Chapter 1403 Dating Daily
The two frolicked for a while, and finally went out at nearly half past five.

The hotel's terrace is huge, and at this time, the sea in the distance has already glowed with rays of light.

The gap between the sea and the sky seems to be rendered by a gradient color. The clear blue sky slowly penetrates a ray of orange-red rays. The dividing line between the sea and the sky is separated by half of the blue and half of the orange, and the blue-purple color seems to overlap in the middle, which is dreamy and charming. .

"so beautiful!"

Han Shuyan was attracted by this gorgeous scene, and looked at the sky in a daze.

Lin Cheng stared straight at the side face of the eldest wife in the morning light, "It's really beautiful."

Spotting Lin Cheng's gaze, Han Shuyan reached out and turned his head to the sea.

"What are you looking at me for? Watching the sunrise."

"But I think you look better."

"Cut! You will say something nice."

Han Shuyan gave Lin Cheng a blank look, and turned her head away deliberately not to look at him.

The corner of her mouth curled up secretly.

There are many swing chairs painted in various bright colors on the wide terrace. Lin Cheng leads his girlfriend to sit on them and enjoy the changing colors of the sky leisurely.

The swing swayed slightly, and the sea breeze blew Han Shuyan's long hair, brushing Lin Cheng's cheek from time to time.


"not cold."

Lin Cheng reached out his hand to stop his girlfriend's shoulder, and brought her into his arms.

"No! You're cold."

Han Shuyan gave him a funny look, and didn't refute, leaning in Lin Cheng's arms obediently and watching the sunrise.

Gradually, the color of the sky became brighter and brighter, and the orange color gradually became darker.

Finally, a small disk appeared on the surface of the sea in the distance.

Han Shuyan stood on the edge of the terrace, stretching out her hands sideways to make a false cup. From Lin Cheng's perspective, it looked like the fiery red sun was being held in her palms.

Lin Cheng took out his mobile phone to record the scene.

Then he held the phone in his right hand and held out his left hand.

"Sister Shuyan, let's compare our hearts."

"Aren't you childish?"

Han Shuyan muttered, but still leaned against Lin Cheng and stretched out her right hand.

The two clasped their hands together and compared their hearts, and the rising sun was in the middle of the closed heart shape.


Lin Cheng looked at the screen with satisfaction, "This photo is great, what do you think, Sister Shuyan?"

"Well, not bad."

Lin Cheng rolled his eyes, grabbed his girlfriend's shoulders, and raised his hand to cut the lens of the phone into the front camera.

"Hey! With such a beautiful sunrise as the background, of course we need to take a romantic kiss photo."


Before Lin Cheng pouted and kissed her, Han Shuyan turned around and ran away with a smile on her face.

Lin Cheng put down his phone and went after him.

"Don't run! Give me a kiss."


The two played and chased after each other, and in the end Lin Cheng caught his girlfriend and got his wish and took a kiss photo under Zhang Chaoyang.

The time for sunrise is actually very short, and when the sun rises completely, it is impossible to look directly at it. The two went back to the room to tidy up contentedly, and then went out to have breakfast.

It was less than seven o'clock at this time, and the hotel's breakfast had not yet started, so they could only go out for food.

Even though he has been in Korea for so long, generally Lin Cheng is not used to eating rice for breakfast.

But last night after a big battle and getting up early to watch the sunrise, Lin Cheng was really hungry and didn't bother to be picky. The two casually ordered some tender tofu soup, sauce crab and scallion pancakes in a small restaurant that opened .

If you don't know what's delicious in the store in Korea, ordering soft tofu soup is not bad anyway.

Probably because the Caotang Tofu Village they went to yesterday is really famous. The restaurants in Zhengdongjin are all selling tofu under the name of Caotang Tofu.

Compared with the tender tofu soup eaten in Seoul, Lin Cheng found that the tofu in Jiangling was more broken, and the taste of the tofu eaten today was also spicier, and it could even be said to be very spicy.

Lin Cheng was fine, Han Shuyan couldn't eat that spicy food.

"It's so spicy!"

After eating for a while, Han Shuyan's eyes were already filled with water vapor, and she opened her mouth slightly to inhale as if it was too hot.

"Ouch! I won't be able to eat spicy food when I come home with me. We Sichuanese are also very good at spicy food."


Han Shuyan bit her lip, hesitated and took another large spoonful of tofu soup into her mouth.

"Woo~~~ It's really spicy!"

The hot tofu soup and the hot taste made her almost shed tears.

Lin Cheng felt a little distressed.

"Fool! I'm just kidding with you. In fact, there are people in Sichuan who don't eat spicy food. Although I have a strong taste, my mother doesn't like spicy food very much. You will definitely get along."

Han Shuyan quickly took a sip of ice water, pouted her mouth and complained: "I hate it! Don't make such jokes with my sister again."

Seeing that this gentle big sister looked like a cute little girl in front of him, the corners of Lin Cheng's mouth curled up.

And she really cares about herself.

Lin Cheng had a hunch that taking Shuyan back home would mean that his family status would be -1.

Not necessarily... After all, I have a lot of wives, and it may not be as simple as reducing my status by 1.

Knowing that eating spicy food is not a necessary condition to meet Lin Cheng's family, Han Shuyan gave up the tofu soup with peace of mind and concentrated on dealing with sauce crab and scallion pancakes.

Based on the principle of not wasting, the tofu soup left by Sister Shuyan naturally went into Lin Cheng's stomach.

After breakfast, the two went to visit the Time Museum recommended by Xiaotong.

Lin Cheng had no interest in the museum itself, but everything seemed to become more interesting with Sister Shuyan. The two held hands and looked at the exterior of the museum in the shape of an old-fashioned train, and they could talk for a long time.

At noon, seafood noodles for lunch.

It is said to be sliced ​​​​noodles, with plenty of ingredients.

There are all kinds of shellfish in the soup base. It took five or six minutes for the waitress to squat next to them and help them remove the shells with scissors and tweezers.

Before the noodles were served, Lin Cheng asked, "That's right! Can I add abalone to the soup base?"

"Yes, it's written in the menu, how much do you want to add?"

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "Just add it! I can eat it. I heard that Jiangling's abalone is of good quality and very nourishing."

Han Shuyan blushed, what nonsense are you talking about? "


Lin Cheng looked bewildered.

The waitress held back a smile.

After reacting, Lin Cheng quickly explained, "Don't get me wrong! I didn't mean that, Sister Shuyan, you I still need to eat abalone to make up for it?"


Han Shuyan stuffed a piece of seafood cake into Lin Cheng's mouth angrily, and she lowered her head and played with her phone in embarrassment.

Lin Cheng curled his lips, seeing that the waitress was struggling so hard, he couldn't help but said:

"Laugh if you want to, don't work too hard."

"Sorry, that's not what I meant."

"It's okay, you can mean whatever you want, we don't mind."

Listening to the conversation between Lin Cheng and the waiter, Han Shuyan couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth.

No wonder this guy is very popular because of his personality.

(End of this chapter)

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