This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1393 3:0!breakthrough

Chapter 1393 3:0!breakthrough
Zeyuan: "Qinggangying TP is very effective in retaining people. DK played 1 for 4 in the desperate situation. This wave of bounties has eaten a lot, and it seems that there is still a chance... Hey! Wei En's resurrection is also TP around the back, It’s rare for AD to go around the back, this wave has Brother Mercury Orange to operate... Wow!!! So fierce! It seems to be quadruple kills!"

Remember: "It's too hot! This Wei En covered the ID, and you said that God came, I also believe it!"

Zeyuan: "In this way, we would like to congratulate KT for entering the match point with 2:0 in two cities first, and even the dragons in this round have not yet had the opportunity to work."

Remember: "It's a pity! I think the lineup chosen by DK has a lot of ideas. I'm still looking forward to seeing the team battle Qinggangying cooperate with Zoe and Bomberman's fixed-point blasting screen in the later stage. As a result, this lineup was defeated early on."

Zeyuan: "The hole in the top lane is still too big. Can you believe that Wayne reached the high ground in 11 minutes? The other lanes are still in the first tower and the lane has already reached the high ground. How do you let your teammates play?"

"I have to say that Brother Chengzi is too perverted today! No, let's really choose Teemo for Brother Hanzi. Teemo is very strong in lane, and Brother Chengzi can prevent Teemo from gaining experience in stealth?"

"It's too cruel, this Wayne hits four times three times in a row like a ghost"

"I was killed by Wei En on the high ground in 11 minutes, if my teammates have already started spraying"

"Brother Hanzi's first pot, a blood forcefully sent to start raising a big dad"

"On the road blown up like this, teammates don't put the keyboard on Brother Hanzi's head? "

"Don't be embarrassing!Brother Hanzi would be fine if he didn’t paste the keyboard on Canyon’s face.

"Do you understand the charm of Shan Wei En on the ultimate swing?Brother Chengzi still wants to play games after getting a strong counter opponent? "

"The second child just licks hard, what does it mean to believe in God?Isn't Wei En stronger than Brother Zaozi? "

"After all, he is a man with a void series skin, which is a treatment that other players do not have"

"This is the art of interpretation. Although the gods are buried, the believers are still jumping. "

2:0, KT is very close to creating history for four consecutive league championships.

The KT fans at the scene were enthusiastic, cheering and waving the support sticks in their hands, and the stage was surrounded by a shaking fluorescent ocean.

The KT players were quite calm, and they didn't celebrate with champagne at halftime. They walked off the stage and returned to the waiting room with relaxed faces.

Soon, the third game began.

In this round, DK's BP on the blue side was very unexpected. Their top three BANs still released Qinggang Ying.

Everyone was dizzy.

They didn't know whether Brother Hanzi wanted to snatch Qinggangying again and was beaten violently, or if he gave Qinggangying to Lin Cheng and was also beaten violently.

Has anyone else fallen countless times in a pit?
The blue side snatched Jess this time.

The first floor of the red square KT decisively locked Qing Gangying in seconds.

Lin Cheng is very confident today, he doesn't even know why his opponent dares to do such a suicidal BP.

"Is the DK coaching staff crazy?Dare to play Qinggang Shadow? "

"Brother Chengzi in this state, if you get Qinggangying, you can blow up everything"

"If you don't know, Danny has a grudge against Brother Hanzi. I'm afraid Brother Hanzi's funeral is not grand enough, right?Two games were killed in double figures"

"Brother Hanzi doesn't really plan to retire after this game, does he?No more World Championships? "

In the follow-up BP, DK's thinking was finally clear.

They took the upper middle field of Jess + Leopard Girl + Crocodile in the first three hands.

DK's confrontation strength in the upper half is full, but it is also very hard, and it can't play the advantage and send it directly.

Even though Jess is very strong in the late game, DK's first three moves are destined to only play in the upper half. It is unlikely that the bottom lane will give the Ghost King a big core, so the blue side in the upper half must play the upper hand.

Sure enough, in the second round, DK chose the Bron+EZ hybrid line when Bomberman was banned.

And KT's lineup is very stable, with the sideband of Qinggangying + Ryze, and Mr. Dai in the bot lane has got the big core Jinx and the auxiliary Tamm. There are advantages.

After entering the game, the situation on the field was relatively calm at first.

Brother Han Zi was also the world's No. [-] Jess at any rate. Lin Cheng didn't play too recklessly when Jess held the line. He was pushed to the line at the beginning of the road.

And the blind monk of Little Peanut knew that Leopard Girl would go to the wild in the lower half, and entered the opponent's upper wild early to try to counter the wild.

However, Canyon did not brush the most time-consuming stone man in the early stage. After Hongkai played F6, he turned directly to it, just in time to catch the blind monk who had finished his skills against the wild.

The teammates on the line couldn't support him, and Peanut was chased in the wild for a long time and still didn't run away.

The top jungler has a keen sense of smell, and after the first wave of killing Peanut, Canyon immediately leaned down.

Leopard Girl first went to the center to help the crocodile push a wave of lines, and under the cover of Xu Xiu, controlled Xiahe Crab.

Knowing the information that the opponent is going down, Peanut has to go to his own lower jungle area to keep the blue BUFF when he is resurrected, while Canyon immediately turns around and invades the upper jungle area after taking down the river crab to defeat a group of stone men, and then control the river crab.

The wild area of ​​​​the blind monk is a bit fried.

Being caught by the opponent to clear the wild route means that the success rate of GANK will be lower.

Little Peanut came up in the second wave to help Lin Cheng catch Jess, but Canyon had already squatted in the side grass ahead of time, and Little Peanut came up and sent Jess' head angrily.

In the early stage, KT's rhythm fell into a disadvantage.

Zeyuan: "Hey! KT was a bit of a mess in the early stage of this round! DK finally got an advantage against KT in the early stage, it depends on how they snowballed."

Remember: "The main reason is that the follow-up impact of Peanut's first wave of anti-jungle is too great! The early development of this lineup is just fine. It's really unreasonable for teammates to go to the Leopard Girl jungle to go against the wild without line rights."

Little Peanut made two waves of tricks, and when the situation on the court was not very good for KT, a shopping rush broke out on the road in 6 minutes.

The blood volume of the top laners on both sides is not considered healthy. Seeing that Qinggangying entered his killing line, Brother Hanzi's Jess suddenly shot through the minions in Q flash E, blasting Qinggangying.

Jessie hammered it up.

Lin Cheng's reaction was really fast.

Qinggang Ying jumped high, Hex ultimatum to avoid the Q damage of Jess' hammer form, and the basic attack that came with landing immediately hit the passive shield.

Jace's two blows under the extreme attack speed all hit the shield.

Lin Cheng fully utilized the shield close to his body, activated his Q skill and kicked out at the moment of the general attack again, while the Grip of the Immortal healed, the WE hook wall was opened to adjust its position, and the outer edge of the tactical sweep accurately hit Jess.

Without giving the opponent a chance to interrupt with an E, Lin Cheng directly kicked Jess with an E to stun him, and the second stage AQ completed a solo kill.

Qinggangying's passive deception is too strong, when Brother Hanzi's Q flash E hit, everyone thought that Lin Cheng was going to be killed alone, but in the end it was Lin Cheng's counter-kill.

"Handsome, Chengbao! This show is so good!"

Peanut Butter, who was shopping, immediately started calling.

He knew that it was up to Lin Cheng C again.

Little Peanut himself has always been an unpredictable jungler. When he plays C, his rhythm explodes, and he looks like an actor, but being a teammate with Lin Cheng is not a problem.

Our Chengbao is so spicy!
Although there is a duality between gods and ghosts, Little Peanut is still very good at protecting his father.

Even if the hero of the blind monk is blown up in the wild, the threat to the line is still there, and Little Peanut, who has found his way, starts to live on the road.

Canyon's leopard girl is still developing as a wild core, but Peanut is different.

Let's develop!I hang out with dad, I don't believe you can squat behind Jess all the time.

The revived Jess didn't dodge, and was quickly caught and killed by the two brothers.

DK hit the road and blew up the line again.

Finding a breakthrough, Little Peanut continued to attack hard, relying on the upper half of the field to find opportunities and prepare to engage Jess.

Jess didn't dare to push the line anymore at this time, and surrendered the right to the line.

Qinggangying has the right to wire, and Ryze's ultimate move can support him, even if he encounters a blind monk with Leopard Girl in the Ueno area, he will not be afraid.

Little Peanut became arrogant again, and seized the opportunity to slap Canyon.

The strength of DK's upper half is very high, but the problem is that the support speed can't be compared with KT's. After Canyon suffered a loss in the upper half, they chose to rely on the lower half.

However, the pressure the two sides put on their respective opposite halfs is not the same.

Brother Hanzi was crazily jumped over the tower.

It is too difficult for Leopard Girl to cooperate with EZ+Bron to surpass Jinx+Tam.

Although Leopard Girl has a good time in the jungle area and Canyon has developed well, she does not pose a great threat to online Jinx.

The crocodile + Leopard Girl's mid-field strength is very high, but in essence, the crocodile is too cumbersome to support the side lanes. Xu Xiu forcibly cooperated with his teammates to get down the tower and was replaced by Jinx. S has exploded.

In fact, at this time, DK is doomed to be very difficult to win the game.

Although they frantically raised the bottom lane and suppressed some of Jinx's development, Jess, who was supposed to be the core of the strategy, was beaten to the point of crying on the top lane.

After Lin Cheng Qinggangying took off, the rhythm quickly radiated to the middle and lower half. It was obvious that DK still had the advantage in the first 6 minutes, and KT had already taken the lead in 14 minutes.

Even in the bottom lane, because Ryze opened up and led a wave of blind monk support, the pioneer kept Jinx and ate a wave of tapi, and after that, Mr. Dai's economy even came to second place in the game.

The top lane exploded, but the bottom lane was not suppressed. It was just that the leopard girl was ahead of the blind monk by a little economy. DK's rhythm was already very bad.

After that, Peanut didn't get dizzy again. After Lin Cheng's Qing Gangying was released, KT was almost like two more junglers leading the rhythm, and the situation on the field completely fell to KT's side.

In the end, KT successfully flattened the opponent's base at 24 minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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