't run at all."

In the camera, Brother Hanzi leaned on the chair and tilted his head without speaking.

Brother Hanzi was originally a more emotional person, and the word sadness was already on his face at this time.

But no way, the game continues.

Lin Cheng took Gwen's head again and still didn't have the equipment for the return trip. Brother Khan had already hit level 4 and level 7 when he came back.

Gwen could only shiver under the tower.

Fortunately, there are not many Qinggang Yinglan anymore. Lin Cheng ate the biscuits and forced to rely on two more waves. He didn't think about what he would do to Gwen by himself under the tower. He slowly pushed the line and ate it in front of his opponent. After a layer of tapas, return to the journey.

After more than 7 minutes, Lin Cheng's Qing Gangying went home with a huge sum of money and directly took out the magic.

The focus of both sides in this round was on the top lane, and the bot lane could not be played in the early stage, but KT's duo's lane power was still quite stable.

Little Peanut activated the first little dragon in the audience when Lin Cheng came home, and immediately explained that he paid attention to the following, but no one noticed the change in Lin Cheng's equipment.

The two sides were pulling for a while in the lower river, and DK finally did not dare to bite the bullet and grab the dragon.

At the moment when Xiaolong was killed, the camera was on the road.

When Lin Cheng went back, he caught the opportunity of Gwen's attempt to push the line into the tower, and Qing Gang Ying kicked it.

After the E skill was dodged by Gwen, Hex's ultimatum shot directly.

Qinggang Shadow landed on AQ, and Gwen almost seemed to be kicked on the aorta.

Gwen quickly turned on W to increase dual resistance.

But it didn't work.

The Qinggang Shadow Gods have all come out.

Brother Khan was very miserable in this game. He never developed at all during the time he was blocked by Lin Cheng. At this time, Gwen only had the Dolan sword and the Dolan ring + shoes to go out.

Lin Cheng pressed the position with a flat A, and the real damage attached to the second AQ directly kicked Gwen to death.

Remember: "Go on the road and fight! Brother Orange gave Gwen who wanted to solo kill almost full of blood... What kind of damage is this?"

Zeyuan: "He's out of his mind! It's only been over 7 minutes! This is outrageous, shoes + Dolan ring playing mythical outfit! Can it be more exaggerated? Solo kill! A mediocre solo kill. "

Remember: "Now there is a big problem. DK's lineup has an advantage in the late stage, but will the development of Brother Chengzi's Qinggangying give them a chance to play in the late stage?"

"Fuck! 7 minutes of magic?Could it be outrageous? 》

"I've only seen Draven with a blood-drinking sword for 7 minutes, opposite SKT"

"The day before yesterday, Shuizi brother RANK Jinx 4 heads and 6 minutes siren"

"AD is okay, the top order lead myth outfit really wants to eat people"

"I've only seen a broken wrist in 7 minutes, bangbang three punches killed my jungler, by the way that wrist I raised (dog head)"

At this time, Brother Khan in the player's camera is very numb.

The first time he was single-killed, he checked the equipment bar, and found that Qinggang's shadow magic instantly collapsed.

"Am I hitting you!"

In desperation, Brother Khan jumped out of the essence of studying abroad at FPX. This is the mantra of a champion when AD broke defense.

He knew that he was beaten badly in this game, but he didn't expect it to be so bad.

This ride takes less than 8 minutes.

Still in line.

What will he do next?
Brother Khan was lying on the table, buried his head and couldn't hide his loneliness.

In the past, although Lin Cheng had beaten him back and forth, he was not as ruthless as this time.

Not to mention the torture of the card line, it is also crazy to shake people.

He Jin Donghe, the world's No. 7 shaker, was killed 4 times in [-] minutes with the same shake.

Did that kid across from him take gun pills today?

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