This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1400 More and more excessive

Chapter 1400 More and more excessive

Sister Seo Yeon has beautiful legs.

The small ankles are wrapped in transparent black silk, revealing an elegant curvature, the thin silver chains on the ankles glitter and reflect the light continuously, and the small heart-shaped crystal pendants are pure and eye-catching.

The hazy and alluring black stockings formed a strong contrast with the silver anklets, which made Lin Cheng stare blankly.


Han Shuyan shrank her feet shyly, ignoring Lin Cheng and turned her head to watch the TV.

Lin Cheng smiled and asked, "Sister Shuyan didn't wear stockings just now... This is a gift for me to win the championship, right?"

"certainly not!"

The eldest wife has also learned the stubbornness of the little wife.

"Hmph! I don't care! Anyway, I like it very much!"

Lin Cheng was too lazy to argue with Sister Shuyan, so he hugged her horizontally.

"Ah! You let me down!"

Han Shuyan put her arms around Lin Cheng's neck subconsciously, and buried her head in Lin Cheng's chest.

"do not want!"

Lin Cheng lowered his head and kissed Sister Shuyan's forehead, "Can I carry Sister Shuyan to bed?"

Han Shuyan didn't speak, but hugged Lin Cheng's neck tightly as if she wanted to bury her head in his chest.

The corners of Lin Cheng's mouth were slightly raised, and he held his girlfriend in high spirits.

There should be BGM at this moment: "Good Day"

As a result, just as Lin Cheng turned around, Han Shuyan's cell phone on the sofa rang.

"Ah! The phone is ringing! Put my sister down!"

Han Shuyan was already very shy, but when she heard the ringtone, she struggled suddenly.

Lin Cheng was helpless, "Really! Which guy is so annoying? Call at this time..."

While complaining, Lin Cheng obediently put his girlfriend down.

Han Shuyan picked up the phone and turned on the screen with a smile on his face.

"It's your little wife! Do you hate it too?"

"Even if it's my little wife... it's still not cute to call at this time."

After Lin Cheng finished speaking, he quickly shut his mouth when he saw Sister Shuyan connected the phone.

"Hey~~~Xiao Tong!"

Han Shuyan's voice was very gentle, and she turned on the speakerphone.

"Sister Shuyan! Have you had dinner yet? Lin Cheng is too busy celebrating with his teammates to ignore you, right?"

Hearing the little wife's inconsiderate guess, Lin Cheng frowned and was ready to refute it.

Han Shuyan quickly covered her boyfriend's mouth with her hand, gouged him out angrily, and signaled not to quarrel with Xiao Tong.

"Eat it! Ah Cheng ate it with me."

"Oh! Even if this guy has a conscience, Sister Shuyan will help me congratulate him."

"Ah Cheng is right next to him, do you want to talk to him?"

"No! I have nothing to say to him."

Xiao Tong's stiff mouth made the two of them look at each other and smile, as if that lively and lovely girl was right next to them.

"Hey! Sister Shuyan, it seems that Lin Cheng confessed his love to you on stage, how do you feel?"

"No way, you are not allowed to make fun of my sister."

As soon as the words fell, Han Shuyan felt her calf was touched.

When she looked up, she saw her boyfriend's claws sneakily touching her calf.

Han Shuyan shrank her legs, and gave Lin Cheng a warning look.

Lin Cheng winked at her, and cheekily reached out and grabbed his girlfriend's legs and put them on his own, caressing them recklessly.

Han Shuyan was sitting on the sofa with both legs being taken by her boyfriend. It would be a little tiring to straighten her upper body and keep her balance in this position.

Angrily, she tried her best to put on a fierce expression, but when she heard Xiao Tong acting like a baby on the other end of the phone, she still talked to Xiao Tong very gently.

Lin Cheng snickered.

Han Shuyan's calf is well-proportioned and elastic, and it feels very explosive under the silk stockings. Lin Cheng is almost beautiful.

The black stockings add a touch of hazy temptation to her beautiful legs. Following the curve of the well-proportioned calf, the thin silver chain hanging on the delicate ankle wrapped in black silk is particularly eye-catching. The thin silver chain body constantly reflects Under the light, it is even more dazzling against the black stockings.

Her calf was gently rubbed by her boyfriend, and Han Shuyan's jade feet trembled slightly under shyness.

On the chain, a small heart-shaped crystal pendant swayed gently with the trembling of the owner's feet, and the light flickered, which was thrillingly beautiful against the black transparent stockings.

Lin Cheng subconsciously looked at the back of his hand.

It's a pity that the pattern I drew on the back of my hand with a signature pen today has been washed off.

Lin Cheng leaned over and fiddled with the pendant.

Her boyfriend's childish actions made Han Shuyan want to laugh, and after taking a look, Han Shuyan stopped caring about him.

"Tomorrow, Ah Cheng and I are going to watch the sunrise, do you want my sister to call and wake you up? Let's watch the sunrise together..."

Lin Cheng didn't know why, but felt that his girlfriend's ankle wrapped in black silk was particularly beautiful, especially after wearing the silver bracelet, the elegant, delicate and slightly seductive feeling caught Lin Cheng's attention.

He secretly took off the disposable hotel slippers on his girlfriend's feet.

Han Shuyan's feet are very beautiful, slender and delicate. The overall line is thin and smooth under the silk stockings. The stockings on the toes are collapsed and become more transparent. It is faintly visible that the delicate pink toes are arranged in a patchwork order.

The slippers were suddenly taken off by her boyfriend, Han Shuyan gave Lin Cheng a helpless look.

Just in time, Lin Cheng leaned over and kissed his girlfriend's delicate ankle lightly.

"Ah! You..."

Han Shuyan made a sound in shame and indignation.

On the other side, Xiao Tong thought Han Shuyan was talking to her, "What's wrong with Sister Shuyan?"

Facing Lin Cheng's complacent gaze, Han Shuyan bit her lip lightly.

"It's nothing, Ah Cheng is making trouble here."

"Oh! This guy Lin Cheng usually jumps up and down all day long, sister Shuyan, don't get too used to him, you have to be taught a lesson, this guy just listens to you, if you don't care about him, he will go to heaven... "..."

Hearing the young wife nagging the eldest wife to teach him a lesson, Lin Cheng, who was still very proud just now, crumbled.

The corners of Han Shuyan's mouth were slightly raised, and the gentle smile in her eyes seemed to flow like water waves.

Seeing Sister Shuyan's suppressed smile, Lin Cheng raised his eyebrows, then lowered his head to meet her gaze.

Although his girlfriend's ankles are very beautiful, Lin Cheng changed his target this time.

Han Shuyan's eyes widened.

This guy is getting too much!
Han Shuyan felt shy just looking at it, and subconsciously shrank her toes in an attempt to avoid it.

"Sister Shuyan, remember to go to Jeongdongjin Railway Station to take a look. It is said that it is the closest railway station to the sea in the world. Why don't you just take the train back to Seoul? This kind of date is very romantic, right?"


"Sister Shuyan, are you listening?"

"Well, I'm listening."

As if deliberately against his girlfriend, Lin Cheng suddenly sucked softly.

Han Shuyan trembled violently.

On the ankle, the exquisite silver chain constantly reflected the light of stars, and the unsupported heart-shaped pendant swayed gently in the air, just like Han Shuyan's mood at the moment.

Woo~~~ This guy is so annoying.

Han Shuyan covered her cheeks with her hands, for fear of meeting Lin Cheng's eyes suddenly.

Xiao Tong's voice was still coming from the mobile phone that was put aside.

"Sister Shuyan, do you remember what I just said? It's rare for you to go to Jiangling once, and you must go to those interesting places with Lin Cheng."

"Hmm~~~ Got it."

"What's wrong with your voice? Did Lin Cheng upset you?"

"No, my sister is thinking about the topic you just said."

"Huh? The topic I talked about just now? Which one is it?"

Xiao Tong was a little puzzled, not knowing what Sister Shuyan meant.

Han Shuyan gritted her teeth: "My sister is thinking about how to teach that troublesome guy Ah Cheng a lesson!"

(End of this chapter)

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